

Din sökning på "*" gav 534694 sökträffar

Two canonically aerobic foraminifera express distinct peroxisomal and mitochondrial metabolisms

Certain benthic foraminifera thrive in marine sediments with low or undetectable oxygen. Potential survival avenues used by these supposedly aerobic protists include fermentation and anaerobic respiration, although details on their adaptive mechanisms remain elusive. To better understand the metabolic versatility of foraminifera, we studied two benthic species that thrive in oxygen-depleted marine

Who is a Conspiracy Theorist?

The simplest and most natural definition of the term ‘conspiracy theory’ leads us to the conclusion that we are all conspiracy theorists. Yet, I claim that most of us would not self-identify as such. In this paper I call this the problem of self-identification. Since virtually everyone emerges as a conspiracy theorist, the term is essentially theoretically fruitless. It would be like defining inte

Professionalization in welfare-oriented civil society organizations : Comparison of board chairs and executive directors concerning motives for engagement and leadership ideals

The implications of professionalization of civil society organizations have seldom been explored in relation to the governance structure of organizations’ and leaders’ different terms of engagement. This study draws on a survey targeting leaders of Swedish welfare-oriented civil society organizations (N. 140) and compares the motives for engagement and leadership ideals of two groups of leaders: b

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att skapa en vårdrelation inom ambulanssjukvård

Sjuksköterskor som arbetar i akuta och stressinducerande situationer upplever det svårt att arbeta personcentrerat. Inom ambulanssjukvård fokuserar sjuksköterskor primärt på den medicinska behandlingen och ser inte patienten som en unik individ. Vårdrelationen bygger på ett ömsesidigt förtroende mellan sjuksköterska och patient och inom ambulanssjukvård där sjuksköterskan vårdar en patient åt

Europaian Studies

I compare and contrast four cross-disciplinary approaches to the social and natural sciences within the specific context of the tradition of speculation about Europe. As we will see later, I have termed the three conventional social science approaches ‘civilisational’, ‘categorical’, and ‘cultural’ Europe. My innovation is to suggest a fourth approach drawn from the natural sciences — that of ‘co-

Psykisk hälsa och livskvalitet hos barn och ungdomar som behandlas för obesitas

Barn och ungdomar med obesitas riskerar att utveckla depression, ångest, ätstörningar och en låg hälsorelaterad livskvalitet. Dessutom är viktrelaterad mobbning ytterligare en riskfaktor som påverkar den psykisk hälsan. Denna tvärsnittsstudie ämnade således att undersöka förekomst av och samvariation mellan självskattade symtom på depression, ångest och ätstörningar samt påverkad hälsorelaterad liChildren and adolescents with obesity are at risk of developing depression, anxiety, eating disorders and a low health-related quality of life. In addition, weight-related bullying is another risk factor that can influence mental health. This cross-sectional study aimed to explore the frequency of and covariation between self-reported symptoms of depression, anxiety and eating disorders as well as

Evaluating the DICE method to improve early recognition and treatment of neuropsychiatric symptoms in early Alzheimer’s disease

Background: While neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) are common in early Alzheimer’s disease (AD), they are currently underdiagnosed and undertreated in the memory clinic. Therefore, we evaluated the effectiveness of the Describe, Investigate, Create, Evaluate (DICE™) approach to structure and standardize the care for NPS in AD in the memory clinic. Method: A total of 60 community-dwelling patients w

Quantifying AD-related brain amyloid with linearised progression models : model-based vs. data-based.

Background: Brain amyloid-β (Aβ) is the pathological hallmark of Alzheimer's disease (AD). In logistic disease models, Aβ accumulation is a sigmoid function of time-since-disease-onset (TSDO) (figure 1). Previous positron emission tomography (PET)-based models vary accumulation onset(t50) and duration(r) globally; capacity(K) and baseline(NS) regionally (Whittington2018). We confirm existing appro

Law and expulsions insidethe Swedish welfare state. : The ‘craftwork of illegalisation’ and the management of undeportable deportees.

The article presents a legal ethnographic study of the contradiction between the rhetoric of return, stressing that rejected asylum seekers should leave the country, and the reality of legally stranded migrants, in a Swedish context. Through an in-depth analysis of three individual asylum case files, the study reveals how a situation comes about where rejected asylum seekers end up as legally stra

Are evaluative bibliometrics neoliberal? A historical and theoretical problematization.

In this article, we problematize the notion that the continuously growing use of bibliometric evaluation can be effectively explained by ‘neoliberal’ ideology. A prerequisite for our analysis is an understanding of neoliberalism as both denoting a more limited set of concrete principles for the organization of society (the narrow interpretation) or as a hegemonic ideology (the broad interpretation

Farmland birds on forest clear-cuts : Liked by some, avoided by others

Many bird species typical to farmland have declined in numbers in recent decades. Some farmland bird species occur outside farmland in other open man-made habitats, such as forest clear-cuts. Given that in Sweden the total area of clear-cuts (5–6 %) almost equals that of farmland (8 %), clear-cuts have the potential to be an important habitat for some farmland birds. We investigated how bird commu

Production of K∗(892)0 and φ(1020) in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at sNN =5.02 TeV

The production of K∗(892)0 and φ(1020) mesons in proton-proton (pp) and lead-lead (Pb-Pb) collisions at sNN = 5.02 TeV has been measured using the ALICE detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The transverse momentum (pT) distributions of K∗(892)0 and φ(1020) mesons have been measured at midrapidity (|y| 8 GeV/c, the RAA values of K∗(892)0 and φ(1020) are below unity and observed to be simila

Genotypic and phenotypic spectrum of infantile liver failure due to pathogenic TRMU variants

Purpose: The study aimed to define the genotypic and phenotypic spectrum of reversible acute liver failure (ALF) of infancy resulting from biallelic pathogenic TRMU variants and to determine the role of cysteine supplementation in its treatment. Methods: Individuals with biallelic (likely) pathogenic variants in TRMU were studied through an international retrospective collection of de-identified p

Data Analysis in High-Energy Physics as a Differentiable Program

Machine learning methods are now ubiquitous in physics, but often target objectives that are one or two steps removed from our physics goals. A prominent example of this is the discrimination between signal and background processes, which doesn’t account for the presence of systematic uncertainties – something crucial for the calculation of quantities such as the discovery significance and upper l

Prospective Comparison of Plasma Biomarker and Traditional Risk Factor Profiles for Incident Isolated Atherosclerotic Disease and Incident Isolated Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Background: Traditional risk factors for atherosclerotic disease (AD) are well-known, of which some are relevant also for abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). The present study compares the importance of plasma biomarkers and traditional risk factor profiles for incident AD without concomitant AAA (isolated AD) and AAA without concomitant AD (isolated AAA) during long-term follow-up. Methods: In the