

528023 sökträffar

Cultures of Denial : Comparing Holocaust and Armenian Genocide Denial

This thesis studies the phenomenon of modern genocide denial, focusing in particular on the Western denialist cultures surrounding the Holocaust and the Armenian genocide of 1915.While those denying, rationalizing or trivializing the Holocaust may be completely separated from those engaging in denial of the Armenian genocide, both cultures of denial have undergone similar historical phases and dev

Understandings of understanding: An inquiry concerning experiential conditions for developmental learning

This thesis is about understandings of understanding and has developed from previous research on study skill and conceptions of learning among participants in various forms of education. The purpose was to investigate understandings of understanding as a phenomenon and the significance of understanding of understanding for learning. The investigation involved 101 persons between 12 and 75 years of

Functional Data Analysis of Tongue Articulation in Palatal Vowels: Gothenburg and Malmöhus Swedish /i:, y:, u-:/

This study used Functional Data Analysis (FDA) to analyse tongue articulation dynamics, more specifically the height and frontness of the tongue body and tip in the palatal vowels /i:, y:, u-:/ of two varieties of Swedish. Articulatory data were collected from nine speakers each of Gothenburg and Malmöhus Swedish. Standard z-score transformations were used for speaker normalisation. Results showed

Sikhs in Europe : Migration, Identities and Representations

Sikhs in Europe are neglected in the study of religions and migrant groups: previous studies have focused on the history, culture and religious practices of Sikhs in North America and the UK, but few have focused on Sikhs in continental Europe. This book fills this gap, presenting new data and analyses of Sikhs in eleven European countries; examining the broader European presence of Sikhs in new a

Cell activation and nerve regeneration following peripheral nerve injury

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund Varje nervskada, oavsett orsak, utgör ett stort problem för den drabbade individen och slutresultatet är i regel dåligt. Personerna som drabbas av nervskador är ofta i arbetsför ålder. Rehabilitering efter en nervskada medför vanligtvis lång sjukskrivning och ibland måste patienten skolas om till ett nytt yrke. Detta innebär stora kostnader för både individen The effect of short time vibration exposure and tourniquet compression on nerve regeneration in rats was studied with special reference to cell activation. One of the hindlimbs was conditioned by either vibration exposure (5 hours / day - 5 consecutive days) or compression (150-300 mmHg for 30-120 minutes), which was followed by a recovery period of 0-7 days. Test crush lesions or a transplantatio

On the computation of stress fields on polygonal domains with V-notches

The interior stress problem is solved numerically for a single-edge notched specimen under uniaxial load. The algorithm is based on a modification of a Fredholm second-kind integral equation with compact operators due to Muskhelishvili. Several singular basis functions for each of the seven corners in the geometry enable high uniform resolution of the stress field with a modest number of discretiz

Braided convolutional codes

We present a new class of iteratively decodable turbo-like codes, called braided convolutional codes. Constructions and encoding procedures for tightly and sparsely braided codes are introduced. Sparsely braided codes exhibit good convergence behavior with iterative decoding, and a statistical analysis using Markov permutors shows that the free distance of these codes grows linearly with constrain

Physical Performance, Injuries and Osteoarthrosis in Female Soccer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Sedan 1970-talet har damfotboll i Sverige spelats med seriesystem på en nationell nivå. Damfotboll innebär troligtvis en ökad risk för knäledsförslitning, en risk som inte blir mindre med tanke på den höga förekomsten av allvarliga knäskador. Det går emellertid inte att bortse från de positiva effekterna, såväl fysiska som psykiska, som fotbollsspel också innebär. DamfoThe overall purpose was to investigate female soccer regarding injuries, risk factors, posttraumatic OA and non-traumatic OA. A prospective study of injuries in eight female soccer teams, from the six available levels, was performed during one season. The total injury rate was 14.3 and 3.7/1000 game and practice hours, respectively. The knee (26%) was the most common place for injury, followed by

A Phytoplankton Invasion: Population Genetics, Phylogeography, and Invasion Success of Gonyostomum semen

Popular Abstract in French Phytoplancton invasif : génétique des populations, phylogéographie, et facteurs facilitant l’invasion par Gonyostomum semen De nos jours, les espèces invasives représentent une importante menace à la biodiversité. Une espèce invasive colonise un nouvel environnement, ou elle était absente, et atteint de forte densité rapidement, diminuant l’abondance ou remplaçant les esnvasive species is a major threat to ecosystems and biodiversity. Invasions by macroorganisms have been intensively studied, but little is known concerning microbial invasions. In aquatic environments, phytoplankton, i.e. autotrophic microbes, have a key role as primary producers. In my thesis, I focused on the population genetic structure and phylogeography of the freshwater raphidophyte Gonyosto