

Din sökning på "*" gav 534655 sökträffar

Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies on cisplatin in mice and men

Methodological tools for studies of the cytostatic agen cisplatin (CDDP) were explored and applied to elucidate various aspects of pharmacokinetics, drug distribution, chemomodulation and pharmacodynamics. An immunohistochemical assay for analysis of CDDP-DNA adducts, i.e. the drug in its probable target position, was modified to allow quantitation with computerized image analysis. The methodologi

The UspA1 protein of Moraxella catarrhalis induces CEACAM-1-dependent apoptosis in alveolar epithelial cells.

Moraxella catarrhalis is a major cause of exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and emphysema. M. catarrhalis–specific UspA1 and the epithelial carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule (CEACAM1) were required to induce apoptosis. M. catarrhalis–induced apoptosis was significantly enhanced in HeLa cells stably transfected with CEACAM1, compared with HeLa cells

Världsdramatik 4. På väg mot sekelslutet

Dramat under 1900-talets tre sista decennier kan sägas handla om de marginaliserade i samhället – barnen, de socialt utsatta, människor med olika etnisk bakgrund, de homosexuella och inte minst kvinnorna. Även språket står i centrum för intresset. Många skriver om hur människan påverkas av att ha ett språk och att inte ha ett språk. Mot de etablerade språkliga normerna ställs arbetarnas, de utslag

Endothelium-derived Vasoactive Factors and Leukocyte-derived Inflammatory Mediators. Studies in subjects with or at risk for vascular disease

Popular Abstract in Swedish Blodåderförkalkning och dess komplikationer såsom hjärn- och hjärtinfarkt är bland de vanligaste orsakerna till sjukdom och död i vårt samhälle. Flera faktorer är av betydelse för uppkomsten av åderförkalkning. I denna avhandling presenteras studier av substanser frisatta från kärlendothelet (blodkärlväggarnas insida) respektive från vita blodkroppar, och dessa substansThis study was undertaken to evaluate relationships between endothelial function (assessed as mediators of endothelium-derived vasoactive factors such as nitric oxide [NO], prostacyclin [PGI2] and endothelin [ET-1] ), and risk factors for atherosclerosis, as well as to study possible relationships between endothelial function and leukocyte activation (indicated by measurements of leukocyte-derived


Folklig tro och berättelser om ekorren förr och nu

Lars Norén : Dramatikern

Popular Abstract in English Swedish theatre around 1970 was socially committed and experimental, in a vibrant time of new forms within an ideological climate. This context forms a paradoxical and important backdrop to Lars Norén’s great success as a traditional, yet innovative playwright in the 1980s. Lars Norén made his debut as a poet in 1963 and as a playwright in 1973, with Fursteslickaren aSwedish theatre around 1970 was socially committed and experimental, in a vibrant time of new forms within an ideological climate. This context forms a paradoxical and important backdrop to Lars Norén’s great success as a traditional, yet innovative playwright in the 1980s. Lars Norén made his debut as a poet in 1963 and as a playwright in 1973, with Fursteslickaren at the Royal Dramatic Theatre

Europe in Post-Soviet Autobiographical Writing

In modern Russian history, the concept of Europe has served as a main reference point in the formation of Russian national identity. This has given rise to a series of dichotomies, such as European individualism versus Russian collectivism, materialism versus spirituality and rationality versus emotion. In Russia, the genre of autobiography, with its focus on personal experience and the individual

Exploring History: a Mobile Inclusive Virtual Tourist Guide

In the present paper we report on the design decisions and the field test results of an inclusive mobile tourist guide app, the Time Machine. The historical information is conveyed by sound and the navigation information by haptics, while the app can be controlled eyes-free by a combination of on-screen and free-form gestures. To emphasize the eyes-free use, 9 of 11 test users recruited had severe

Instrumentation, Control and Automation in Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a biochemical process in nature. It has been used to decompose organic waste in order to reduce environmental pollution, and to destroy pathogenic microorganisms for the protection of human and animal health. The process itself produces methane, which can then be used as an energy source. The use of AD in an integrated resource recovery system is one of the most importa