

Din sökning på "*" gav 528329 sökträffar

Voluntary Coercion. Collective Action and the Social Contract

This work provides a game theoretical analysis of the classical idea of a social contract. According to what we might call the Hobbesian justification of the state, coercion is necessary in order to provide people with basic security and to enable them to successfully engage in mutually beneficial cooperation. The establishment and maintenance of a central coercive power, i.e. a state, can therefo

Victims of Conservation or Rights as Forest Dwellers: The Van Gujjar pastoralists between contesting codes of law

The Van (forest) Gujjars, surviving as forest pastoralists in the central part of the Indian Himalaya, are a people who, due to their nomadic lifestyle, have since colonial rule found themselves at the margin of Indian society. This paper will look at the relationship between the Van Gujjars and their forest base in a historical perspective from colonial rule to 'conservation of nature' and the 'r

Regulation of chloroplast gene expression in higher plants

Chloroplast gene expression is regulated by developmental and environmental signals. It has been proposed that there is a direct coupling between electron transport in biological membranes and gene expression (J. F. Allen, 1992, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1098, 275-335). The hypothesis predicts the existence of a sensor in the thylakoid membrane capable of transmitting redox signals to the chloroplast

Real-World Applications of Laser Spectroscopy

Laser spectroscopic techniques are powerful tools for monitoring real-world phenomena. A wide variety of methods for establishing spectroscopic contact with a species exist: Absorption, emission, fluorescence, Raman scattering, acousto-optic, and opto-galvanic phenomena. Extreme sensitivity and specificity characterize the methods, which can be used for in situ monitoring and, in some cases, for r

Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) - A Pilot Study Exploring Participation and Empowerment Before Implementing New Technology and Work Procedures

The pressure on European air-traffic logistics increases, both at the airports and in the sky, as the passenger rate increases. Handling airborne aircraft is becoming more rationalized as an effect of sophisticated technology and lower separation-minima. Technological and legal development at airports is lagging behind causing delays. Airport operations might be more efficient by increasing accura

Etik, emotion och existens. Tankar krting en ny begreppshistoria.

Artikeln diskuterar nya tillämpningar av den tyska begreppshistoriska tradition som utvecklats av bl.a. Reinhart Koselleck. I fokus står nya forskningsområden rörande tillvarons problematik - områden som rör etik och moral, känslor och psykologi och existensens förutsättningar - samt hur begreppshistoria kan användas metodologiskt för att närma sig dessa ibland svårhanterade ämnen.

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I antologibidraget visas att lärande, eller kanske snarare deltagande i olika former av utbildning, rättfärdigas på olika sätt beroende på om de som utbildas är barn eller vuxna. Rättfärdigandet sker genom retoriska konstruktioner av samhället som närmast kan ses som motsatser: barnens skolgång rättfärdigas genom att samhället konstrueras som en, åtminstone värdemässig, konstant; vuxnas deltagande

Experimental Determination of the Deposition of Aerosol Particles in the Human Respiratory Tract

BACKGROUND: Aerosol particles have, since the antiquity, been linked to adverse effects on human health. It is estimated that the particles in urban air pollution cause at least 100,000 deaths in Europe each year, whereof 5,000 in Sweden. These figures do not include the outcomes of indoor sources or smoking, which shortens the lives of millions of people worldwide. During recent years especially

Molecular Phylogenetics of Mammals

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den här avhandlingen behandlar däggdjurens systematiska släktskap. Olika metoder och dataset har använts och utvecklats för att besvara systematiska frågeställningar på olika nivåer. Genom statistiska analyser av nukleotid och/eller aminosyra sekvenser från olika arters gener har deras evolutionära släktskap fastställts. Släktskapet inom moderkaksdäggdjuren har undersöIn this thesis, the phylogenetic relationships of the Mammalia have been studied at various levels. Different sources of genetic information have been evaluated and used as phylogenetic markers. These include the well-known mitochondrial genome, cDNA from housekeeping genes and expressed sequence tags from nuclear genes. Applying RT-PCR on mRNA from nuclear genes is a new approach for collecting

Hadronization Effects in the Strong Interaction

Different hadronization effects in high energy interactions are investigated. The frame-work is the Lund model for the strong interaction. A model for baryon production in jet fragmentation is presented and extended to baryon remnant fragmentation in deep inelastic scattering and hadron--hadron collisions. Observables designed to probe hadronization effects on pt correlations are shown to be sen

Specifity and genetic control of B cell reactivity in experimental arthritis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Immunsystemet är vårt skydd mot främmande organismer såsom bakterier och virus. När vi får en förkylning, eller en infektion, tar immunsystemets celler hand om och dödar de invaderade mikroorganismerna. I normala fall märker vi endast av detta i form av att vi känner oss sjuka med eventuell feber som följd. Det ställs stora krav på immunsystemet. Det ska inte bara kunnaCollagen-induced arthritis (CIA) and pristane-induced arthritis (PIA) are animal models for human rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and can be induced in susceptible mouse and rat strains. CIA is induced by immunization of type II collagen (CII), a cartilage specific protein together with Freund’s adjuvant. PIA is induced by intradermal injection of pristane (2,6,10,14-tetrametylpentadecane). In rats, in

The Cyanophyte Arthrospira Fusiformis in African Waters - Eco-Physiology and Potential Use in Tropical Aquaculture

Popular Abstract in Swedish Blågröna alger (cyanobakterier) av släktet Arthrospira förekommer i salthaltiga, alkaliska, tropiska vatten i Afrika, Asien och Centralamerika. Kanembu stammen vid Chadsjön och aztekerna i Mexiko har av tradition använt Arthrospira i matlagningen som ett näringskomplement. Under senare år har släktet Arthrospira uppmärksammats vetenskapligt och kommersiellt. Nu odlas ArThe cyanoprokaryote (blue-green algae) genus Arthrospira occurs in saline, alkaline tropical waters of Africa, Asia, and Central America. Traditionally Arthrospira has been used as a food supplement by the Kanembu tribe of Lake Chad and Aztecs living in the valley of Mexico City. It is presently cultivated in large scale throughout the world and sold as a health food supplement due to its nutritio