

Din sökning på "*" gav 528204 sökträffar

The frequency of atrial fibrillatory waves is modulated by the spatiotemporal pattern of acetylcholine release : a 3D computational study

In atrial fibrillation (AF), the ECG P-wave, which represents atrial depolarization, is replaced with chaotic and irregular fibrillation waves (f waves). The f-wave frequency, F f, shows significant variations over time. Cardiorespiratory interactions regulated by the autonomic nervous system have been suggested to play a role in such variations. We conducted a simulation study to test whether t

"Sjukdomar härja, mötesförbud utfärdas" : Pingstvänners reaktion på pandemin "spanska sjukan" 1918–1920

This article explores how Swedish Pentecostals reacted to the pandemic known as the Spanish Flu 1918-1920, looking at the Pentecostal periodicals Evangelii Härold and Brudgummens röst. As local authorities banned social gatherings in various degrees, Pentecostals had the choice to either submit and cancel their services, or rebel and continue with them secretly. The article also looks at whether P

Olaus Magnus' Carta Marina (Venice, 1539) and the Apotheosis of the North

Respublica Litteraria in Action: Travels--Maps--Itineraries, ed. Katarzyna Tomaszuk. Supplement: Patryk Sapała, The Itinerary of Bishop Piotr Tomicki, Vice-Chancellor of the Kingdom of Poland (1515-1535), Warsaw: University of Warsaw Press, 2023 (series: Corpus Epistularum Ioannis Dantisci, part V: Respublica Litteraria in Action, vol. 4).

Bakom stängda dörrar - En kvalitativ studie om hur unga institutionsplacerade beskriver sin livssituation

This study has examined how young people in out-of-home care, specifically special youth homes in Sweden (SiS), describe their life situation and their ability to make their voices heard during care. We used a qualitative document analysis approach, collecting 40 stories from young persons in secure residential care from three different sources. To deepen our understanding, we used Erving Goffman´

Revising Technology Strategies In The High-Tech Electric Vehicle Industry

This master’s thesis investigates the development and suggestion of a model for adapting and revising the technology strategies concerning Stationary Charging Stations (SCS), based on insights from relevant markets and stakeholders. This study particularly focuses on High-Tech Stationary Charging Stations in the Electric Vehicle (EV) charging industry, emphasizing Elonroad’s new Stationary Chargin

Stock Price Predictions for FAANG Companies Using Machine Learning Models

The financial industry is one of the highest grossing sectors in the world as it is estimated to represent 24\% of the global economy. As most companies want their asset value to increase, it is of high interest to make good investments which will increase in either the short or long run. The main aim of this thesis was to reveal the performance on predictions using two different machine-learning

Politik för Global Utveckling (PGU) – Samstämmighet eller oenighet?

Current Swedish aid policies were dictated in the document “Policy for Global Development” (PGD), which was endorsed by parliament in 2003. PGD was created in response to a recognised need to apply a holistic view with regards to international development efforts. PGD contains an innovative and internationally renowned agenda for action and has respected both the conclusions of the Paris declarati

ESG Performance and Corporate Bond Spreads

This paper examines the impact of ESG performance on corporate bonds spreads. The spreads are determined by the risk factors of the investment and the demand by the capital markets. It is therefore analysed whether ESG affects these determinants. The hypothesis is that increased ESG performance should lead to lower bond spreads because it has a positive effect on risk mitigation and investor deman

Prisdeterminanter inom padelbranschen

Denna uppsats ämnar sig åt att specificera de aspekter som påverkar prissättningen kring padelsporten. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av en regressionsanalys och 84 observationer. Resultatet visade att konsumenters medelinkomst och närområdets befolkningsmängd hade signifikant effekt på priset, likaså hade även kvalité, uthämtad från padelhallarnas Google reviews, samt vilken padeltid i veckan s

Väljs rätt transportinfrastruktur? En samhällsekonomisk bedömning av Västlänken

The West Link Project is a transport infrastructural investment in the expansion of public transport in the region Västra Götaland. The choice of transport infrastructure falls under the domain of the Swedish government, usually paid for by Swedish taxpayers. Therefore it is important to know if the choices made surrounding these investments are socio-economically profitable and whether or not the


A circular economy is one of the biggest challenges Sweden has to address in order to fulfill the goals set by FN in Agenda 2030. In order to make progress the Swedish government assigned an investigation in 2017. The investigation presented a few suggestions to how Sweden could obtain a more circular economy. One of the suggestions presented by the investigation was called hyberreduction. The nam

Is reaching for the whisky bottle justified? Examining the value of whisky and its inclusion in the optimal portfolio

This study aims to evaluate whisky as an investment through two research questions: “What affects the value of whisky?” and “Should whisky be included in the optimal portfolio?”. The value of whisky is examined by constructing a hedonic regression using five hedonic attributes. Also, the convenience yield associated with whisky is examined. Secondly, the performance of whisky is evaluated by using

Clusters of carbohydrate-rich foods and associations with type 2 diabetes incidence : a prospective cohort study

Background: About one in ten adults are living with diabetes worldwide. Intake of carbohydrates and carbohydrate-rich foods are often identified as modifiable risk factors for incident type 2 diabetes. However, strong correlation between food variables can make it difficult to identify true associations. The purpose of this study was to identify clusters of carbohydrate-rich foods and analyse thei

Coexistence of s -wave superconductivity and phase separation in the half-filled extended Hubbard model with attractive interactions

Understanding competing instabilities in systems with correlated fermions remains one of the holy grails of modern condensed matter physics. Among the fermionic lattice models used to this effect, the extended Hubbard model occupies a prime place due to the potential relevance of its repulsive and attractive versions for both electronic materials and artificial systems. Using the recently introduc

Revealing the origins of vortex cavitation in a Venturi tube by high speed X-ray imaging

Hydrodynamic cavitation is useful in many processing applications, for example, in chemical reactors, water treatment and biochemical engineering. An important type of hydrodynamic cavitation that occurs in a Venturi tube is vortex cavitation known to cause luminescence whose intensity is closely related to the size and number of cavitation events. However, the mechanistic origins of bubbles const