

Din sökning på "*" gav 533816 sökträffar

Evidence from data searches and life-table analyses for gender-related differences in absolute risk of hip fracture after Colles' or spine fracture: Colles' fracture as an early and sensitive marker of skeletal fragility in white men

Based on data searches and life-table analyses, we determined the long-term (remaining lifetime) and short-term (10- and 5-year) absolute risks of hip fracture after sustaining a Colles' or spine fracture and searched for potential gender-related differences. In aging men, Colles' fractures carry a higher absolute risk for hip fracture than spinal fractures in contrast to women. These findings sup

Measurement of the noncomplexed free fraction of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases I in plasma by immunoassay

Background: We previously found differences in total concentrations of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 1 (TIMP-1) in plasma from donors and cancer patients. Because TIMP-1 can exist in more than one molecular form, a new immunoassay to specifically detect free TIMP-1 was developed and concentrations were determined in plasma from healthy donors and colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. Methods:

Dielectric properties of cement mortar as a function of water content

We have studied the dielectric properties of cement mortars, with water/cement ratios between 0.5 and 0.78, in the frequency range 10−3≤f≤107 Hz. The dielectric response can be modeled by an equivalent circuit incorporating electrode polarization and bulk conduction. The bulk dc conductance and the amplitude of a constant phase element describing the dispersive part of the bulk response display ch

An outlook on the Sub-Saharan Africa carbon balance

This study gives an outlook on the carbon balance of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) by presenting a summary of currently available results from the project CarboAfrica (namely net ecosystem productivity and emissions from fires, deforestation and forest degradation, by field and model estimates) supplemented by bibliographic data and compared with a new synthesis of the data from national communications

Connectivity and performance of science-based firms

This paper addresses whether or not there is a relationship between a young science-based firm's patterns of connections and the associated resource flows, and its performance. Hypotheses derived from the literature are tested in relation to three performance indicators: inventiveness, innovativeness and employment. Analyzing a set of firms in Sweden, Ohio and Massachusetts, working with biocompat

Internet connectivity for mobile ad hoc networks

The need for ad hoc networks arises when a number of mobile nodes gather in one particular location and form autonomous networks. Ad hoc networks can be adjoined to the Internet, introducing routing and addressing issues that require new features from ad hoc networking protocols. The Internet Gateway can offer global addressability and bidirectional Internet connectivity to every node in the ad ho

Mechanism of action, development and clinical experience of recombinant FVIIa.

Recombinant FVIIa has been developed for treatment of bleedings in hemophilia patients with inhibitors, and has been found to induce hemostasis even during major surgery such as major orthopedic surgery. Recombinant FVIIa is being produced in BHK cell cultures and has been shown to be very similar to plasma-derived FVIIa. The use of rFVIIa in hemophilia treatment is a new concept of treatment and

Eye model with controllable lens scattering

A model of human eye for experiments in vision research has been developed using PLZT ceramics. This ``artificial eye{''} allows to simulate light scattering caused by cataract in the eye lens. Light scattering of a composite eye lens of the model depends on the electric field applied to a transparent electrooptic PLZT ceramics plate that is attached directly to the lens. The image degradation in

Continent urinary tract reconstruction - the Lund experience.

The Department of Urology in Lund, Sweden, has a long association with innovations in reconstructive urology. The authors from that department describe their experience over a long period with orthotopic bladder substitution and continent cutaneous urinary diversion. They conclude that continent urinary tract reconstruction is associated with a high incidence of early and late complications. They

Differential Involvement of D1 and D2 Dopamine Receptors in L-DOPA-Induced Angiogenic Activity in a Rat Model of Parkinson's Disease.

Angiogenesis occurs in the brains of Parkinson's disease patients, but the effects of dopamine replacement therapy on this process have not been examined. Using rats with 6-hydroxydopamine lesions, we have compared angiogenic responses induced in the basal ganglia by chronic treatment with either L-DOPA, or bromocriptine, or a selective D1 receptor agonist (SKF38393). Moreover, we have asked wheth

The cerebral vascular response to a rapid decrease in blood glucose to values above normal in poorly controlled type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus

The effect of rapid lowering of blood glucose on cerebral blood flow (CBF) was studied in 10 Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients (age 23.5 ± 3.8 years; mean ± S.D.) with longstanding, poor metabolic control (HbA1c 11.2 ± 1.0%; normal value 4.0–5.3%) using an intravenous xenon 133 single photon emission computed tomography technique. After a fall in blood glucose, during 81 ± 11 min (mean

Wear particles generated from studded tires and pavement induces inflammatory reactions in mouse macrophage cells

Health risks associated with exposure to airborne particulate matter (PM) have been shown epidemiologically as well as experimentally, pointing to both respiratory and cardiovascular effects. These health risks are of increasing concern in society, and to protect public health, a clarification of the toxic properties of particles from different sources is of importance. Lately, wear particles gene