

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Metacompiling OWL Ontologies

Ontologies, formal knowledge representation, and reasoning are technologies that have begun to gain substantial interest in recent years. We present a high-level declarative approach to writing application programs for specific ontologies, based on viewing the ontology as a domain-specific language.Our approach is based on declarative meta-compilation techniques. We have implemented a tool using t

Laser-induced fluorescence diagnostics of basal cell carcinomas of the skin following topical ALA application

Fourteen patients with superficial basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) and fifteen patients with nodular BCCs were investigated by means of laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) in connection with photodynamic therapy (PDT). Topical application of delta-amino levulinic acid (ALA) was performed six hours prior to the treatment session. Fluorescence spectra were recorded, using a point-monitoring system with an

Tissue Properties from Quantitative MRI

Quantitative MRI provides reproducible ‘maps’ of biophysical parameters that govern MRI contrast. The basic molecular mechanisms – exchange and diffusion – are outlined in a simple way to explain the major determinants of MRI contrast in the brain (macromolecules, myelinated axons, and iron) and the influence of microscopic subspaces (intracellular, vascular, extracellular–extravascular, and myeli

Protein-Polymer Interaction and Association in Aqueous Solution

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med den här avhandlingen har varit att studera association och växelverkan mellan proteiner och polymerer. Två olika tekniker har använts i dessa studier; datorsimuleringar och fördelning i polymera vattenhaltiga tvåfassystem. Vikten av att studera protein-polymer-växelverkan ligger i att flera biotekniska, och medicinska tillämpningar baserar sig just på proteiThe aim of this thesis has been to study protein-polymer interaction and association. Two different techniques were used; Monte Carlo simulations were combined with partitioning in polymeric aqueous two-phase systems. Monte Carlo simulations have been used to evaluate the hydrophobic interaction in electrolyte solution. The results showed that monovalent salt only slightly increases the hydrophob

Excited States of Carotenoids and Their Functions in Light Harvesting

The research presented in this thesis is focused on characterization of photophysical properties of lowest singlet excited states of carotenoids and their functions in the process of photosynthetic light harvesting. It is shown that the various light-harvesting complexes utilize different strategies to achieve efficient energy transfer from carotenoids to (bacterio)chlorophylls. Any study of energ


Syftet med detta kapitel är att ge en någorlunda representativ bild av de olika fråge­ställningar och teoretiska ansatser som utmärker personlighetspsykologin idag. Kapitlet är uppdelat på två huvudavsnitt, som tar upp två olika slags ansatser inom personlighetspsykologin. I det första avsnittet behandlas den del av personlighets­psykologin som studerar avgränsade personlighetsegenskaper och hur m

A solid introduction to clinical hypnosis. [Review of the book Essential of Clinical Hypnosis]

Reviews the book, Essentials of Clinical Hypnosis: An Evidence-Based Approach by Steven Jay Lynn and Irving Kirsch (see record 2005-13464-000). Steven Jay Lynn and Irving Kirsch are two of the most prolific and best-regarded hypnosis researchers in the world, besides working as clinicians, so they can discuss authoritatively both the empirical support for different hypnotic interventions and provi

Bayesian Combination of Multiple Plasma Glucose Predictors

This paper presents a novel on-line approach of merging multiple different predictors of plasma glucose into a single optimized prediction. Various different predictors are merged by recursive weighting into a single prediction using regularized optimization. The approach is evaluated on 12 data sets of type I diabetes data, using three parallel predictors. The performance of the combined predicti

Lipid bilayers versus monolayers- Sponge phases and skin lipid domains

The L3, or sponge, phase is a thermodynamically stable isotropic liquid consisting of a surfactant membrane in aqueous solution. A solvent induced L3 phase is shown in systems of solvent, monoolein and water. Dimethyl sulfoxide, propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol, ethanol, N-methyl-alfa-pyrrolidone and 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol are solvents of varying hydrophilicity but are all miscible with bot

Offshore Insourcing: A Case Study on Software Quality Alignment

Background: Software quality issues are commonly reported when off shoring software development. Value-based software engineering addresses this by ensuring key stakeholders have a common understanding of quality. Aim: This work seeks to understand the levels of alignment between key stakeholders on aspects of software quality for two products developed as part of an offshore in sourcing arrangeme