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Henrik Smith – the visionary who never slows down

By sara [dot] hakansson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Håkansson) - published 4 March 2025 Henrik Smith has not only built successful research environments such as BECC, he has also inspired a whole generation of students to work on environmental and climate issues. Photo: Göran Smith With his cycling helmet perched on his head, he rushes in like a whirlwind, fires off monosyllabic replies to em

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/henrik-smith-visionary-who-never-slows-down - 2025-03-14

Doctoral student in sustainable urban governance with a focus on nature-based solutions and innovation

Published 20 January 2017 Photo: Pixabay Last application date: 16 february 2017 The IIIEE is now offering a position as Doctoral student in sustainable governance with a focus on nature-based solutions and innovation.Last application date is on 16 February 2017.More about the position on Lund University website: Doctoral student in sustainable urban governance with a focus on nature-based solutio

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/doctoral-student-sustainable-urban-governance-focus-nature-based-solutions-and-innovation - 2025-03-14

Sustainability framings of accommodation sharing

Published 24 January 2017 Photo: Pixabay New article published within the project Reconomy A new article, Sustainability framings of accommodation sharing, has been published by IIIEE researchers Yuliya Voytenko Palgan, Lucie Zvolska and Oksana Mont, in the journal Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, published by Elsevier. The article is published within the project Reconomy: Sharin

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/sustainability-framings-accommodation-sharing - 2025-03-14

Post Conflict Futures in Syria 2040

Published 27 January 2017 Damascus in Syria Foto: Aziz1005 Wikipedia Seminar 27 January On 27 January, the Swedish Institute is hosting a public release of Dr. Tareq Emtairah's study on Post Conflict Futures in Syria 2040. During August to December 2016, Dr. Tareq Emtairah, at the IIIEE, has organised and led pioneering workshops involving academics who are a part of the Syrian diaspora in Sweden

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/post-conflict-futures-syria-2040 - 2025-03-14

New Report on Policies for Resource Efficient and Effective Solutions

Published 3 February 2017 European Parliament Photo: Wikimedia commons PhD candidate Leonidas Milios at the IIIEE is scrutinizing on concepts and policies for resource efficiency based on circular economy thinking in a new report under the research project Mistra REES. This report presents basic concepts around resources, resource efficiency and the Circular Economy. The limitations and the opport

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/new-report-policies-resource-efficient-and-effective-solutions - 2025-03-14

Residential solar photovoltaics deployment: barriers and drivers in space

Published 3 February 2017 Alvar Palm Photo: Johan Persson Thesis defence 8 February 2017 On 8 February 2017, Alvar Palm will defend his doctoral dissertation in Industrial Environmental Economics at the IIIEE, with the title: Residential solar photovoltaics deployment: barriers and drivers in space. Appointed opponent is Professor Harald Rohracher, Linköping University. Supervisors are: Professor 

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/residential-solar-photovoltaics-deployment-barriers-and-drivers-space - 2025-03-14

Diversity in Education: crossing cultural, disciplinary and professional divides.

Published 23 February 2017 Diversity in Education: Crossing cultural, disciplinary and professional divides New book out now! Diversity in Education: crossing cultural, disciplinary and professional divides, is a newly published book that explores the challenges of interdisciplinary international programmes at Lund University.In this book, teachers, administrators and students tell how they have f

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/diversity-education-crossing-cultural-disciplinary-and-professional-divides - 2025-03-14

In narratives of hope, researchers come together for the future of Syria

Published 6 March 2017 Photo: Shutterstock Article in Lund University Research Magazine In the latest issue of the Lund University Research Magazine (LUM), the article "In narratives of hope, researchers come together for the future of Syria" was published. The article sheds light on two academic Syrian refugees and participants of the project Post Conflict Futures, initiated by the IIIEE and CMES

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/narratives-hope-researchers-come-together-future-syria - 2025-03-14

IIIEE will contribute to IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C

Published 9 March 2017 Prof. Luis Mundaca at the IIIEE has been selected as a Lead Author for the next IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C Prof. Luis Mundaca at the IIIEE was selected to participate as a Lead Author for an upcoming Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment report. This time, he will contribute to the assessment of Global Warming of 1.5 °C: An IPCC spec

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/iiiee-will-contribute-ipcc-special-report-global-warming-15degc - 2025-03-14

IIIEE in joint initiative with the University of Stellenbosch

Published 10 March 2017 CST staff and students together with IIIEE representatives Photo: Håkan Rodhe The IIIEE has set up a joint initiative with the University of Stellenbosch, Centre for Complex Systems in Transition (CST), on exploring greener development models in Africa. Initiated by Dr Desta Mebratu, the ambition is a multi-year initiative called Distributed Renewable Economies for Africa’s

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/iiiee-joint-initiative-university-stellenbosch - 2025-03-14

Nature-based solutions in cities

Published 13 March 2017 Seoul’s Cheonggyecheon River displays how cities can design green space to manage flooding and improve the urban landscape. A new and ground-breaking European trans-disciplinary Horizon 2020 project Lund University is now a partner in NATURVATION, a project focusing on nature-based solutions in cities. From Lund University, the IIIEE is involved in the project together with

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/nature-based-solutions-cities - 2025-03-14

Advancing Urban Living Labs: Experimentation, governance and transitions

Published 14 March 2017 Dialogue session at the International Sustainability Transitions Conference on 18-21 June 2017 The Governance of Urban Sustainability Transitions (GUST) project will organize a dialogue session at the International Sustainability Transitions Conference on 18-21 June 2017 in Gothenburg, Sweden.Urban living labs are proliferating across Europe as a means for testing innovatio

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/advancing-urban-living-labs-experimentation-governance-and-transitions - 2025-03-14

New publication on urban living labs

Published 20 March 2017 Urban Living Labs (ULL) are advanced as an explicit form of intervention delivering sustainability goals for cities. Established at the boundaries between research, innovation and policy, ULL are intended to design, demonstrate and learn about the effects of urban interventions in real time. While rapidly growing as an empirical phenomenon, our understanding of the nature a

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/new-publication-urban-living-labs - 2025-03-14

IIIEE students show the way to clean air in Poland

Published 4 April 2017 IIIEE students presenting their results in the City Hall of Zabrze Three scenarios for the the way towards clean air in the city of Zabrze in Poland, was presented by a student group from the IIIEE last Friday, 31 March. Zabrze is known as one of the most polluted cities in Europe and was last winter facing extreme problems, including hazardous levels of pollutants and smog.

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/iiiee-students-show-way-clean-air-poland - 2025-03-14

Let pioneering municipalities take the lead on sustainable construction

Published 4 April 2017 Debate article IIIEE researcher Nora Smedby expresses her opinions in a debate article with the title Låt föregångskommuner ta täten för det hållbara byggandet (In English: Let pioneering municipalities take the lead on sustainable construction) published in Fastighetsnytt. The article is published in Swedish only.

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/let-pioneering-municipalities-take-lead-sustainable-construction - 2025-03-14

In the Loop

Published 20 April 2017 A game developed to increase awareness On 18 April 2017, the Lund University Research Magazine highlighted IIIEE researcher Katherine Whalen's game "In the Loop", a game developed to increase awareness about the materials we use to produce electrical goods.Learn more about the game in Lund University Research MagazineFurther reading:In the Loop GamesWatch the game on YouTub

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/loop - 2025-03-14

Rays of Sunshine - Tales of Sustainable Transition

Published 27 April 2017 New SED report 2017 The strategic environmental development course (SED) is part of the Master's programme in Environmental Management and Policy (EMP) at the IIIEE. This year a group of twenty-five graduate students travelled to six global destinations to work with regions and communities in order to develop solutions to the problems that they are facing. The teams spent t

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/rays-sunshine-tales-sustainable-transition - 2025-03-14