

Din sökning på "*" gav 528204 sökträffar

Winds of change: An engaged ethics approach to energy justice

Theories of energy justice are standardly used to evaluate decision-making and policy-design related to energy infrastructure. All too rarely attention is paid to the need for a method of justifying principles of justice as well as justice-based judgments that are appealed to in this context. This article responds to this need by offering an engaged ethics approach to normative justification usefu

Utveckling av ett fristående produktionsövervakningssystem

In a global market with increasing competition, the need for efficient production increases. By measuring production parameters, a company can identify efficiency losses and thus prevent losses and create a more efficient production. Unknown and unplanned downtime in a production process leads to disruptions and losses in efficiency. Being able to identify the causes of and remedy downtime is

Revealing microplastic dynamics: the impact of precipitation and depth in urban river ecosystems

Research on microplastics in Latin America is limited compared to a global perspective. Brazil plays a significant role in this context, as it possesses 12% of the world’s freshwater reserves, constituting 53% of South America’s water resources. There has been growing concern regarding the plastic pollution of the country’s freshwater systems in recent years. Therefore, this study investigated the

3D technology of Sony Bloggie has no advantage in decision-making of tennis serve direction : A randomized placebo-controlled study

This study aimed at exploring whether 3D technology enhances tennis decision-making under the conceptual framework of human performance model. A 3 (skill-level: varsity, club, recreational) × 3 (experimental condition: placebo, weak 3D [W3D], strong 3D [S3D]) between-participant design was used. Allocated to experimental conditions by a skill-level stratified randomization, 105 tennis players judg

Ljuset från mörkaste Småland - Orrefors belysningsarmaturer under åren 1916 – 1949

The Light from darkest Småland Lighting products from Orrefors during the period 1916 – 1949 The Light from darkest Småland (a region in southern Sweden where Orrefors is located) aims to take a closer look at the lighting production at Orrefors glass works during the period from 1916, when artist Simon Gate was employed as Orrefors’ first artistic advisor, to 1949 when the transition from an exp

Beyond the religious zone - Innovative symbolic drawing practices in schools

In geography, drawing and presenting visual material are approached as means to explore the daily interaction in a given place. Not least, as means to evoke cultural experiences. Under this token, this master thesis addresses the use of drawing tasks as practices to evoke new recognitions/ facets to religious education in schools. This study emerged geographically from the notion of processing mat

Women's experiences of being assisted by two midwives during the active second stage of labour : Secondary outcomes from the Oneplus trial

Background: ‘Collegial Midwifery Assistance’ (CMA) is a clinical practice aiming to reduce severe perineal trauma (SPT) during childbirth. This practice involves two midwives being present during the active second stage of labour rather than one, which is the case in standard care. The effectiveness of CMA was evaluated in the Oneplus trial and a 30% reduction in SPT was shown. Aim: The aim was to

Double feedforward compensation for cascade control schemes

This paper addresses the problem of dealing with measurable disturbances in cascade control schemes. The combination of cascade and feedforward control algorithms is analyzed. The design of a static feedforward compensators control scheme to assist the controller in the rejection of measurable disturbances is a widely accepted solution in the literature. This article proposes a new solution by imp

Arbetsgivarens ansvar vid arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering - En studie av utformning och tillämpning av det arbetsrättsliga regelverket

Uppsatsen ämnar att undersöka arbetsgivarens ansvar vid arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering för arbetstagare med nedsatt arbetsförmåga till följd av sjukdom eller skada. Uppsatsen ämnar även att undersöka omfattningen av arbetsgivarens ansvar under rehabiliteringsprocessen. För att ge en övergripande bild av hur arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsansvar ser ut, har en intervjustudie genomförts för att in

Type 2 diabetes exacerbates changes in blood pressure-independent arterial stiffness : cross-sectional and longitudinal evidence from the SUMMIT study

Greater central artery stiffness is observed in people with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Elevated blood pressure (BP) and altered arterial wall structure/composition in T2DM are generally considered as main drivers for this alteration. However, because conventional arterial stiffness measures are BP-dependent and as such an influence of BP remains in a measure, it is unclear if greater central artery s

Plasma levels of PRO-C3, a type III collagen synthesis marker, are associated with arterial stiffness and increased risk of cardiovascular death

Background and aims: The N-terminal propeptide of type III collagen (PRO-C3) assay measures a pro-peptide released during type III collagen synthesis, an important feature of arterial stiffening and atherogenesis. There is a clinical need for improved non-invasive, cheap and easily accessible methods for evaluating individuals at risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). In this study, we investigate

ASEAN in a Changing Asia-Pacific

This thesis examines how contemporary ASEAN security and defence policies are impacted by a growing external influence in the region. The thesis relies on elite interviews conducted with academic scholars within Southeast Asia. The findings both confirm previous literature and add new insights. ASEAN security cooperation has limitations and more importantly, ASEAN itself is split internally by its

Relationship between bonding strength and surface roughness in low-temperature bonding of glass for micro/nanofluidic device

The bonding of glass substrates is an important process in the fabrication of glass micro/nanofluidic devices. In this study, the influence of the surface roughness of glass substrates after low-temperature bonding is investigated. It is found that plasma etching can be used to control the surface roughness to the range 2-9 nm. Substrates with a roughness of 5 nm or less can be bonded. The pressur