

532935 sökträffar

Influential Factors within MNCs: From an Extended Agency Perspective

Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to give further understanding of the relationship between subsidiaries and HQ by applying it to the broader agency theory perspective. By providing empirical material from a case study, the purpose is to further enrich and complement the agency theory applied to the context of subsidiary and HQ relationship. Methodology: This study is a qualitative case study of

Det Digitala Museet - En studie om myndigheten Livrustkammaren, Skoklosters slott och stiftelsen Hallwylska museets arbete med digitalisering

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to demonstrate how the government agency constituted by the Royal Armoury, Skokloster Castle and The Hallwyl Museum (further on shortened as LSH) works with digitization of their collections. The aim is also to present which opportunities and problems this process may bring. A presentation of the digitization process in the “centralmuseerna” (museums that ar

Credit Rating Changes and Post-M&A Firm Value: Assessing the importance of credit ratings changes as a motive for successful M&A

This research shows the impact of credit rating change (thereafter CRC) announcements on the combined entities following mergers and acquisitions. In looking at the effect of CRC announcements on share prices, we measure the level of influence that a credit upgrade or downgrade has on the equity value of firms. Existing literature disputes the applicability of share price as a measure of value cre

The Chinese Maritime Frontier: 10th — 16th Century

China’s maritime development during 200 B.C. to 1600 A.D. is usually vastly overlooked compared to its counterpart: Europe. Traditionally, Europe’s maritime development has been associated as the frontier of maritime growth, which began around the sixteenth century and eventually evolved into modern economic growth. However, the thesis challenges that Europe was the frontier of maritime growth; ra

To buy or not to buy - public or private. A study regarding the announcement effect and value creation in different types of M&A transactions

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the abnormal returns for the acquiring firms surrounding M&A announcements. The emphasis of the study lies on examining the difference in abnormal returns between acquiring public and private firms. Secondly, the study aims to get theoretical insights by examining the relationship between the magnitude of abnormal returns and different deal char

Thicker than water : exploring values among actors sharing a water body for effective management : the case of Lake Ringsjön

The underlying values people hold in relation to the environment is an important aspect to consider when natural areas are shared. These underlying values, so called value orientations, and differences in values directed towards a natural phenomenon can impact views on suitable management, lead to disagreements and even conflict. Understanding of the diverse aspects people value can therefore be i

Incitament för energibesparing i studentbostäder - Energieffektiva åtgärder för studentbostäder i Lunds kommun

De ständigt ökande klimatförändringarna orsakade av människan har visat sig medföra enorma komplikationer för stora delar av världen. Insatser som syftar till att bekämpa de negativa klimatförändringarna som har uppstått till följd av växthusgasutsläpp utvecklas nu på allvar och de negativa effekterna kan bland annat dämpas genom en effektivare energianvändning. I det moderna samhället står byggnDue to the constantly increasing threat caused by climate change necessary measures against the current situation needs to be accomplished. This study shows that one potential approach to reach this goal is by a more effective way of energy consumption. In this study the energy use of students in the city of Lund in Sweden was assessed. The purpose of the study was to find out what sort of driving

Nordic Banks - Credit Risk and Risk Linkages

The recent global financial crisis has once again shown how fragile the financial system is. This essay investigates the credit risk in the Nordic banking sector by measuring the probability of default of the six major Nordic banks. This is done by using the Merton (1974) model which utilizes stock prices as well as balance sheet data. The results are compared with an approach first suggested by H

Communicate to Cash-Out? A critical review of recommendations and realities in startup

The purpose of this study is to explore the field of strategic communication in startups by investigating communication in start-ups and, in doing so, critically questioning its function within startups. A qualitative research approach was cho-sen, carried out as a case study of the startup scene in Berlin based on 14 expert interviews and a content analysis of online magazine articles and blog en

"Målsägande verkar lite knepig". En diskursanalys av femininitet i polisens kvinnoregister.

In December 2014 Swedish radio leaked that Swedish police kept a record about women reporting that they have been exposed to domestic violence. The record contained subjective comments about 2500 women. The record has been kept at and used by Polisen Södertörns victim group, and holds subjective comments about both the women and their related. The record has been established and used during the ye

Visselblåsare och olika intressenters intressen på arbetsmarknaden: En komparativ studie mellan Sverige och Norge

Uppsatsen behandlar ämnet visselblåsare utifrån ett intressentperspektiv. Yttrandefriheten är grunden för visselblåsare men den skapar ibland svåra intresseavvägningar. Rätten i sig ger även exempel på olika intresseavvägningar. Syftet med uppsatsen är att synliggöra vilka intressen som ligger till grund för hur gällande rätt har utformats avseende visselblåsare. Vidare är syftet att jämföra vilkaThe subject for this essay is Whistleblower from a stakeholder perspective. Freedom of expression is the foundation of the Whistleblowers. But sometimes it creates difficulties when balancing different interests (for instance duty of loyalty). The law also gives examples of the balancing of different interests. The purpose of this essay is to highlight the interests which are the basis for how the

Identification and environmental interpretation of microtextures on quartz grains from aeolian sediments : Brattforsheden and Vittskövle, Sweden

Mikrotexturer är mikrometerstora avtryck på kvartskornens ytor samt på korn med andra mineralogiska egenskaper. Kvartskorn, som förekommer i de flesta sedimentära miljöer, innehåller mikrotexturer som undersöks särskilt på grund av kvartsmineralets unika mineralogiska egenskaper som möjliggör bevarandet av mikrotexturer genom olika miljöer. I denna studien är mikrotexturer en viktig källa för att Microtextures are micrometer-sized imprints on the surfaces of quartz grains and on grains with other mineralogical compositions. Quartz grains, which occur in most sedimentary environments, contain microtextures which are especially studied due to quartz unique mineralogical properties allowing for preservation of microtex-tures through different environments. In this study, microtextures are an

The effect of uncertainty in online information search for travel planning: A segmentation study

The present quantitative research focuses on studying the effect of uncertainty in online information search related mainly to travel planning. The main emphasis is in the individual and combined effect of these variables towards different demographic segments of international travelers. In order to do so it draws insights from Uncertainty avoidance (Hofstede, 2001) and information foraging theory

Forecasting Power of Sentiment on Stock Return

We study the predictability of sentiment on stock return of the Hong Kong market. We measure sentiment by forming composite sentiment indices from several proxies using principal component analysis and the partial least square method. We find that sentiment measures using either method have similar in-sample forecasting power but the one formed by using partial least square method has better out-o

När ska jag gå i pension - En studie som undersöker om det finns en optimal pensionsålder

Medelpensioneringsåldern i Sverige har länge varit mer eller mindre konstant trots att medellivslängden har ökat. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka huruvida det finns en optimal pensionsålder när den förväntade återstående livslängden är en annan än den Pensionsmyndigheten förutsatt och om detta kan förklara den konstanta medelpensioneringsåldern. Studien tillämpar en kvantitativ metod och

Att leva med Amyotrofisk Lateralskleros - ALS ur ett patientperspektiv

Bakgrund: Amyotrofisk Lateralskleros (ALS) är en dödlig neurodegenerativ sjukdom. Destruktion av motorneuron leder till att ALS-patienterna blir helt förlamade, vilket medför en stor påverkan i patienternas liv. Syfte: Belysa patienters upplevelse av att leva med ALS, genom att beskriva hur patienters liv och livskvalitet påverkas av sjukdomen. Metod: Litteraturstudie med integrerad analys. Result

The role of ectomycorrhizal fungi in nitrogen retention in spruce forests fertilized with N, P or N+P

Mykorrhiza motverkar läckage av kväve Tillgången på kväve (N) begränsar tillväxt i nästan alla land-ekosystem. Därför förväntas ekosystem optimeras för att hushålla med denna resurs. Förbränning av fossila bränslen och industriell tillverkning har nyligen fördubblat tillgången på N. Jag har undersökt hur träd ingår partnerskap med svampar för att effektivisera sitt upptag av N, och hur deras relaEctomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) mediate nutrient exchange between trees and soil in coniferous forests. Nitrogen (N) currently limits net primary productivity (NPP) in many terrestrial ecosystems but N deposition may alleviate this limitation, inducing limitation of phosphorous (P) instead. Studies have shown reductions in production of EMF mycelia (EMM) when trees are alleviated limitation of N, unle

Partimedlemmars kommunikativa funktioner och betydelse för mindre och oetablerade partier

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att skapa förståelse för medlemmarnas kommunikativa funktioner i ett oetablerat politiskt parti och hur dessa funktioner kan användas i partiets arbete med strategisk kommunikation. Vidare behandlar uppsatsen hur oetablerade partier kan arbeta och ta tillvara på de interna resurserna för att nå sina mål. Uppsatsen grundar sig i en fallstudie av det politiska partietThe aim of this study is to obtain greater understanding of the different functions that members can contribute to an unestablished political party, and how these functions can be seen as assets in the organization’s work with strategic communication. Furthermore, this study investigates how unestablished parties can seize the underlying resources for its purpose to reach the organizational goals.

"Sällskapsdamer" eller "ambassadörer"? : Sjukhuskuratorns syn på sin profession i tvärprofessionell samverkan

Social workers within health care approach to their own profession in multi professional teamwork The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine and illuminate how social workers perceive their own professional role, the professions legitimacy and hierarchical position in interdisciplinary collaboration of multi professional teamwork within the hospital. The empirical research is based on f