

Din sökning på "*" gav 534793 sökträffar

Codelivery of a cytotoxin and photosensitiser via a liposomal nanocarrier : A novel strategy for light-triggered cytosolic release

Endosomal entrapment is a key issue for the intracellular delivery of many nano-sized biotherapeutics to their cytosolic or nuclear targets. Photochemical internalisation (PCI) is a novel light-based solution that can be used to trigger the endosomal escape of a range of bioactive agents into the cytosol leading to improved efficacy in pre-clinical and clinical studies. PCI typically depends upon

Surfactant controlled zwitterionic cellulose nanofibril dispersions

Zwitterionic cellulose nanofibrils (ZCNFs) with an isoelectric point of 3.4 were obtained by grafting glycidyltrimethylammonium chloride onto TEMPO/NaBr/NaOCl-oxidised cellulose nanofibrils. The ZCNF aqueous dispersions were characterized via transmission electron microscopy, rheology and small angle neutron scattering, revealing a fibril-bundle structure with pronounced aggregation at pH 7. Surfa

Thermal stability, storage and release of proteins with tailored fit in silica

Biological substances based on proteins, including vaccines, antibodies, and enzymes, typically degrade at room temperature over time due to denaturation, as proteins unfold with loss of secondary and tertiary structure. Their storage and distribution therefore relies on a “cold chain” of continuous refrigeration; this is costly and not always effective, as any break in the chain leads to rapid lo

The Effect of Water upon Deep Eutectic Solvent Nanostructure : An Unusual Transition from Ionic Mixture to Aqueous Solution

The nanostructure of a series of choline chloride/urea/water deep eutectic solvent mixtures was characterized across a wide hydration range by neutron total scattering and empirical potential structure refinement (EPSR). As the structure is significantly altered, even at low hydration levels, reporting the DES water content is important. However, the DES nanostructure is retained to a remarkably h

Ett mål eller ett människoöde – vad rapporteras det om? : en innehållsanalys av svenska mediers rapportering från den första veckan av herrarnas fotbolls-VM i Ryssland 2018 och i Qatar 2022

This essay examines how Swedish newspapers portrayed the men's football world cup. The foundation of the study is set by researchers Lawrence Wenner & Andrew Billings and their findings that critical media coverage on sporting events is reported before it starts. The media's focus then often shifts to mainly concerning sport coverage once the event has started. The aim of this study is

Membrane permeability based on mesh analysis

The main function of a membrane is to control the exchange of matter between the surrounding regions. As such, accurate modeling of membranes is important to properly describe their properties. In many cases in both biological systems and technical applications, the membranes are composite structures where transport properties may vary between the different sub-regions of the membrane. In this wor

Non-collaborative behaviour of accommodation businesses in the associational tourism economy

Grounded in social exchange theory (SET) this paper presents research on non-collaborative behaviour among accommodation businesses within their spatial context. The study adopts semi-structured interviews of 14 co-located accommodation businesses in Christchurch, New Zealand. The findings reveal three categories of non-collaborative factors that influence business behaviour, namely (1) resource-b

On the problem of smooth approximations in H(b) and connections to subnormal operators

For the class of de Branges-Rovnyak spaces H(b) of the unit disk D defined by extreme points b of the unit ball of H∞, we study the problem of approximation of a general function in H(b) by a function with an extension to the unit circle T of some degree of smoothness, for instance satisfying Hölder estimates or being differentiable. We will exhibit connections between this question and the theory

Calibration of a bumble bee foraging model using Approximate Bayesian Computation

1. Challenging calibration of complex models can be approached by using prior knowledge on the parameters. However, the natural choice of Bayesian inference can be computationally heavy when relying on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling. When the likelihood of the data is intractable, alternative Bayesian methods have been proposed. Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) only requires sampli

The functional potential of methane producing and consuming microorganisms in a changing world : Den funktionella potentialen hos mikroorganismer som producerar och förbrukar metan i en föränderlig värld.

It’s clear that human activities have heated our climate via the release of anthropogenic greenhouse gases. Recent changes within the earth climate are rapid, intensifying, and unprecedented. With each additional increment of warming, climate change is impacting ecosystems through changes in average conditions, climate variability, coupled with other associated changes such as biodiversity loss an

Principles to recover copper-conducting CTR proteins for the purpose of structural and functional studies

Transition metals such as copper and zinc are essential elements required for the survival of most organisms, from bacteria to humans. Yet, elevated levels of these elements are highly toxic. The Copper TRansporter protein family (CTRs) represents the only identified copper uptake proteins in eukaryotes and hence serves as key components for the maintenance of appropriate levels of the metal. More

Creating the Cape Colony : The political economy of settler colonisation

This open access book offers a detailed study of the foundation and expansion of the Dutch Cape Colony to ask why certain regions in the global south became European settler societies from the 16th century onwards.Examining the different factors that led to the creation of the Cape Colony, Erik Green reveals it was a gradual process, made up of ad hoc decisions, in which the agency of indigenous p

Timing rather than movement decisions explains age-related differences in wind support for a migratory bird

Migratory birds must make complex decisions to use wind to their advantage during flight and increasing flight performance is particularly important while crossing ecological barriers. Age-related differences in how birds deal with wind have suggested experience improves necessary skills in gaining positive wind support. However, differences in wind support between age groups over ecological barri

The clinical relevance of asking young psychiatric patients about childhood ADHD symptoms

Aim: The aim of this study was to explore the relevance of asking young psychiatric patients about childhood symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).Method: A total of 180 young adults (18-25 years of age) from a general psychiatric out-patient clinic in Uppsala filled in the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Screening Inventory-Retrospect (CAPSI-R) as part of the diagnostic pro

Expression of Paracrine Effectors in Human Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Treated With Plasma From Brown Bears (Ursus arctos)

Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADSCs) are promising candidates for novel cell therapeutic applications. Hibernating brown bears sustain tissue integrity and function via unknown mechanisms, which might be plasma borne. We hypothesized that plasma from hibernating bears may increase the expression of favorable factors from human ADSCs. In an experimental study, ADSCs from patients with isc

Bandgap Inhomogeneity of a PbSe Quantum Dot Ensemble from Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy and Comparison to Size Inhomogeneity from Electron Microscopy

Femtosecond two-dimensional Fourier transform spectroscopy is used to determine the static bandgap inhomogeneity of a colloidal quantum dot ensemble. The excited states of quantum dots absorb light, so their absorptive two-dimensional (2D) spectra will typically have positive and negative peaks. It is shown that the absorption bandgap inhomogeneity is robustly determined by the slope of the nodal

Of Those Who Dared to Dream: Student Activists’ Contestation of Hierarchy in the Thai Youth-led Protest

This thesis examines the perception of hierarchy and how student activists have challenged hierarchy in the youth-led protests through attacking symbols of hierarchy and authority. Hereby, the research is based on in-depth interviews with student activists form Bangkok, linking it to the contemporary and historical development of the Thai social order. The findings are analysed through meaning-mak

Continuous production of cellulose microbeads by rotary jet atomization

The replacement of plastic microbeads with biodegradable alternatives is essential due to the environmental persistence of plastics and their accumulation within the human food chain. Hypothesis: Cellulose microbeads could be such alternative, but their production is hindered by the high viscosity of cellulose solutions. It is expected that this viscosity can be harnessed to induce filament thinni

Community adaptation to temperature explains abrupt soil bacterial community shift along a geothermal gradient on Iceland

Understanding how and why soil microbial communities respond to temperature changes is important for understanding the drivers of microbial distribution and abundance. Studying soil microbe responses to warming is often made difficult by concurrent warming effects on soil and vegetation and by a limited number of warming levels preventing the detection of non-linear effects. A unique area in Icela