Din sökning på "*" gav 533148 sökträffar
High Order Harmonic Generation with Two Color Laser Fields
Sociology and Social Transformation. Essays by Michael Mann, Chantal Mouffe, Göran Therborn, Bryan S. Turner
This volume contains reflections by four leading sociologists on the state of the discipline in a rapidly changing world. Essays by Michael Mann, Chantal Mouffe, Göran Therborn, and Bryan S. Turner.
Territorium in carne - a critical proposal regarding the study of materiality
Taxpayers Responsiveness to Tax Rate Changes and Implications for the Cost of Taxation
Could serving guests be more pleasurable?
Man får vad man betalar för – Om betydelsen av incitament inom företag och på arbetsmarknaden
A tax administration's choice of accounting principles
In the eye of the beholder : Visual communication from a recipient perspective
Why do viewers perceive and interpret visuals differently despite common perceptual and cognitive mechanisms? The article addresses a number of challenges in visual communication and underlines the need for empirical analyses from a recipient perspective. Perception and interpretation of visuals is seen as an interactive meeting between the recipient, the multimodal message and the situational con
No title
Long term NOAA-AVHRR GIMMS-NDVI - rainfall relationships and trends 1981 to 2003 for entire DeSurvey area of interest
The paper presents results of a study on the use of the NOAA AVHRR data for desertification monitoring on a regional-global level. It is based on processing of the GIMMS 8 km global NDVI data set. Time series of annual integrated NDVI and standardized annual NDVI anomalies from the 1981-2003 periodic means were compared with a corresponding rainfall data set (i.e. 1981-2003) as well as a historica
Are European patents obstacles to Swedish cancer research?
Professor Håkan Olsson, Lund has addressed the problems caused by patenting in the field of biotechnology. His article was triggered by patent protection acquired by the American company Myriad Genetics. According to HO, Myriad requires that analyses of blood to trace the occurrence of these genes should be carried out in the company’s American laboratories, at a significant cost. Profit is infrin
Multilevel Coding Based on Convolutional Codes
[abstract missing]
From 'protective passports' to protected entry procedures? the legacy of Raoul Wallenberg in the contemporary asylum debate
Mothers, Plastic People och Vaclav Havel. Om undergroundkultur och samhällsförändring i Tjeckoslovakien
Skånes klimat i korthet.
Effektsamband för gående och cyklisters säkerhet - litteraturstudie
Denna rapport är en litteraturstudie om trafiksäkerhetseffekter av åtgärder med avseende på cyklisters och gåendes säkerhet. Åtgärder som behandlas i denna rapport är fysiska åtgärder, samt drift- och underhållsåtgärder. Syftet med rapporten är att sammanställa empirisk kun-skap om trafiksäkerhetseffekterna av olika åtgärder för gång- och cykeltrafik. Åtgärderna delades in i tre grupper, nämligen
Utskrivning och fortsatt rehabilitering
Framing educational research through bibliometrics and sociology of science theories: Internal Report
Severely mentally ill individuals in the community: Needs for care, quality of life and social network.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avinstitutionaliseringen av den psykiatriska vården har medfört att personer med funktionshinder p.g.a. en psykisk sjukdom numera huvudsakligen bor och erbjuds vård ute i samhället. I Sverige har få systematiska studier genomförts som undersöker livssituationen för individer med en allvarlig psykisk sjukdom som bor ute i samhället. Att drabbas av en sjukdom som schizofrThis 18-month follow-up study investigated needs for care and support, quality of life and social network in individuals with schizophrenia or a schizoaffective disorder living in the community and in contact with psychiatric services. The validity of Antonovsky's sense of coherence (SOC) measure was also examined. At baseline 120 patients were interviewed and 94 of these participated in the follo