

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Tectonic implications of ca. 1.45 Ga granitoid magmatism at the southwestern margin of the East European Craton

Popular Abstract in Swedish Planeten Jordens yttersta lager består av fast berg och kallas jordskorpan. Det finns två olika typer.av jordskorpa. Den ena är ocean, den andra kontinental. Den oceana jordskorpan är relativt tunn och uppbyggs av tunga, basaltiska bergarter. Den nybildas ständigt vid de s.k. mittoceana ryggarna ur smältor som där uppstiger ur Jordens mantel. Efter detta förstörs den doBetween ca 1.53 and 1.40 Ga, the southwestern margin of the East European Craton was subjected to extensive magmatism and deformation. While various suites of anorthositic, mangeritic and charnockitic-granitic rocks were emplaced between ca. 1.53 and 1.50 Ga, a major event of A-type granitic magmatism took place around 1.45 Ga. During that event, numerous voluminous plutons were intruded in a wide

Brandingenjörer i arbetslivet - en undersökning av dem som genomgått brandingenjörsutbildningen och några av deras arbetsgivare

Rapporten behandlar alumners och arbetsgivares erfarenheter av brandingenjörsutbildningen vid Lunds universitet. Undersökningen genomfördes som en nätenkät riktad till samtliga som avlagt brandingenjörsexamen vid Lunds universitet samt en skriftlig enkät till tio av deras arbetsgivare. Resultaten visade att alumnerna var mycket nöjda med utbildningen som helhet, men kritiska till att viss färdighe

Gas6 and protein S. Vitamin K-dependent ligands for the Axl receptor tyrosine kinase subfamily.

Gas6 and protein S are two homologous secreted proteins that depend on vitamin K for their execution of a range of biological functions. A discrete subset of these functions is mediated through their binding to and activation of the receptor tyrosine kinases Axl, Sky and Mer. Furthermore, a hallmark of the Gas6-Axl system is the unique ability of Gas6 and protein S to tether their non receptor-bin

Some ecophysiological and historical approaches to species richness and calcicole/calcifuge behaviour - Contribution to a debate

Species richness in vascular plants was related to the plants' calcifuge or calcicole behaviour using documentation from forests and open-land vegetation at about one thousand sites in the southern parts of Sweden. It is concluded that vegetation of strongly acid soils (pH-KCl < 4.5) have fewer vascular plant species than comparable vegetation of other soils, whereas there are no consistent differ

Islet antibodies and remaining beta-cell function 8 years after diagnosis of diabetes in young adults: a prospective follow-up of the nationwide Diabetes Incidence Study in Sweden.

Objectives. To establish the prevalence of remaining beta-cell function 8 years after diagnosis of diabetes in young adults and relate the findings to islet antibodies at diagnosis and 8 years later. Design. Population-based cohort study. Setting. Nationwide from all Departments of Medicine and Endocrinology in Sweden. Subjects. A total of 312 young (15-34 years old) adults diagnosed with diabe

Microbial fuel cell-based biosensor for fast analysis of biodegradable organic matter

The current study was made to develop a biosensor based on a single-chamber microbial fuel cell in which anaerobes were retained in the anode compartment separated from the cathode compartment by a proton exchange membrane. In the sensor a replaceable anaerobic consortium was used for analyzing biodegradable organic matter. The anaerobes acted as biocatalysts in oxidizing organic matter and transf

Effects of ejaculation-to-analysis delay on levels of markers of epididymal and accessory sex gland functions and sperm motility

This study aimed to examine the association between the interval from ejaculation to analysis and epididymal and accessory sex gland function in relation to sperm motility. Ejaculates from 1079 men assessed for infertility were analyzed according to World Health Organization guidelines. Biochemical markers were measured in semen to assess the function of the epididymi;s (neutral alpha-glucosidase

Diagnostic delay and prognosis in invasive bladder cancer

Objectives: To study diagnostic delay in invasive bladder cancer in a population-based material with long-term follow-up, and to evaluate whether delay in diagnosis affects the risk of bladder cancer death. Material and Methods: In a previous study, 177 patients with invasive bladder cancer (T1-T4) diagnosed in 1988 were investigated with regard to diagnostic delay. A review of all available clini

Atomistic simulations of tensile and bending properties of single-crystal BCC-Iron nanobeams

In this paper, we report the results of a systematic study of the elastic properties of nanosized single-crystal wires and beams of bcc iron. Both tensile and bending stiffnesses have been determined employing molecular statics simulations for specimens of different sizes and three different crystallographic orientations. We also analyze the influence of circular cross sections and rounded edges c

Intraoperative collection of shed blood with citrated compresses for autotransfusion. An experimental study in pigs

Six pigs were used to study whether the collection of shed blood by means of surgical compresses instead of suction traumatizes such blood. In an in vivo part of the study, the whole blood volume of the pigs was retransfused after treatment with citrated compresses, and in an in vitro part the blood was treated extensively with compresses and analyzed. All animals survived, with a minor fall in he

Reciprocal translocation (11;19)(q23;p13) in congenital acute lymphoblastic leukemia

The cytogenetic, clinical, and immunologic findings ina 4-month-old girl with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) are reported. The malignant lymphoblasts were characterized cytogenetically by the reciprocal translocation t(11;19)(q23;p13); immunologically by an immature pre-B-ALL phenotype. In spite of the high-risk nature of the leukemia, the patient attained complete remission relatively quickly

Smoking is a strong risk factor for rheumatoid nodules in early rheumatoid arthritis

Objective: To examine whether smoking is a risk factor for rheumatoid nodules in early rheumatoid arthritis, and if so to determine the quantitative effect of smoking. Methods: From a cohort (n = 1589) in a structured programme for follow up of newly diagnosed cases of rheumatoid arthritis ( symptoms of swollen joints ( 12 months), 112 individuals with rheumatoid nodules at inclusion were identifi

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Abstract in Norwegian Leukotriener syntetiseres fra arakidonsyre. De er potente proinflammatoriske mediatorer og bidrar til hyperreaktivitet i luftveiene. Antileukotriener er en ny gruppe medikamenter ved astma, og Zafirlukast, en leukotrienreseptorantagonist, er nå registrert for behandling av mild til moderat astma i Irland og Finland. Vi har foretatt en litteraturstudie vedrørende antileukotriLeucotrienes are synthesized from arachidonic acid. They are potent proinflammatory mediators that contribute to bronchial hyperreactivity. Antileukotrienes constitute a new group of antiasthmatic drugs. Zafirlucast, a leukotriene receptor antagonist, is now registered in Ireland and Finland for the treatment of mild to moderate asthma. We have studied the literature on antileukotrienes and have f