

Din sökning på "*" gav 528081 sökträffar

Studies of cytoskeletal proteins FilP, Scy and CtpS in Streptomyces venezuelae

Popular science summary: Understanding the bacterial cytoskeleton The bacterial cytoskeleton was discovered not too long ago. Since its discovery, it has been a source of information and understanding of how this essential cellular system is established and maintained. The cytoskeleton allows for subcellular organization, which is the key behind many cellular functions. One such function is pola

Hållbarhetsredovisning i ideella organisationer -En kvalitativ studie om hur ideella organisationer använder hållbarhetsredovisning

Studiens syfte är att fylla den kunskapslucka som identifierats kring användandet av hållbarhetsredovisning i ideella organisationer som är verksamma i Sverige. De ideella organisationer som undersöks är Rädda Barnen, Greenpeace, Röda Korset, Reach for Change och BRIS vars kärnverksamhet kretsar kring miljömässigt eller socialt arbete. Det som framgått av studien är att det finns en kunskapsbrist The purpose of this thesis paper is to fill the knowledge gap that exists in the usage of sustainability reporting within non-profit organizations. The non-profit organizations participating in this study are Rädda Barnen (Save the children), Greenpeace, Röda Korset (The Red Cross), Reach for Change and BRIS. All of these organizations have a core business revolving around environmental and social

Renommésnyltning och "smell-alikes" - det känneteckens- och marknadsrättsliga skyddet mot renommésnyltande parfymimitationer

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka de för parfymtillverkare tillgängliga varumärkes- och marknadsrättsliga verktygen mot snålskjutsfenomenet ”smell-alikes”, dvs. efterbildningar av välkända märkesparfymer av lägre kvalitet som säljs för en bråkdel av originalpriset. I avsaknad av ett självklart, juridiskt varumärkesskydd för dofter lämnas producenterna att förlita sig på det varumärkesrätThe aim of this paper is to investigate the legal tools available for perfume producers in trademark and market law against the free-riding phenomenon “smell-alikes”, i.e. imitations of famous brand perfumes of lower quality sold at a fraction of the original price. In the absence of evident legal trademark protection for fragrances, manufacturers have to rely on the trademark protection granted

What creates a valuable cue? The underestimated importance of a cues diagnostic value over the encoding retrieval match for successful memory retrieval

Målet med denna studie är att undersöka betydelsen av det diagnostiska värdet hos en ledtråd, en så kallad “cue” framför värdet av ett kontextuellt överlapp mellan inkodning och framplockning av minnen. Ett minnestest grundat på ledtrådsbaserat igenkännande, så kallat “cued recognition”, genomfördes. Samtliga deltagare presenterades för ordpar tillsammans med kontextuella bilder i tre betingelser,The aim of this study is to investigate the importance of a diagnostic cue over the mere contextual overlap between encoding and retrieval in successful retention. A cued recognition test was conducted to investigate the power of a contextual cues diagnostic value in successful retrieval of memories. Participants were presented with word pairs together with a picture background in three different

Det polska barnhemmet. En kvalitativ fallstudie utifrån Maslows teori om behovshierarkin

The aim of this study was to examine how staff members of an orphanage in north Poland, operate their work to meet children's developmental needs related to Maslow's theory of hierarchy of needs. By semi-structured interviews with four of the staff members, their understanding of the children’s developmental needs were studied. The study also focused on the strategies used by the staff to

Being and Belonging: A discursive reading of identity politics in the European Union´s engagement with Ukraine

Much scholarly work has been devoted to the issue of the identity politics of the EU, often however by attempting to construe limited empirical findings as proof of how the EU generally aims to represent itself and others. This thesis takes a different, more contextual, approach by investigating, via a Laclau and Mouffe inspired discourse analysis, how the EU via representations in its foreign pol

Ensamkommande barn med föräldrastöd på distans

The purpose with this study was to investigate how the relationship looks between unaccompanied minors and their parents in another country. The emphasis is on how personnel and superintendents, who works at an institutional home-care in Sweden are reasoning and working to encourage the relation between minors and their parents. The investigation is made with a qualitative method, where I have con

A panel data approach of income-related health inequalities among the 50+ in Sweden

This thesis examines income-related health inequalities among an elderly population over time in Sweden. The concentration indices are estimated and decomposed for two time periods in order to uncover which socioeconomic variables determine the level of health inequality in Sweden. The determinants of health are estimated using a panel data fixed effects model, hence allowing for a comparison of h

Strategisk prissättning inom mjukvarubranschen

Sammanfattning Titel Strategisk prissättning inom mjukvarubranschen Handledare Per Magnus Andersson Författare Robin Wingne och Johan Ågren Nivå Magisteruppsats 30 hp Problem Arbetet med prissättning har under lång tid präglats av ett synsätt som utgår från kostnader. Utvecklingen inom framförallt mjukvarubranschen har lett till nya typer av erbjudanden som innehåller nya värderingselement vi

It is about feeling good, not doing good

Syftet med föreliggande studie är att skapa en ökad förståelse för unga, mindre bemedlade personers inställningar och motivationer gentemot monetära donationer till välgörenhetsorganisationer. Forskningsstrategin för uppsatsen är kvalitativ, där en abduktiv ansats har tillämpats. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts utifrån en tvärsnittsdesign, där respondenter valts ut genom ett bekvämlighThe purpose of this study is to create an understanding for the young, less affluent peoples’ attitudes and motivations towards monetary donations to charity foundations. The study uses a quantitive method with an abductive approach. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted using a cross-sectional design, where respondents have been selected by convenience selection.Altruism, egoism and cons

Skäl för bestyrkande av hållbarhetsredovisningar- en litteraturstudie på nationell och internationell nivå

Uppsatsens syfte är att identifiera och beskriva vilka drivkrafter och motiv som presenterats för bestyrkande av hållbarhetsredovisningar samt att undersöka huruvida det finns en skillnad på dessa skäl mellan nationell och internationell praxis och slutligen se huruvida dessa skäl överensstämmer med intressenternas inställning till tredjepartsgranskade hållbarhetsrapporter.Purpose of this study is to identify and describe the motivations and reasons presented for attestation of sustainability reports and to investigate whether there is a difference on these grounds between national and international practice. Finally the study aims to see whether these reasons correspond with stakeholder approach to third-party audited sustainability reports.

Möblering i bostäder - En studie av möblernas täckningsgrad

Energy use is a topic which is becoming more and more of interest throughout the world. Due to future reduction of the total energy use within the European Union, the permitted energy usage for the building sector is to be reduced. This consequently puts high demands on newly produced buildings, where it is important that both great and small aspects are considered. According to a previous study i

Urban land expansion model based on SLEUTH, a case study in Dongguan city, China

The SLEUTH urban model is developed with sets of predefined growing rules involving Spontaneous Growth, New Spreading Center Growth, Edge Growth, Road Influenced Growth and Self-modification. They are applied continuously to lead the urban simulation to a specific morphology. A SLEUTH land use model was set up to simulate urban growth trajectory of Dongguan city from 1997 to 2009. The accuracy of

Evaluating the active management of third stage of labour as a strategy to reduce the incidence of postpartum haemorrhage in Kyrgyzstan: a retrospective cross-sectional study

Background: Maternal mortality is still a key issue in public health. Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is one of the main direct causes of maternal mortality in many countries around the world, including Kyrgyzstan where approximately half of all maternal deaths are due to this complication. Maternal mortality caused by PPH can be prevented through cost-effective interventions including active managem

Investigation of possible non-additive behavior in the formation of secondary organic aerosol from a mixture of anthropogenic and biogenic VOC precursors

Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) mass yields were tested for six combinations of two anthropogenic volatile organic compounds (AVOC); m-xylene & toluene, and three biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC); α-pinene, myrcene & isoprene. The purpose was to investigate any non-additive results in SOA formation from mixtures of AVOCs and BVOCs by comparing experimental yield with correspondin

Intrahousehold Resource Allocation and Women’s Power. The Effect of FAMILIAS EN ACCIÓN on Colombian Households.

Familias en Acción, during more than a decade, has encouraged investments in human capital and children’s health in poor households in Colombia. The program has been able to benefit a wide range of population to such a great extent, that now the program has become a national public policy. While the positive effects on health and education have been widely studied, there are some other important i