Din sökning på "*" gav 533668 sökträffar
Fastighetsreglering eller lagfart?
Mer ansvar till exploatören - en snabbare exploateringsprocess?
Redigering av punktdata i webbkarta med WFS-teknik
Stöd för åtgärder inom jordbruket som minskar utsläpp av ammoniak och växthusgaser
Hanteringen av stallgödsel i jordbruket orsakar en stor del av utsläppen av ammoniak i Sverige. För att uppnå Sveriges mål om att minska utsläppen av ammoniak behöver jordbrukare utföra åtgärder som minskar utsläppen av ammoniak. Samtidigt är det viktigt att ta hänsyn till hur åtgärder som minskar ammoniakutsläppen också kan bidra till att minska utsläpp av växthusgaserna metan och lustgas. Här di
Utvecklingen av etiska koder för revisorer
I det här kapitlet beskrivs och diskuteras hur utvecklingen av etiska reglerför revisorer har skett i samverkan med utvecklingen av branschen ochsamhället. Det framgår hur regler använts för att disciplinera revisorernaoch för att öka intressenternas förtroende när det behövts för att stärkaden professionella legitimiteten och yrkets status i samhället.
Legitimizing Policy Branding: The Case of Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy
Establishing reward systems for excellence in teaching–the experience of academics pioneering a reward system
Higher education institutions are struggling to elevate the value and status of academic teaching. In this endeavour, rewards for excellence in teaching are becoming a common measure. This study reports on the experience of the first academic teachers who were given the status as rewarded teachers in new reward systems. We explore rewarded teachers’ potential to influence teaching and learning cul
Experimental Assessment of Emission Factors from Fires in the Built Environment Including Scaling Effects
Concern for the health of the natural environment is growing as humanpopulation grows. Recently, renewed attention has been given to the environmentalimpact of fires and the fire implications of sustainability choices made in the builtenvironment. To properly understand the environmental impact of fires, however, itis crucial that we can estimate fire emissions. This paper explores the concept of
Value of decision control mechanisms in avoiding free cash flow drawbacks in the first place
This thesis examines the utilization of internal controls as means of facilitating effective use of free cash flow (FCF) by managers, with the aim of preventing potential issues that may distort their relationship with shareholders. The objective was to understand the means of mitigating FCF issues by identifying internal controls within the companies to guarantee the effective utilization of cash
Ett områdes potential - med exemplet Östra hamnen i Malmö
Transaktionskostnader vid fastighetsköp
Lägesfaktorers betydelse vid lokaliseringsbeslut - en studie i Malmö och Köpenhamn
Interpolationsmetoder för restfelshantering i höjdled vid höjdmätning med GPS
Samfällighetsföreningar -Uttaxering
Planeringsportal för Södra hamnen, Helsingborg
Pulmonary embolism and deep venous thrombosis after COVID-19 : long-term risk in a population-based cohort study
Background: Venous thromboembolism (VTE) (pulmonary embolism [PE] or deep venous thrombosis [DVT]) is common during acute COVID-19. Long-term excess risk has not yet been established. Objectives: To study long-term VTE risk after COVID-19. Methods: Swedish citizens aged 18 to 84 years hospitalized and/or testing positive for COVID-19 between January 1, 2020, and September 11, 2021 (exposed), strat
Matching-adjusted indirect comparison of bleeding outcomes in severe haemophilia A : Comparing valoctocogene roxaparvovec gene therapy, emicizumab prophylaxis, and FVIII replacement prophylaxis
Introduction: Head-to-head evaluation of valoctocogene roxaparvovec, the first gene therapy approved for haemophilia A, with emicizumab is not available. Therefore, phase 3 trial data were indirectly compared. Aim: To compare bleeding rates in trials evaluating 6 × 1013 vg/kg valoctocogene roxaparvovec (GENEr8-1; NCT03370913), 1.5 mg/kg emicizumab dosed every week (HAVEN 3; NCT02847637), and FVIII
Kateketskolor i södra Lappland, verktyg för mission eller verktyg för utbildning?: En studie angående synen på samer och samisk utbildning genom Svenska Missionssällskapets kateketskolor i södra Lappland 1839
Catechist schools in the south of Lappland, a tool for mission or a tool for education? This essay primarily examines the archival material of the organization Svenska Missionssällskapet. This is done with the intent to analyze how the Sami people are portrayed and described in the synchronic context that consists of the period between 1835-1840. The second purpose of this primary analysis is to
Patient-reported Outcomes after Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty Are Not Affected by the Sex of the Surgeon : A Register-based Study of 8,383 Procedures in Western Sweden
Introduction: Female surgeons remain a minority within the field of orthopaedics, particularly in certain specialties such as arthroplasty. There is no scientific evidence on whether the surgeon's sex affects the patient-reported outcome after orthopaedic surgery such as total hip arthroplasty (THA). We therefore aimed to investigate the association between surgeon sex and health-related quality o