

Din sökning på "*" gav 534729 sökträffar

A planetesimal orbiting within the debris disc around a white dwarf star

Many white dwarf stars show signs of having accreted smaller bodies, implying that they may host planetary systems. A small number of these systems contain gaseous debris discs, visible through emission lines. We report a stable 123.4-minute periodic variation in the strength and shape of the Ca II emission line profiles originating from the debris disc around the white dwarf SDSS J122859.93+10403

Evaluation of stance annotation of Twitter data

Taking stance towards any topic, event or idea is a common phenomenon on Twitter and social media in general. Twitter users express their opinions about different matters and assess other people’s opinions in various discursive ways. The identification and analysis of the linguistic ways that people use to take different stances leads to a better understanding of the language and user behaviour on

From rain to famine: assessing the utility of rainfall observations and seasonal forecasts to anticipate food insecurity in East Africa

East Africa experiences chronic food insecurity, with levels varying from year-to-year across the region. Given that much can be done to prevent this level of suffering before it happens, humanitarian agencies monitor early indicators of food insecurity to trigger early action. Forecasts of total seasonal rainfall are one tool used to monitor and anticipate food security outcomes. Factors beyond r

Short-term lingonberry feeding is associated with decreased insulin levels and altered adipose tissue function in high-fat diet fed C57BL/6J mice

Intact adipose tissue function is essential to maintain glucose and lipid homeostasis. To study the impact of altered adipose tissue function on whole-body metabolism, diet-induced obesity in mice is frequently used as a model organism. In the current study, we have examined health-promoting effects of a lingonberry supplemented diet. We found C57BL/6J mice fed a high-fat diet supplemented with li

Consumer-Led Screening for Atrial Fibrillation : Frontier Review of the AF-SCREEN International Collaboration

The technological evolution and widespread availability of wearables and handheld ECG devices capable of screening for atrial fibrillation (AF), and their promotion directly to consumers, has focused attention of health care professionals and patient organizations on consumer-led AF screening. In this Frontiers review, members of the AF-SCREEN International Collaboration provide a critical apprais

Milankovitch theory and monsoon

The widely accepted “Milankovitch theory” explains insolation-induced waxing and waning of the ice sheets and their effect on the global climate on orbital timescales. In the past half century, however, the theory has often come under scrutiny, especially regarding its “100-ka problem.” Another drawback, but the one that has received less attention, is the “monsoon problem,” which pertains to the

Kära Sverige: Bli inte för förälskade i den danska kriminalpolitiken!

Svenska politiker har förälskat sig i Danmark. Det gäller åtminstone den danska kriminalpolitiken, som både under och efter valrörelsen har blivit ett slags riktmärke för hur Sverige ska lösa sina stora utmaningar med gängkriminalitet och gängvåld. Precis som våra kära svenska grannar gläds vi danskar åt beröm.

Development of a novel ex vivo model for chemical ocular toxicity assessment and its applicability for hair straightening products

This study developed an air-liquid interface (ALI) corneal model using explants bovine eyes for ocular toxicity assessment of ten chemicals and seven hair straightening mixtures. It was successfully maintained physiologically viable and normal for six days. Both eye damage (GHS cat. 1) and irritating (GHS cat. 2) chemicals induced corneal injury in our model. However, cat. 2 irritants triggered mo

IgG with a deviant conformation in serum and synovial fluid from rheumatoid arthritis patients

Specific rabbit antisera were prepared against an IgG with a special conformation (IgG spec.) previously detected in some sera from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The antibodies had no affinity to normal human IgG and were not anti-idiotypic to human rheumatoid factor. The affinity of IgG spec, to the antibodies could not be explained by an antiglobulin activity to rabbit IgG. The amount of p

Chromosome-scale genome assembly of the brown anole (Anolis sagrei), an emerging model species

Rapid technological improvements are democratizing access to high quality, chromosome-scale genome assemblies. No longer the domain of only the most highly studied model organisms, now non-traditional and emerging model species can be genome-enabled using a combination of sequencing technologies and assembly software. Consequently, old ideas built on sparse sampling across the tree of life have re

Ophiostomatoid fungi synergize attraction of the Eurasian spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus to its aggregation pheromone in field traps

Eurasian spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus is a destructive pest of the Norway spruce (Picea abies). Recent outbreaks in Europe have been attributed to global warming and other anthropogenic impacts. Bark beetles are guided by multiple complex olfactory cues throughout their life cycle. Male-produced aggregation pheromones, comprising 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol and cis-verbenol, have been identified

Quantitative myocardial perfusion during stress using CMR is impaired in healthy Middle Eastern immigrants without CV risk factors

Middle Eastern immigrants constitute a growing proportion of the European population and compared to native Swedes are more insulin resistant, which can contribute to atherosclerosis. Quantitative first pass perfusion (qFPP) using cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) can detect early signs of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The aim was to study if myocardial perfusion differs between healthy male

Insight into the Mammalian Aquaporin Interactome

Aquaporins (AQPs) are a family of transmembrane water channels expressed in all living organisms. AQPs facilitate osmotically driven water flux across biological membranes and, in some cases, the movement of small molecules (such as glycerol, urea, CO2, NH3, H2O2). Protein–protein interactions play essential roles in protein regulation and function. This review provides a comprehensive overview of

Early Life Factors and Disease Development in Childhood

Kejsarsnitt, utebliven amning och antibiotika ökar risken för sjukdomar Hur många av dina vänner har någon form utav allergi? Pollen, nötter? Trots att vår sjukvård är bättre än någonsin har vi en stor ökning av sjukdomar i samhället, bland annat allergier. Varför är det så? Kliande ögon, snuva, nästäppa… Låter det bekant? Var tredje svensk har någon form utav allergi, vilka kan vara allt från lBackground and Aim The aim was to investigate the effects of four early life factors – delivery mode, feeding method, probiotics, and antibiotics – on disease development in childhood. This was done by conducting a structured literature review. Methods A literature search was performed in PubMed, Google Scholar and ReadCube Papers for studies published between January 2000 and October 2022. For e

Combinatorial gene targeting in primary human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells

The CRISPR/Cas9 system offers enormous versatility for functional genomics but many applications have proven to be challenging in primary human cells compared to cell lines or mouse cells. Here, to establish a paradigm for multiplexed gene editing in primary human cord blood-derived hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs), we used co-delivery of lentiviral sgRNA vectors expressing either E