

528366 sökträffar

Automating scattering amplitudes with chirality flow

Recently we introduced the chirality-flow formalism, a method which builds on the spinor-helicity formalism and is inspired by the color-flow idea in QCD. With this formalism, Feynman rules and diagrams are simplified to the extent that it is often possible to immediately, by hand, write down a helicity amplitude given a Feynman diagram. In this paper we show that the method can also speed up nume

Hepcidin discriminates sepsis from other critical illness at admission to intensive care

Initial differential diagnosis and prognosis for patients admitted to intensive care with suspected sepsis remain arduous. Hepcidin has emerged as a potential biomarker for sepsis. Here we report data on the relevance of levels of hepcidin versus other biomarkers as a diagnostic and prognostic tool for sepsis. 164 adult patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) within 24 h upon arrival to

Assessing Access to WASH in Urban Schools during COVID-19 in Kazakhstan : Case Study of Central Kazakhstan

The WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program (JMP) for Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) produces global estimates of the real situation of access to water, sanitation and hygiene services, and sanitation and hygiene in households, educational institutes and health care facilities; however it is lacking data on schools in Kazakhstan. Thus, the aim of this research was to assess access to WASH

Extended High Frequency Hearing, but Not Tinnitus, Is Associated With Every-Day Cognitive Performance

Research into the potential associations between tinnitus and cognition has investigated specific cognitive domains in laboratory settings despite adults with tinnitus reporting broad cognitive difficulties in every-day life. To address this limitation, the present study compared performance and perceived exertion on a visual office-like task in 38 adults with tinnitus (19 with normal hearing and

Ammonium and Sulfate Assimilation Is Widespread in Benthic Foraminifera

Nitrogen and sulfur are key elements in the biogeochemical cycles of marine ecosystems to which benthic foraminifera contribute significantly. Yet, cell-specific assimilation of ammonium, nitrate and sulfate by these protists is poorly characterized and understood across their wide range of species-specific trophic strategies. For example, detailed knowledge about ammonium and sulfate assimilation

A novel nonlinear afterload for ex vivo heart evaluation: Porcine experimental results

Background: Existing working heart models for ex vivo functional evaluation of donor hearts often use cardiac afterloads made up of discrete resistive and compliant elements. This approach limits the practicality of independently controlling systolic and diastolic aortic pressure to safely test the heart under multiple loading conditions. We present and investigate a novel afterload concept design