

Din sökning på "*" gav 127709 sökträffar

Student from Lund wins prize for her degree project in family law

Published 18 October 2024 Jur. Kand. Caroline Lindau, former student from the law program at the Faculty of law in Lund, received a scholarship from the law firm “Familjens jurist” on September 12 for her thesis on family law. Thesis title: Automatisk vårdnadsöverflyttning vid dödligt våld inom familjen och dess förenlighet med artikel 8 i Europakonventionen.(Automatic transfer of custody in cases

https://www.law.lu.se/article/student-lund-wins-prize-her-degree-project-family-law - 2025-03-09

Titti Mattsson named Pufendorf Endowed Chair

Published 6 November 2024 Titti Mattson professor of public law. The Vice-Chancellor has appointed Professor Titti Mattsson as the new holder of the Torsten and Ragnar Söderberg Foundation Professorship in Memory of Samuel Pufendorf for the period 2025-2028. The professorship is appointed for four years by the Vice-Chancellor to a professor at Lund University in the subjects of economics, politica

https://www.law.lu.se/article/titti-mattsson-named-pufendorf-endowed-chair - 2025-03-09

Elin Thunell and Jon Eriksen are the Faculty of Law’s data stewards

Published 4 December 2024 With the Research Data Office, the University is working to improve support for researchers in the management of research data. Each faculty now has a data steward to assist researchers in their work with research data.The new Research Data Office will better support researchers in managing their research data according to legal requirements and security standards. This i

https://www.law.lu.se/article/elin-thunell-and-jon-eriksen-are-faculty-laws-data-stewards - 2025-03-09

New historiographer of the Royal Orders of Knighthood

Published 10 December 2024 Martin Sunnqvist, professor of legal history at the faculty, has been appointed by Svante Lindqvist, chancellor of the Royal Orders of Knighthood, to be the historiographer of the orders from 1 October 2024. As historiographer, he assists the Royal Orders of Knighthood with legal and historical expertise. The Royal Orders of Knighthood is the organization that manages th

https://www.law.lu.se/article/new-historiographer-royal-orders-knighthood-0 - 2025-03-09

New expert in the Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics

Published 10 December 2024 Lena Wahlberg, Associate Professor of Jurisprudence at the Faculty of Law, has been appointed as an expert in the Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics (Smer). The appointment is valid from 1 January 2025, until further notice, but not beyond January 31, 2028. The Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics is a body appointed by the Swedish government to deal with m

https://www.law.lu.se/article/new-expert-swedish-national-council-medical-ethics - 2025-03-09

A student from Lund is awarded the Swedish Competition Authority's essay competition 2024

Published 12 December 2024 Hannes Hultman is awarded first prize in the law class for his essay in the degree Swedish Competition Authority's essay competition 2024. The title of the essay is “Processramen i upphandlingsmål – En analys av domstolens hantering av invändningar om kravbrister”.The prize money is SEK 20,000 and was awarded during a ceremony in Stockholm on December 10. The supervisor

https://www.law.lu.se/article/student-lund-awarded-swedish-competition-authoritys-essay-competition-2024 - 2025-03-09

Ulf Linderfalk awarded funding by the Spanish government

Published 13 December 2024 Ulf Linderfalk has in a highly competetive field been awarded a research grant of 1 million euros by the Spanish government. The grant is part of the framework of a special investment ("Programa ATRAE"). The program aims to "ensure academic excellence and the presence of cutting-edge research" in Spain. It gives Spanish universities and research institutions the opportun

https://www.law.lu.se/article/ulf-linderfalk-awarded-funding-spanish-government - 2025-03-09

Nicole Citeroni awarded the Pescatore Prize 2023

Published 17 December 2024 On 12 December 2024, Nicole Citeroni was awarded the Pescatore Prize 2023 by the Doctoral School of Law of the University of Luxembourg. The Pescatore Prize is named in honour of Luxembourg legal scholar and judge at the European Court of Justice, Pierre Pescatore. It is awarded once per year to one Doctoral School of Law graduate for the best doctoral thesis. Nicole’s d

https://www.law.lu.se/article/nicole-citeroni-awarded-pescatore-prize-2023 - 2025-03-09

Excellent placement for law at Lund University in Times Higher Education’s world ranking 2025

Published 24 January 2025 Lund University is listed at place 36 in the world-ranking for law. Times Higher Education (THE) is one of the three leading international rankings of universities and higher education institutions, and it is based on 18 indicators in teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. The THE ranking of universities for 2025 was published in October last ye

https://www.law.lu.se/article/excellent-placement-law-lund-university-times-higher-educations-world-ranking-2025 - 2025-03-09

Honorary Doctorates 2025

Published 29 January 2025 Professors Marta Pertegás Sender and Jeremias Adams-Prassl have been awarded honorary doctorates by the Faculty. Professor Marta Pertegás Sender. Image Alba Dewit Pertegás Marta Pertegás SenderProfessor Marta Pertegás Sender, Maastricht University, started her career in academia as a doctoral student in Leuven and obtained her PhD in 2000 with a thesis on cross-border pat

https://www.law.lu.se/article/honorary-doctorates-2025 - 2025-03-09

Denmark's new royal coat of arms marks the end of a 400-year-old-long-conflict

Published 4 February 2025 The new Danish royal coat of arms. Artist: Ronny Skov Andersen. Professor Martin Sunnqvist explains how the changes in the Danish royal coat of arms puts an end to an old Swedish-Danish conflict. Denmark's King Frederik X recently announced a change to the royal coat of arms. This put an end to a 17th century Swedish-Danish conflict, according to Martin Sunnqvist, who wri

https://www.law.lu.se/article/denmarks-new-royal-coat-arms-marks-end-400-year-old-long-conflict - 2025-03-09

LU Holding går in i bolaget Concidera Health som har utvecklat beslutsverktyg baserat på barncancerdata

Publicerad 19 december 2018 Helena Linge, Concidera Health. Forskarna Helena Linge och Thomas Wiebe har bildat bolaget Concidera Health tillsammans med LU Holding, som går in med kapital. I bolaget ska de fortsätta sin utveckling av webbaserade beslutsunderlag som läkare ska kunna använda för att förbättra uppföljningen av tidigare barncancerpatienter när de senare i livet riskerar att drabbas av

https://www.innovation.lu.se/artikel/lu-holding-gar-i-bolaget-concidera-health-som-har-utvecklat-beslutsverktyg-baserat-pa-barncancerdata - 2025-03-09

8till5: "Lundabolagets produkt utsedd till topp 10 bästa uppfinningarna 2018"

Publicerad 3 januari 2019 Portföljbolaget AcouSorts produkt Acou Wash kommer på sjätte plats när tidningen The Scientist utser de tio bästa uppfinningarna under 2018. Under 2018 lanserade AcouSort officiellt sin andra produkt, Acou Wash, som kan tvätta celler från ett medium till ett annat, berika eller koncentrera cellprover och separera celler baserat på storlek med ultraljud, skriver 8till5. Lä

https://www.innovation.lu.se/artikel/8till5-lundabolagets-produkt-utsedd-till-topp-10-basta-uppfinningarna-2018 - 2025-03-09

Bylife får ny styrelseordförande och levererar växtväggar till sina första kunder

Publicerad 22 januari 2019 LU Holdings portföljbolag Bylife AB stärker styrelsen när Alfa Laval-profilen Göran Hedbys kommer in som ordförande. Bolaget har också fått sina första betalande kunder, bland annat ett skånskt konsultbolag. Studentbolaget Bylife har utvecklat mjukvara och hårdvara till en uppkopplad modulär växtvägg, där bevattningen övervakas och styrs på avstånd. Väggarna är efterfråg

https://www.innovation.lu.se/artikel/bylife-far-ny-styrelseordforande-och-levererar-vaxtvaggar-till-sina-forsta-kunder - 2025-03-09

Studentinnovation på frammarsch

Publicerad 29 januari 2019 2018 blev ett framgångsrikt år för VentureLab, som jobbar för att främja innovation och entreprenörskap bland studenter vid Lunds universitet. Genom olika aktiviteter träffar de varje år tusentals studenter på samtliga fakulteter.På Ideon Agora driver VentureLab sedan 2001 en inkubator för studenter som har en idé de vill testa. Förra året blev ett rekordår för inkubator

https://www.innovation.lu.se/artikel/studentinnovation-pa-frammarsch - 2025-03-09

Welcome David Kullander - new Portfolio Manager at LU Holding

Publicerad 6 mars 2019 We asked one of our latest addition to the team about his expectations of his new position.  Tell us, who are you?I was born and raised a “smålänning”, but moved to Skåne, found love and decided to stick around. I now live with my wife, two daughters and a cat in Lomma. I’ve spent the last 15 years in entrepreneurial, innovative companies – small and large – in various roles

https://www.innovation.lu.se/artikel/welcome-david-kullander-new-portfolio-manager-lu-holding - 2025-03-09

CEO and Co-founder for deep tech case

Publicerad 7 mars 2019 We are looking for a CEO & Co-founder for a startup that is going to revolutionize how simulations are being used in MRI. If you are highly driven, looking for the most interesting startup position in Europe and want to be part of creating a new health tech-company, this is your chance. We think that you have a MSc in Physics, Math, Electrical Engineering, Technology Managem

https://www.innovation.lu.se/artikel/ceo-and-co-founder-deep-tech-case - 2025-03-09