

Din sökning på "*" gav 534719 sökträffar

Accelerating Techniques for Whisky Maturation : Effect of heat, iron and light on the maturation process

The maturation of whisky is a long and complex process, the extremely long waiting time causes a large cost for new whisky distilleries, and without sufficient funding, it is hard to start a whisky business. To produce satisfying whisky products within the short term, accelerating the reaction during aging provides a promising approach. Various chemical reactions take place during this stage, this

The Lund Molecular Taxonomy Applied to Non-Muscle-Invasive Urothelial Carcinoma

The precise classification of tumors into relevant molecular subtypes will facilitate both future research and optimal treatment. Here, the Lund Taxonomy system for molecular classification of urothelial carcinoma was applied to two large and independent cohorts of non-muscle-invasive tumors. Of 752 tumors classified, close to 100% were of the luminal subtypes, 95% urothelial-like (Uro; UroA, UroB

Job Satisfaction and Investment Efficiency – Evidence from Crowdsourced Employer Reviews

This study investigates the effect of job satisfaction on investment efficiency. To operationalize job satisfaction empirically, we employ a novel measure based on crowdsourced employer reviews. Considering the as yet under-researched and less regulated private firm setting, in which internal characteristics such as employee satisfaction should play a more important role for corporate actions, we

Patient trajectories after diagnosis of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma—a multistate modelling approach to estimate the chance of lasting remission

Background: Achieving lasting remission for at least 2 years is a good indicator for favourable prognosis long term after Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). The aim of this study was to provide real-world probabilities, useful in risk communication and clinical decision-making, of the chance for lasting remissions by clinical characteristics. Methods: DLBCL patients in remission after primary

On Discrete Linear Systems

Linjära tids-invarianta system är ordinära differential ekvation system som förekommer inom Reglerteknik där de används för att modellera blandt annat signal-processering, kemiska processer och ekonomi. Ett studie utförs på linjära tids-invarianta system, deras lösningar och tre nyckel egenskaper som de besitter: Observabilitet, åtkomlighet, och stabilitet. Tre algoritmer, Gaussian elimination, siLinear time-invariant systems are ordinary differential equation systems that arise in control engineering where they are used to model e.g. signal processing, chemical processing and economics. A study is conducted on linear time-invariant systems, their solution and three key properties they have: Observability, reachability and stability. Three algorithms, Gaussian elimination, singular value d

International sojourn experience and personality development: Selection and socialization effects of studying abroad and the Big Five

As part of a multi-study project, this test-retest study seeks to identify the relations between studying abroad anda sojourner's personality as measured by the Big Five personality traits. It thereby attempts to answer the ques-tions of who chooses to study abroad and how study abroad changes personality. A total of 221 students from aGermanuniversity weretracked over the courseofa semester, with

International experience makes a difference: Effects of studying abroad on students' self-efficacy

The present study examined whether students experience an increase in their general perceived self-efficacythrough international academic mobility. Two hundred and twenty-one students at Leuphana UniversityLüneburg were enrolled in a test-retest study with two points of measurement including a time interval of ap-proximately six months. Perceived self-efficacy was measured in a group of sojourners

Reclaiming Eco Assemblages - Emphasis on ecosystem resilience in human-oriented urban design in Varvsstaden, Malmö, Sweden

Many cities are facing the problem of old industrial areas whose soil has been contaminated with toxic substances created by different historical activities within the area. The great unsolved environmental problems, such as: water, soil and air pollution prob- lems, and habitat loss in the Öresund region today, are a result of the industrialization era. “Reclaiming Eco-Assemblages” lays out a m

Market Intelligence within Software Procurement

With the dawn of the digital era, software solutions are becoming of increasingly strategic importance for corporations, and due to the complexity of the products and the huge lock-in effects which they often give rise to, software-procurement is growing into a critical activity. However, due to the phenomena of information overload, finding and making use of the right information when making stra

Towards sustainable communities - An analysis of permaculture initiatives in Scania, Sweden

I tider av klimat- och miljökris måste vi förändra vårt sätt att leva för att bli mer motståndskraftiga och hållbara. Hållbara initiativ är viktiga för denna omställning och bör uppmuntras och stöttas av våra politiker och samhällsledare. Permakultur är ett av de lovande hållbarhetsinitiativ, som trots sin potential står inför flera hinder från kommunen för att kunna utvecklas. Den här studien undIn current times of climate crisis, we need to transform our way of living to be more resilient and sustainable. Sustainable initiatives are important for this transformation and should be encouraged and supported by our politicians and leaders. Permaculture is one of the promising sustainability initiatives, which despite its potentials, are facing multiple barriers from the municipality to devel

Protecting animals, until dinner? Investigating the existence of Meat-Related Cognitive Dissonance among veterinary students in Sweden

Even though animal farming is one of the leading causes of climate change and more people in the west are raising concerns over animal welfare, meat consumption here is high and expected to rise. This thesis examines the reasoning and tensions that arise when omnivores’ dietary choices clash with their love for animals by studying how the concept of the meat paradox and cognitive dissonance theory

Long-time variations of radionuclides and metals in the marine environment of the Swedish west-coast studied using brown algae : (Fucus serratus and Fucus vesiculosus)

The support from SSM has made it possible to continue collecting brown algaefrom the place on the Swedish west coast where regular collections began asearly as 1967. The support has also enabled more extensive analyses ofpreviously collected material than was possible before. This applies to bothsupplementary analyses of previously reported radionuclides and analysis ofnew ones. The project has al

Collider signatures of vector-like fermions from a flavor symmetric model

We propose a model with two Higgs doublets and several SU(2) scalar singlets with a global non-Abelian flavor symmetry Q6× Z2. This discrete group accounts for the observed pattern of fermion masses and mixing angles after spontaneous symmetry breaking. In this scenario only the third generation of fermions get their masses as in the Standard Model (SM). The masses of the remaining fermions are ge

Kvarteret Ithaka: A proposal for a new housing district in Lund’s northern university area.

Matters of housing are an often-discussed topic within architecture these days. As a subject, it is often recurring in architectural media, such as books, debates, podcasts, videos, and others. Sweden, like large parts of the developed world, faces right now a multitude of unique issues related to housing. It has become an expensive commodity, especially for younger people. Most of the existing ho

Motkulturens gemenskap prestige och social hierarki bland institutionaliserade ungdomar.

Denna uppsats kretsar kring prestigeskapande och formandet av social hierarki bland unga män inom den statliga institutionsstyrelsens (sis) omvårdnad. Metoden för detta arbete utgörs av kvalitativa intervjuer med institutionens personal såväl som litteratur baserat kring kulturellt, symboliskt och ekonomiskt kapital och dess förhållande till individ, kollektiv och sociala fält.

What is the language of sound like?

While sensory perception is currently receiving quite a lot of attention across disciplines, little empirical research has focused on how people describe auditory experiences. Research on the representation of sound in fiction narratives has shown that sounds are frequently conceptualized as events whose descriptions are instantiated in domains other than sound proper, as in strong men banging the