

Din sökning på "*" gav 535516 sökträffar

A note on variable susceptibility, the herd-immunity threshold and modeling of infectious diseases

The unfolding of the COVID-19 pandemic has been very difficult to predict using mathematical models for infectious diseases. While it has been demonstrated that variations in susceptibility have a damping effect on key quantities such as the incidence peak, the herd-immunity threshold and the final size of the pandemic, this complex phenomenon is almost impossible to measure or quantify, and it re

Evaluation of Excess Heat Driven Carbon Capture Integrated at a Swedish Pulp Mill

Genom att använda koldioxidinfångning som drivs av överskottsvärme på ett massabruk i sydvästra Sverige så kan mer än en tredjedel av de fossila utsläppen från hela pappers- och massaindustrin fångas in genom så kallade negativa utsläpp. Detta visar på hur snabbt Sveriges fossila utsläpp kan minska genom användning av koldioxidinfångning. På ett massabruk används trä som den huvudsakliga råvaranAs the atmospheric carbon dioxide keeps increasing, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) is getting increased attention as a measure to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide. It is especially interesting in Sweden where the extensive paper and pulp industry constitutes point sources of biogenic carbon dioxide. As carbon capture requires energy, it is important to investigate the oppo

Real-space circuit complexity as a probe of phase diagrams

Circuit complexity has been used as a tool to study various properties in condensed matter systems, in particular as a way to probe the phase diagram. However, compared with measures based on entanglement, complexity has been found lacking. We show that when imposing penalty factors punishing nonlocality, it becomes a much stronger probe of the phase diagram, able to probe more subtle features. We

Pluralism, paralysis, practice: making environmental knowledge usable

In recent years, the global environmental science-policy interface has come to include a greater variety of knowledge. Social scientists have joined natural scientists at the policy table, and Indigenous and local knowledge is being taken ever more seriously. But this pluralisation raises political, normative, and epistemic challenges for environmental expert organisations, including with respect

Stability and structural evolution of double-stranded DNA molecules under high pressures : A molecular dynamics study

Conformational changes and stability of interacting double-stranded DNA chains under high hydrostatic pressure in biological systems are striking topics of importance to study several biomolecular phenomena. For example, to unravel the physiological conditions at which life might occur and to ensure the right functionality of the biochemical processes into the cell under extreme thermodynamic cond

Labour market consequences of an early-onset disability : the case of cerebral palsy

The labour market consequences of early-onset or congenital disabilities have received little attention in the literature. In this paper, we study the consequences of cerebral palsy (CP), a lifelong early onset disability, and pathways through which it affects labour outcomes. We use data from multiple linked Swedish National Population Registers between 1990 and 2015 and apply both regression and

Energy-dependent timescales in the dissociation of diiodothiophene dication

Photodissociation molecular dynamics of gas-phase 2,5-diiodothiophene molecules was studied in an electron-energy-resolved electron-multi-ion coincidence experiment performed at the FinEstBeAMS beamline of MAX IV synchrotron. Following the photoionization of the iodine 4d subshell and the Auger decay, the dissociation landscape of the molecular dication was investigated as a function of the Auger

C57Bl/6N mice have an attenuated lung inflammatory response to dsRNA compared to C57Bl/6J and BALB/c mice

BACKGROUND: Lower respiratory infections caused by ssRNA viruses are a major health burden globally. Translational mouse models are a valuable tool for medical research, including research on respiratory viral infections. In in vivo mouse models, synthetic dsRNA can be used as a surrogate for ssRNA virus replication. However, studies investigating how genetic background of mice impacts the murine

Flyways and migratory behaviour of the Vega gull (Larus vegae), a little-known Arctic endemic

Large gulls are generalist predators that play an important role in Arctic food webs. Describing the migratory patterns and phenology of these predators is essential to understanding how Arctic ecosystems function. However, from all six large Arctic gull taxa, including three long-distance migrants, to date seasonal movements have been studied only in three and with small sample sizes. To document

Evaluating the effect of digital primary care on antibiotic prescription : Evidence using Swedish register data

Background: The growing use of digital primary care consultations has led to concerns about resource use, equity and quality. One of these is how it affects antibiotic prescription. Differences in ease of access for patients and available diagnostic information for the prescribing physicians are reasons to believe prescription rates may be affected. Objectives: We estimated differences in antibiot

Polyoxoniobates as molecular building blocks in thin films

Niobium oxide thin films have been prepared by spin-coating aqueous solutions of tetramethylammonium salts of the isostructural polyoxometalate clusters [Nb10O28]6-, [TiNb9O28]7- and [Ti2Nb8O28]8- onto silicon wafers, and annealing them. The [Nb10O28]6- cluster yields films of Nb2O5 in the orthorhombic and monoclinic crystal phases when annealed at 800 °C and 1000 °C, respectively, whereas the [Ti

Electronic States Modulation by Coherent Optical Phonons in 2D Halide Perovskites

Excitonic effects underpin the fascinating optoelectronic properties of 2D perovskites that are highly favorable for photovoltaics and light-emitting devices. Analogous to switching in transistors, manipulating these excitonic properties in 2D perovskites using coherent phonons could unlock new applications. Presently, a detailed understanding of this underlying mechanism remains modest. Herein, t

Associations of genetically determined lipid traits and lipid-modifying agents with the risk of diabetic retinopathy : A Mendelian randomization study

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The evidence that dyslipidemia is associated with hyperglycemia calls for an investigation of whether dyslipidemia, as well as lipid-modifying agents, could affect the subsequent development of diabetic retinopathy (DR). Therefore, we aimed to address these unanswered questions by utilizing Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis.METHODS: Genetic variants were selected from the

Improving proactive supply risk management of a large purchasing department

The topic of Supply Risk Management (SRM) has increased in relevance as the need for a resilient supply chain has become more prevalent. There have been numerous articles published throughout the years regarding SRM and Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM), including articles with case studies of global OEM’s. Company A, a global OEM located in Sweden, has realised that proactive SRM is a topic of

Preaching in Times of Pestilence : 1918 and 2020

With the help of sermon manuscripts from the time of the Spanish flu, held within the Church of Sweden, new light is shed on sermons held in the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. The comparison shows, among other things, that a shift has been made in how God is portrayed. It also points to some challenging questions about suffering, hope and the role of eternity in preaching today.