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Deformationer hos trä under tryck vinkelrätt fiberriktningen i kombination med fuktvariationer.

As multi-storey buildings with wooden framework are being build, constructors are faced with problems like, for instance, deformation of the wood, that is barely noticeable in a smaller house, but significant in larger buildings. Largest deformations of the wood occur w hen wood with a high original moisture content is loaded perpendicular to the grain and simultaneous allo w ed to dry, for instan

Assessment of Finite Element Softwares for Geotechnical Calculations

When building new constructions under ground level in cities it is important that the foundations of neighboring buildings are undisturbed. The regulations regarding soil deformations are hence very strict and conventional methods of predicting soil behavior is often too crude. Finite element calculations are therefore becoming an increasingly important tool used to predict soil behavior in and ar


Protective trade policies possess an unfavorable reputation due to crude interpretation of comparative advantage theory and particular practices of protective policies in the developing countries after World War II. Recent developments in the international trade theory showed that there are forces other than comparative advantage influencing the patterns of specialization under international trade

Dimensionering och utformning av diafragmaväggar i tegel.

This master thesis purpose is to increase the understanding of how the diaphragm walls function. The interest have mainly been focused on how much movement between the inner and outer leaf one can permit A major interest have also been focused on how much interaction between the leafs one can expect.

Correlation between diagenesis and sedimentary facies of the Bentheim Sandstone, the Schoonebeek field, The Netherlands

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Det största oljefältet på land i nordvästra Europa, Schoonebeekfältet i Nederländerna har varit föremål för denna studie. Oljeproduktionen stoppades på grund av att vatten trängt in i oljereservoaren. När vatten under produktionen blandas med olja sker detta på grund av att den existerande flödesmodellen av reservoaren är felaktig. Detta innebar att det blev ekoThe Valanginian (Lower Cretaceous) Bentheim succession of the Schoonebeek field is deposited in a shallow-marine environment along the southern and southwestern coast of the Lower Saxony Basin in eastern Netherlands. Three cores from Schoonebeek field, selected by NAM (Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij), and a number of samples from an outcrop in the Bentheim Sandstone at Gildehaus were studied. I

An Economic Model of the Salaried Physician in a Public Health Care System

At present there is no health economic model that can fully explain the behaviour of the salaried physician in public health care systems. My purpose is to create a working economic model of the salaried physician in a public health care system. Any model is a simplification of reality and choices have to be made between simplicity and relevance. For this reason I present a sequence of models t

Inventering och riskklassificering av den nedlagda deponin Blentarp i Sjöbo kommun

The purpose of this study is to perform an inventory of what kind of waste products the landfill Blentarp contains, as well as risk classifying the landfill. The inventory and risk classification is performed in accordance with the MIFO-method, developed by the Swedish EPA. The landfill Blentarp was in use during 1970-1979 and was registered as a landfill for domestic waste. By studying maps and a

Pharmaceuticals and the Environment - Physicians Role in the Dissemination of Information

Pharmaceuticals have been gaining environmental attention on a global scale. It is estimated that approximately 4,000 medical compounds are used in the drugs applied today. As middle hand providers, licensed physicians are the third to last representative in the distribution chain of prescription drugs. The aim of this study was to examine if Swedish and Danish physicians consider environmental ef

Ljus, tid och rum - Ljuskvalitet, spektralfördelning och ekoeffektivitet för plasmalampa, i jämförelse med högtrycksnatrium- och induktionslampa

The choice of light source is important for eco-efficient lighting. To assess the echoeffectiveness, it is essential to clarify how much and what kind of light you need, for each specific situation. To analyze this it is crucial to understand the need for different wavelengths. The Plasma lamp has a continuous spectrum and gives a relatively high proportion of photons with high energy. In many cri

Father, Mother, and Teacher Concordance and its Implications on Diagnosing ADHD and its Dimensions: A Twin Study

Background: In order to diagnose children with ADHD, the DSM-IV measures inattention (IA) and hyperactivity/impulsivity (HI) behavior in the context of significant impairment social and academic function. In order to diagnose, symptoms must be present in two different setting, which is commonly established in terms of home and school behaviors with the help of parent and teacher reports. Previous

A paleoecological study of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in the Kap Farvel area, South Greenland

En sedimentsekvens från Kap Farvel området på Sydgrönland undersöktes med avseende på polleninnehåll, magnetisk suseptibilitet och organisk halt. Sedimentens ålder bestämdes med 14C-dateringar, vilka visade att sedimentationen i sjön började kort tid före 12 300 cal B.P. och därmed inkluderar övergången Yngre Dryas till Preboreal. Syftet med studien är att studera övergången från den förmodat kallA sedimentary sequence from a small lake situated on Taterakasik peninsula in the Kap Farvel area, South Greenland, was investigated with respect to pollen and other microfossil content, as well as loss-on-ignition and magnetic susceptibility values. The 14C dates suggest that the sedimentation started shortly before 12 300 cal yrs. BP. and thus cover the transition from the supposedly cold Younge

Bedömning av föroreningsspridning kring en nedlagd bensinstation i Karlaby, sydöstra Skåne

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Oljebolagen i Sverige har bildat SPIMFAB (Svenska Petroleum Institutets Miljösaneringsfond AB) för att identifiera, undersöka och vid behov sanera gamla bensinstationsfastigheter. I Karlaby, Simrishamns kommun, har VBB Viak utfört undersökningar vid en nedlagd bensinstation för SPIMFAB:s räkning. Vattenprover visade att grundvattnet innehöll föroreningar i varieIn Karlaby, southeastern Skåne, the groundwater beneath a former petrol station has been showed to contain hydrocarbons. The objective of this project is to identify possible flowpaths that soluble contaminants may take, to delimit an area in which the contaminants may have spread and to calculate times needed for the contaminants to reach adjacent creeks. A geologic/hydrogeologic model over the i

Innovation process of an early-stage life science oriented project at Lund University: implications based on experiences and observations of working at ProZea

This paper is a theoretical reflection about the time working with my final start-up project ProZea at Lund University during my study period in Master’s program in Entrepreneurship. This study uses autoethnographical methodology to analyze the work of an entrepreneur on a new venture. The aim of this paper is to provide readers an insight of how product development takes place in an early stage l

Practical Guidelines and Recommendations for Selecting and Managing Environmental Key Performance Indicators for 1st Tier Suppliers

Denna uppsats har utforskat praktiska angelägenheter för val och hantering av nyckeltal för verksamheten för att hantera miljöpåverkan från leverantörers tillverkningsprocesser för leverantörer uppströms i leverantörskedjan. Studien har genomförts genom intervjuer med fem framstående företag inom området. Forskningsresultaten visar att det främst är direkta leverantörers miljöproblem kring energiaThis thesis has explored practical concerns for selecting and managing environmental Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to manage environmental impacts of suppliers’ production processes upstream in the supply-chain. It has been accomplished by interviews with five front-runner companies. Findings show that companies primarily track environmental issues for 1st tier suppliers concerning energy use,

Sedimentologisk undersökning av en moränskärning i en djupvittrad sprickdal på Romeleåsen, Skåne

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Dagens landskap bär på många spår från den senaste istiden. Det kan röra sig om räfflor på berghällar som bildats när inlandsisen med sten och grus glidit fram över en berggrundsyta, eller olika lager av lösa jordarter som transporterats och avlagrats av inlandsisen. Geologer använder dessa spår när de försöker rekonstruera nedisningsförloppet. Genom detaljstudiA narrow gorge in deep weathered bedrock has been uncovered during quarrying at Romeleåsen horst, Skåne, southern Sweden. The gorge was filled up with a homogeneous diamicton deposited directly on the weathered surfaces, but also on vertical walls of glacially abraded bedrock. The filling sediments and the contact to the bedrock were investigated in purpose to interpret sedimentary processes and d

Zirkonstudie av Norra Hortens bergarter, SV Sverige

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Frågan om jordens ålder fick sitt svar först vid 1900-talets början, då upptäckten gjordes att uran sönderfaller till bly med bestämd hastighet. Genom att mäta blyisotoper i uranhaltiga mineral kunde man räkna baklänges och se hur lång tid som krävts för att den uppmätta mängden bly skulle bildas. Samma typ av beräkningar gjorda på mineralet zirkon (ZrSiO2) är iZircon crystals from mafic intrusive rocks and surrounding gneisses were studied using back-scattered electron and cathodoluminescence imaging and laser ablation ICPMS. The rocks are exposed on the island of Norra Horten northwest of Varberg off the western coast of Sweden. The intrusion is mainly made up of amphibolite and metadiorite. Most zircons in the mafic rocks have prismatic external morph

En studie av Källsjögranitens deformationsmönster och kinematiska indikatorer inom Ullaredszonen

Källsjögraniten är en av flera Mesoproterozoiska granitkroppar inom Östra Segmentet som genomgått deformation under den Svekonorvegiska orogenesen (1.1-0.9 Ga). Den ligger belägen i nordöstra delen av Ullaredszonen, en nära 30 km lång och l0 km bred deformationszon som sträcker sig från Myloitzonen i nordväst i sydöstlig riktning in i det Östra Segmentet. Förekomsten av välbevarade domäner av nästThe Källsjö augen gneiss is one of many massifs in the Eastern Segment that has undergone deformation during Sveconorwegian orogeny (1,1-0,9 Ga). It is situated in the northeastern part of the Ullared Deformation Zone, a nearly 30 km long and 10 km wide deformation zone, stretching from the Mylonite zone southeast into the Eastern Segment. Based on well-preserved domains of nearly undeformed grani

Design of Industrial Floors: Principles for Control of Warping.

The Slab-on-grade, which include Industrial floors, can be defined, according to ACI Committee 360,1 as a slab continuously supported by ground with an area of more than twice the area required to support the imposed loads. The slab may be plain or reinforced and may include stiffening elements such as ribs and hidden beams. The reinforcement may be provided for structural purpose or for the contr