

Din sökning på "*" gav 126325 sökträffar

Lund University attracts 1/3 of all international students applying to Swedish universities

Published 22 January 2015 Lund University remains the most popular choice for international students wanting to study their Master’s degree in Sweden, with 1/3 of all applicants from the latest application round, choosing Lund University programmes. Of the total 43,817 students who applied to autumn 2015 Master’s programmes at Swedish universities, 14,821 applied to Lund University programmes. Thi

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/lund-university-attracts-13-all-international-students-applying-swedish-universities - 2025-02-27

Hidden infection shortens life

Published 23 January 2015 Recent research shows that mild infections without symptoms of illness can still lead to serious consequences by reducing the lifespan of the infected individuals. The study at Lund University in Sweden has been carried out on malaria-infected migratory birds. The infection is thought to speed up the ageing process by shortening the telomeres (i.e., the chromosomes ends)

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/hidden-infection-shortens-life - 2025-02-27

New method for identifying most aggressive childhood cancers

Published 28 January 2015 David Gisselsson Nord A research group at Lund University in Sweden has found a new way to identify the most malignant tumours in children. The method involves studying genetic ‘micro-variation’, rather than the presence of individual mutations. In adult cancers, the tumour cells are more genetically variable than healthy cells. When a cancerous cell divides, the chromoso

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/new-method-identifying-most-aggressive-childhood-cancers - 2025-02-27

Vice-Chancellor Torbjörn von Schantz inaugurated

Published 29 January 2015 During the traditional ceremony, former Vice-Chancellor, Professor Per Eriksson, handed over the Vice-Chancellor’s chains to Torbjörn von Schantz. Vice-Chancellor Torbjörn von Schantz was inaugurated with pomp and ceremony in the university assembly hall on Wednesday 28 January 2015. Torbjörn von Schantz is Vice-Chancellor of Lund University for the period 1 January 2015–

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/vice-chancellor-torbjorn-von-schantz-inaugurated - 2025-02-27

WATCH: ‘Cleaner’ protein protects against atherosclerosis

Published 5 February 2015 We have an innate mechanism that ensures that our blood vessels do not become blocked. The protein A1M, alpha-1-microglobulin, is naturally present in the body and prevents oxidation of blood fats – a major cause of atherosclerosis. The discovery is the work of a research group led by Professor Bo Åkerström from Lund University. VIDEO: How 'cleaner' protein protects us“At

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/watch-cleaner-protein-protects-against-atherosclerosis - 2025-02-27

WATCH: Students create gluten-free banana flour

Published 6 February 2015 Nathalie Knopp Food waste is completely bananas, according to a group of Master’s students in Food Technology at Lund University in Sweden. In fact, a significant amount of the 100 million tonnes of bananas produced annually worldwide is discarded before it even reach consumers. WATCH: Students make gluten-free banana flourThe Lund University students were asked to find w

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/watch-students-create-gluten-free-banana-flour - 2025-02-27

The role of humour in multicultural workplaces

Published 11 February 2015 We should not be afraid to joke about one another’s ethnic background. Used with sensitivity, such jokes can instead help to challenge the stereotypical image of immigrants, according to Lund University sociologist Henriette Frees Esholdt, who has studied humour at a multi-ethnic workplace in Denmark. Henriette Frees Esholdt’s study was carried out in a large organisatio

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/role-humour-multicultural-workplaces - 2025-02-27

New study assesses premature babies at 2.5 years old

Published 11 February 2015 Johanna Månsson Extremely premature babies that reach the age of two and a half demonstrate significantly poorer cognition, language and motor skills than children born at full term. The new study from Lund University in Sweden is one of few to study children born prematurely at such a young age. The results could be used to provide help at the right time. Extremely prem

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/new-study-assesses-premature-babies-25-years-old - 2025-02-27

New molecular medicine centre at Lund University

Published 12 February 2015 The new Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine at Lund University, which will focus on regenerative medicine, is part of a national plan to re-establish Sweden’s leading position in medical research. The centre is being funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, in collaboration with Lund University and Region Skåne. “It is very gratifying that the foundation

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/new-molecular-medicine-centre-lund-university - 2025-02-27

Nanotechnology facility planned in Lund

Published 13 February 2015 A production facility for start-ups in the field of nanotechnology may be built in the Science Village in Lund, a world-class research and innovation village that is also home to ESS, the European Spallation Source. “With this new facility, we want to create the conditions to enable new companies to develop from the R&D phase to full production, without needing to leave

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/nanotechnology-facility-planned-lund - 2025-02-27

Pharmaceutical companies violate own regulations

Published 18 February 2015 Shai Mulinari A new report from Lund University in Sweden shows how the pharmaceutical industry time and again violates regulations on the marketing of drugs. The study has been published in the journal PLOS Medicine. In order to avoid unethical marketing, the pharmaceutical industry has a well-established system of self-regulation. There are individual national systems,

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/pharmaceutical-companies-violate-own-regulations - 2025-02-27

New growth factor indicates possible regenerative effects in Parkinson's disease

Published 18 February 2015 Researchers have long sought treatments that can slow the progression of Parkinson's disease. Current treatments have for decades been only symptomatic in nature, supplying the neurotransmitter dopamine, which the dying nerve cells can no longer produce. Results from a recent clinical study offer hope that future therapies could take advantage of the brain's own protecti

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/new-growth-factor-indicates-possible-regenerative-effects-parkinsons-disease - 2025-02-27

Narrating Climate Futures on Esplanad

Published 10 July 2020 Narratives and futures was the theme of the latest episode of the podcast Esplanad, hosted by Caroline Ljungberg Toulson at Trivector. In Swedish. See description and link below. Vad är en berättelse och varför är de viktiga? Kan olika typer av berättelser hjälpa oss att förstå klimatförändringar och framtiden? Och hur ska man göra om man vill använda berättelser proaktivt f

https://www.climatefutures.lu.se/article/narrating-climate-futures-esplanad - 2025-02-27

CenCIP vid JRC i Ispra

Publicerad 10 juli 2017 Jonas Johansson visiting researcher vid JRC Ispra, Italien, under 2 veckor. Under två veckor, 10 juli till 28 juli, är Jonas Johansson vid CenCIP visiting researcher vid EU:s Joint Research Centre (JRC) i Ispra, Italien. JRC är Europeiska kommissionens vetenskaps- och kunskapsservice för att genomföra forskning och ge oberoende vetenskapliga råd och stöd EUs policyarbete. V

https://www.cencip.lu.se/artikel/cencip-vid-jrc-i-ispra - 2025-02-27

SSV-seminarium, Stockholm 22 november

Av jonas [dot] johansson [at] risk [dot] lth [dot] se (Jonas Johansson) - publicerad 16 oktober 2017 CenCIP anordnar ett seminarium i Stockholm den 22 november med fokus på aktuella frågor och utmaningar inom området skydd av samhällsviktig verksamhet. Skydd av Samhällsviktig verksamhet – Aktuella frågor och utmaningarVälkomna till ett heldagsseminarium med fokus på det viktiga arbetet med skydd a

https://www.cencip.lu.se/artikel/ssv-seminarium-stockholm-22-november - 2025-02-27

Publication in Safety Science

Av bjorn [dot] arvidson [at] risk [dot] lth [dot] se (Björn Arvidsson) - publicerad 19 januari 2018 Congratulations to CENCIP researchers Alexander Cedergren, Jonas Johansson and Henrik Hassel Congratulations to CENCIP researchers Alexander Cedergren, Jonas Johansson and Henrik Hassel who have published an article in Safety Science on "Challenges to critical infrastructure resilience in an institu

https://www.cencip.lu.se/artikel/publication-safety-science - 2025-02-27

Ny uppsats om samhällsviktig verksamhet, incitament och riskhantering

Publicerad 8 februari 2018 CenCIP forskare har fått med uppsatsen "Using microworlds to study critical infrastructure protection – The effect of incentives on risk management" på konferensen ESREL2018 i Trondheim i sommar. Uppsatsen handlar om hur olika typer av incitament kan påverka hanteringen av risk i en samhällsviktig verksamhet och hur man genom att använda riskbedömningar kan motverka skad

https://www.cencip.lu.se/artikel/ny-uppsats-om-samhallsviktig-verksamhet-incitament-och-riskhantering - 2025-02-27

Artikel om Sveriges Infrastrukturers Resiliens

Publicerad 13 mars 2018 CenCIP-forskare presenterar en artikel vid konferensen ESREL2018 i juni i Trondheim, Norge. I artikeln jämför vi några av Sveriges kritiska infrastrukturers resiliens utifrån avbrottsdata och drar slutsatsen att relativt stora skillnader existerar. Ett vidare arbete blir att undersöka orsakerna till dessa skillnader, beror de på skillnader i regleringar, riskkultur eller he

https://www.cencip.lu.se/artikel/artikel-om-sveriges-infrastrukturers-resiliens - 2025-02-27

Anmäl till kurs i Venedig: Critical Infrastructure Resilience

Publicerad 13 mars 2018 CenCIP-forskare medverkar i en uppföljare till en lyckad sommarkurs i Venedig med fokus på kritiska infrastrukturers resiliens. Anmälan till kursen är öppen till den 29 mars. För mer information och anmälan till kursen, se nedan.VIU Summer School on Critical Infrastructure Resilience (CIR) In this second edition, we bring together academics and professional experts to discu

https://www.cencip.lu.se/artikel/anmal-till-kurs-i-venedig-critical-infrastructure-resilience - 2025-02-27

Ny avhandling: Risk Communication in Multi-stakeholder Disaster Risk Management Systems: Insights and recommendations from the Swedish system

Publicerad 4 maj 2018 Den 18/5 klockan 10.15 försvarar Lexin Lin sin avhandling "Risk Communication in Multi-stakeholder Disaster Risk Management Systems: Insights and recommendations from the Swedish system” i sal V:D, V-huset, Lund. Länk till avhandlingenAbstractThe overall purpose of this thesis is to improve our understanding of how disaster risk management (DRM) systems function. Specifically

https://www.cencip.lu.se/artikel/ny-avhandling-risk-communication-multi-stakeholder-disaster-risk-management-systems-insights-and - 2025-02-27