

Din sökning på "*" gav 528306 sökträffar

Facial hair shaving behavior and skin problems of shaved areas of males

Unwanted facial hair is a common problem and requires different grooming regimens or treatments. Shaving beard hair can cause undesirable skin effects, such as irritation, razor burn, razor nick, and pseudofolliculitis barbae. This study explores male behaviors related to shaving facial hair and the consequential effects on the shaved skin. A questionnaire-based, cross-sectional, analytical study

Liver resection and ablation for squamous cell carcinoma liver metastases

BACKGROUND: Limited evidence exists to guide the management of patients with liver metastases from squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). The aim of this retrospective multicentre cohort study was to describe patterns of disease recurrence after liver resection/ablation for SCC liver metastases and factors associated with recurrence-free survival (RFS) and overall survival (OS). METHOD: Members of the Eur

Activity concentrations of radionuclides in energy production from peat, wood chips and straw

Popular Abstract in Swedish Joniserande strålning- en introduktion (Ionizing radiation- Introduction in Swedish) 13.1 Storheter och enheter Effekten av strålningen från ett radioaktivt ämne eller röntgenapparat kallas stråldosen, eller egentligen den effektiva dosen , och anges i enheten sievert (Sv). Aktiviteten av ett radioaktivt ämne anges i enheten becquerel (Bq) och anger antal sönderfallanIn this thesis quantitative analyses of radionuclide concentrations in bioenergy fuels such as peat, wood chips and straw are presented. For comparison a brief description is included of radionuclide concentrations and radiation doses from other sources of power and also from some industrial applications. Radiation is a natural phenomenon and radionuclides occur naturally. The first man-made spre

A Component-Based Approach to Localization and Collision Avoidance for Mobile Multi-Agent Systems

In the RUNES project a disaster relief tunnel scenario is being developed in which mobile robots are used to restore the radio network connectivity in a stationary sensor network. A component-based software development approach has been adopted. Two components are described in this paper. A localization component that uses ultrasound and dead reckoning to decide the robot positions and a collision

No Island is an “Island”: Some Perspectives on Development and Environmental Justice in Oceania

Since the 1990s, it has often been argued that the earth is like an island in space and that its brittleness is most clearly reflected on small islands in the oceans. Easter Island, for instance, with its largely depleted resources and an indigenous population which almost became extinct in the 19th century, has been seen as a microcosmic warning about what may happen to our entire planet. However

Musikinstrument. Omfång, transponering m.m.

De i västerländsk musik vanligast förekommande instrumenten - från blockflöjtsfamiljen till hela slagverket - presenteras i omfångstabeller. Vidare finns kortfattad sammanställning av "svåra" greppväxlingar, svårspelade lägen, tekniska finesser, sordineringar, olika spelarter m.m.