

Din sökning på "*" gav 126348 sökträffar

Fall-related mortality in southern Sweden

Published 12 August 2019 We examined all death certificates (DCs, n=2 01 488) in adults recorded in the Skåne region during 1998–2014. We identified all fall deaths using International Statistical Classification of Diseases (ICD)-10 codes (W00-W19) and calculated the mortality rates by age and sex. Temporal trends were evaluated using joinpoint regression and associated causes were identified by a

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/fall-related-mortality-southern-sweden - 2025-03-14

Agreement between self-reports, proxy-reports and the National Patient Register regarding diagnoses of cardiovascular disorders and diabetes mellitus in a population-based sample of 80-year-olds

Published 13 August 2019 Cognitive impairment is common among older adults, necessitating the use of collateral sources in epidemiological studies involving this age group. The objective of this study was to evaluate agreement between self- and proxy-reports of cardiovascular disorders and diabetes mellitus in a population-based sample of 80-year-olds. Further, both self- and proxy-reports were co

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/agreement-between-self-reports-proxy-reports-and-national-patient-register-regarding-diagnoses - 2025-03-14

Early Results From the American Joint Replacement Registry: A Comparison With Other National Registries

Published 15 August 2019 The American Joint Replacement Registry (AJRR) was created to capture knee and hip arthroplasty data in the United States. The purpose of this study was to compare early reports from the AJRR to other national registries to identify topics for future analysis. Read more here.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/early-results-american-joint-replacement-registry-comparison-other-national-registries - 2025-03-14

Preventing bias from selective non-response in population-based survey studies: findings from a Monte Carlo simulation study

Published 18 August 2019 Monte Carlo simulations were used to examine the degree to which selective non-response leads to biased estimates of associations between risk factors and health outcomes when persons with the highest levels of health problems are under-represented or totally missing from the sample. This was examined under different response rates and different degrees of dependency betwe

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/preventing-bias-selective-non-response-population-based-survey-studies-findings-monte-carlo - 2025-03-14

Reliability of recurrent pregnancy loss diagnosis coding in the Swedish National Patient Register: a validation study

Published 19 August 2019 The Swedish National Patient Registry (NPR) is a nationwide registry that is used extensively for epidemiological research. Using the NPR, we recently found a recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) incidence of 650/100,000 (0.65%) pregnant women in Sweden. It is of great importance that the quality of the coding is good and reliable in order to use NPR data for research. To specif

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/reliability-recurrent-pregnancy-loss-diagnosis-coding-swedish-national-patient-register-validation - 2025-03-14

The Swedish dental health register - validation study of remaining and intact teeth

Published 20 August 2019 Sweden has a long tradition of nationwide registers enabling population-based research of high quality and validity. We aimed to describe the content and validity of reported number of remaining and intact teeth in the Swedish Dental Health Register and report some descriptive data on dental health care utilization. Read more here.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/swedish-dental-health-register-validation-study-remaining-and-intact-teeth - 2025-03-14

Language technology in Medicine and Life sciences

Published 1 August 2019 In medicine and life sciences we are overloaded with different forms of text and speech. Texts in the form of electronic health records, genomic sequences, scientific articles, twitter feeds or patient questionnaires can be analysed to gain new scientific insights. Speech technology can be used in health apps and chatbots, to extract information from doctor-patient-dialogue

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/language-technology-medicine-and-life-sciences - 2025-03-14

Forskningens dag 2019: Psykisk ohälsa

Published 3 August 2019 Psykisk ohälsa är ett växande problem som vi behöver tackla tillsammans. Den behandling som finns idag är otillräcklig. Kom och hör om hur morgondagens behandling och förebyggande arbete kan se ut. Presentationer av och med forskare vid Lunds universitet och Region Skåne. Vetenskapliga arrangörer är Åsa Petersén, Åsa Westrin och Anders Håkansson. Moderator är Anne-Marie Rau

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/forskningens-dag-2019-psykisk-ohalsa - 2025-03-14

Pufendorfinstitutets 10-års-jubileum

Published 5 August 2019 I år är det 10 år sedan Pufendorfinstitutet tog emot sin första Temagrupp. Sedan dess har många hundra forskare haft möjlighet att tillsammans utveckla nya tvärvetenskapliga forskningsområden vid institutet. Den 19-21 ser vi tillbaka på vad dessa 10 år har inneburit för de forskare och den forskning som vuxit fram här – med höjdpunkter och dilemman. Tillsammans med inbjudna

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/pufendorfinstitutets-10-ars-jubileum - 2025-03-14

Hälsovetenskapens dag 2019: Omställningar

Published 6 August 2019 Hälsovetenskapens dag arrangeras årligen av Institutionen för hälsovetenskaper och är ett event öppet för alla. I år är eventet en del av Framtidsveckan 2019 vid Lunds universitet, den 14-20 oktober, där forskare från olika fakulteter presenterar populärvetenskaplig forskning under temat Omställningar – Vilka måste vi göra? Vilka vill vi göra? Och vilka vill vi helst slippa

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/halsovetenskapens-dag-2019-omstallningar - 2025-03-14

Epidemiology I - introduction to epidemiology

Published 8 August 2019 Do you conduct patient- or population-based research using clinical, survey, registry or biobank data? Then this course is indispensable for you! The course is primarily intended for doctoral students at the Medical Faculty at Lund University, but it is also open for postdoctoral and senior researchers and other applicants if there are available slots. Read more here.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/epidemiology-i-introduction-epidemiology - 2025-03-14