

Din sökning på "*" gav 185271 sökträffar

Projekt för att digitalisera svensk industridata beviljas 1,3 miljoner kronor

Published 21 March 2018 Ragnar Söderbergs stiftelse finansierar projekt vid Stockholms och Lunds Universitet En framgångsrik digitalisering resulterar i ett unikt dataset som kastar nytt ljus på svensk industrihistoria. Planen är att göra datasetet offentligt, och bedömningen är att det kan bli internationellt uppmärksammat och användas i historiska studier av industrialisering.Läs mer här.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/projekt-att-digitalisera-svensk-industridata-beviljas-13-miljoner-kronor - 2025-03-19

The Alzheimer's Prevention Registry: A Large Internet-Based Participant Recruitment Registry to Accelerate Referrals to Alzheimer's-Focused Studies

Published 21 October 2020 Recruitment for Alzheimer's disease (AD)-focused studies, particularly prevention studies, is challenging due to the public's lack of awareness about study opportunities coupled with studies' inclusion and exclusion criteria, resulting in a high screen fail rate. Read more at https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32920626/

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/alzheimers-prevention-registry-large-internet-based-participant-recruitment-registry-accelerate - 2025-03-19

Improving hypertension surveillance from a data management prospective: Data requirements for implementation of population-based registry

Published 22 October 2020 Hypertension (HTN) has become a major public health problem which can cause serious complications when it is not well-controlled. Prevention and effective care of HTN require a population-based registry. Thus, establishing this registry can be used to collect comprehensive, timely, and reliable data on epidemiology cases. The aim is to create a registry for the collection

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/improving-hypertension-surveillance-data-management-prospective-data-requirements-implementation - 2025-03-19

Costs of diabetes complications: hospital-based care and absence from work for 392,200 people with type 2 diabetes and matched control participants in Sweden

Published 22 October 2020 The risk of complications and medical consequences of type 2 diabetes are well known. Hospital costs have been identified as a key driver of total costs in studies of the economic burden of type 2 diabetes. Less evidence has been generated on the impact of individual diabetic complications on the overall societal burden. The objective of this study was to analyse costs of

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/costs-diabetes-complications-hospital-based-care-and-absence-work-392200-people-type-2-diabetes-and - 2025-03-19

Mortality in first- and second-generation immigrants to Sweden diagnosed with type 2 diabetes: a 10 year nationwide cohort study

Published 23 October 2020 Non-Western immigrants to Europe are at high risk for type 2 diabetes. In this nationwide study including incident cases of type 2 diabetes, the aim was to compare all-cause mortality (ACM) and cause-specific mortality (CSM) rates in first- and second-generation immigrants with native Swedes. Read more at https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32979073/

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/mortality-first-and-second-generation-immigrants-sweden-diagnosed-type-2-diabetes-10-year-nationwide - 2025-03-19

Longitudinal prediction of falls and near falls frequencies in Parkinson’s disease: a prospective cohort study

Published 23 October 2020 Several prediction models for falls/near falls in Parkinson’s disease (PD) have been proposed. However, longitudinal predictors of frequency of falls/near falls are poorly investigated. Therefore, we aimed to identify short- and long-term predictors of the number of falls/near falls in PD. Read more at https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00415-020-10234-6

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/longitudinal-prediction-falls-and-near-falls-frequencies-parkinsons-disease-prospective-cohort-study - 2025-03-19

Epidemiology, bacteriology, and clinical characteristics of HACEK bacteremia and endocarditis: a population-based retrospective study

Published 24 October 2020 The objective was to describe the epidemiology, bacteriology, clinical presentation, risk factors for endocarditis (IE), diagnostic workup, and outcome of patients with bacteremia caused by the non-influenzae Haemophilus, Aggregatibacter, Cardiobacterium, Eikenella, and Kingella genera (HACEK). A retrospective population-based cohort of patients with bacteremia collected

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/epidemiology-bacteriology-and-clinical-characteristics-hacek-bacteremia-and-endocarditis-population - 2025-03-19

SES inequalities in cause-specific adult mortality: a study of the long-term trends using longitudinal individual data for Sweden (1813–2014)

Published 24 October 2020 Higher socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with lower mortality, and this correlation has been confirmed using different indicators across several geographical settings. Nevertheless, the timing of the emergence of the SES gradient remains unclear. We used individual-level longitudinal data for a regional population in southern Sweden covering the period between 1813

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/ses-inequalities-cause-specific-adult-mortality-study-long-term-trends-using-longitudinal-individual - 2025-03-19

Opposites Attract: Assortative Mating and Immigrant–Native Intermarriage in Contemporary Sweden

Published 25 October 2020 This paper studies how immigrant–native intermarriages in Sweden are associated with individual characteristics of native men and women and patterns of assortative mating. Patterns of educational- and age-assortative mating that are similar to those found in native–native marriages may reflect openness to immigrant groups, whereas assortative mating patterns that indicate

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/opposites-attract-assortative-mating-and-immigrant-native-intermarriage-contemporary-sweden - 2025-03-19

Psoriasis is Associated with a High Comedication Burden: A Population Based Register Study

Published 25 October 2020 A large body of evidence supports the association between psoriasis and concomitant diseases. However, the study of comedication for these diseases in patients with psoriasis is limited. The current study aimed to investigate the prescription and drug dispensation for comorbidity associated with psoriasis. Read more at https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13555-020-

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/psoriasis-associated-high-comedication-burden-population-based-register-study - 2025-03-19

The association between sociodemographic characteristics and dementia in patients with atrial fibrillation

Published 26 October 2020 We studied AF patients ≥ 45 years in Sweden 1998-2012 (n = 537,513) using the Total Population Register for socio-demographic factors, the Swedish Cause of Death Register, and the National Patient Register (NPR) for incident dementia. Cox regression with hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) was used for the association between exposure and outcome, adjusti

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/association-between-sociodemographic-characteristics-and-dementia-patients-atrial-fibrillation - 2025-03-19

Mammographic density changes during neoadjuvant breast cancer treatment: NeoDense, a prospective study in Sweden

Published 26 October 2020 We prospectively included 200 breast cancer patients assigned to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) in the NeoDense study (2014–2019). Raw data mammograms were used to assess MD with a fully automated volumetric method and radiologists categorized MD using the Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS), 5th Edition. Logistic regression was used to calculate odds rati

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/mammographic-density-changes-during-neoadjuvant-breast-cancer-treatment-neodense-prospective-study - 2025-03-19

Risk of Recurrent Disease 6 Years After Open or Robotic-assisted Radical Prostatectomy in the Prospective Controlled Trial LAPPRO

Published 27 October 2020 Conclusive evidence of superiority in oncological outcome for robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy (RALP) over retropubic radical prostatectomy (RRP) is lacking. Read more at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666168320351235

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/risk-recurrent-disease-6-years-after-open-or-robotic-assisted-radical-prostatectomy-prospective - 2025-03-19

Neighborhood socioeconomic status and aortic stenosis: A Swedish study based on nationwide registries and an echocardiographic screening cohort

Published 27 October 2020 Aortic stenosis (AS) is the most common valvular heart disease in developed countries, confers high mortality in advanced cases, but can effectively be reversed using endovascular or open-heart surgery. We evaluated the association between AS and neighborhood socioeconomic status (NSES). Read more at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167527320334124

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/neighborhood-socioeconomic-status-and-aortic-stenosis-swedish-study-based-nationwide-registries-and - 2025-03-19

Polymorphism in killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors and human leukocyte antigen-c and predisposition to preeclampsia in Ethiopian pregnant women population

Published 28 October 2020 Preeclampsia (PE) is a human specific pregnancy-related syndrome of unknown etiology that affects 2–8 % of pregnancies. Polymorphism in maternal Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptors (KIRs) and the ligand fetal Human Leukocyte Antigen-C (HLA-C) may predispose pregnant mothers for PE due to defective trophoblast invasion into the maternal decidua. Our study aimed to in

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/polymorphism-killer-cell-immunoglobulin-receptors-and-human-leukocyte-antigen-c-and-predisposition - 2025-03-19

Social class and fertility: A long-run analysis of Southern Sweden, 1922–2015

Published 28 October 2020 This paper examines social class differences in fertility, using longitudinal micro-level data for a regional sample in Sweden, 1922–2015. Using discrete-time event history models, we estimated the association between social class and parity-specific duration to next birth, adjusting for household income in separate models. Social class was associated with fertility quite

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/social-class-and-fertility-long-run-analysis-southern-sweden-1922-2015-0 - 2025-03-19

Perceived job strain among Swedish occupational therapists with less than 10 years of work experience

Published 29 October 2020 In this cross-sectional study, a web-based survey was sent to 345 occupational therapists with less than 10 years of work experience, with 252 responding. Data was collected using the Swedish Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire and questions on job strain and sociodemographics. Read more at https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/11038128.2020.1817544

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/perceived-job-strain-among-swedish-occupational-therapists-less-10-years-work-experience - 2025-03-19

Patient-reported outcomes of joint-preserving surgery for moderate hallux rigidus: a 1-year follow-up of 296 patients from Swefoot

Published 29 October 2020 Hallux rigidus (HR), which affects approximately 2% of the population, can be graded based on the severity of the disease (Lucas et al. 2015, Lam et al. 2017, Galois et al. 2020). Beeson et al. (2008) conducted a literature review of the existing multiple classification systems where the system promoted by Coughlin and Shurnas (2003) was deemed to have the most reliable g

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/patient-reported-outcomes-joint-preserving-surgery-moderate-hallux-rigidus-1-year-follow-296 - 2025-03-19

Improvements in esophageal and gastric cancer care in Sweden-population-based results 2007–2016 from a national quality register

Published 30 October 2020 The Swedish National Register for Esophageal and Gastric cancer was launched in 2006 and contains data with adequate national coverage and of high internal validity on patients diagnosed with these tumors. The aim of this study was to describe the evolution of esophageal and gastric cancer care as reflected in a population-based clinical registry. The study population was

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/improvements-esophageal-and-gastric-cancer-care-sweden-population-based-results-2007-2016-national - 2025-03-19