

Din sökning på "*" gav 125797 sökträffar

Extreme weather could increase power outages

Published 17 February 2020 Photo: Mostphotos Today's energy system is not equipped to deal with the extreme weather of the future, according to an international research group that tested 13 potential climate change scenarios on 30 cities in four different climate zones in Sweden. A growing share of renewable energy makes the system even more vulnerable, according to the projections published in N

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/extreme-weather-could-increase-power-outages - 2025-03-07

Worms discovered in the brain of lizard embryos for the first time

Published 21 February 2020 A common wall lizard (Photo: Nathalie Feiner) Researchers have discovered nematodes, or worms, in the brains of lizard embryos. This is the first time they have been found in reptile eggs, and it was previously believed that egg laying prevents parasites from being transmitted in this way. The discovery was made by an international research team led by Nathalie Feiner, e

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/worms-discovered-brain-lizard-embryos-first-time - 2025-03-07

The world's largest stem cell biobank launched

Published 26 February 2020 Human iPS cells (Photo: Johan Jakobsson) Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease make up the world’s most common diseases. A new biobank at Lund University in Sweden - the largest of its kind - with stem cells from both those affected and healthy individuals, will contribute to an increased understanding of how these diseases arise. “The goa

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/worlds-largest-stem-cell-biobank-launched - 2025-03-07

Large grant for research on the genetics of alcoholism

Published 28 February 2020 Kristina Sundquist (Photo: Johan Bävman) Professor Kristina Sundquist's research group at Lund University in Sweden has been awarded USD 2 million by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the US. Kristina Sundquist, together with Professor Kenneth Kendler's research group at Virginia Commonwealth University,

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/large-grant-research-genetics-alcoholism - 2025-03-07

Blood test enables early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease

Published 2 March 2020 Diagnosing Alzheimer's disease is often difficult, as several other conditions can cause similar symptoms. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have now discovered a blood marker that can accurately diagnose Alzheimer’s in the early stages of the disease. ‟This is a major breakthrough. I believe this blood test can be used clinically in only a few years”, says Oskar Hans

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/blood-test-enables-early-diagnosis-alzheimers-disease - 2025-03-07

Blood test enables early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease

Published 2 March 2020 Oskar Hansson (Photo: Kennet Ruona) Diagnosing Alzheimer's disease is often difficult, as several other conditions can cause similar symptoms. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have now discovered a blood marker that can accurately diagnose Alzheimer’s in the early stages of the disease. ‟This is a major breakthrough. I believe this blood test can be used clinically i

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/blood-test-enables-early-diagnosis-alzheimers-disease-0 - 2025-03-07

App helps reduce osteoarthritis pain

Published 5 March 2020 Håkan Nero (Photo: Olle Dahlbäck) By performing a few simple physical exercises daily, and receiving information about their disease regularly, 500 osteoarthritis patients were able to on average halve their pain in 6 months - and improve their physical function. The participants in the study from Lund University in Sweden used a newly developed mobile app to help them keep

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/app-helps-reduce-osteoarthritis-pain - 2025-03-07

Dogs can detect heat with noses, study finds

Published 9 March 2020 Infrared photo taken during the experiment An international research team from Sweden and Hungary have discovered an entirely new sense in dogs: using their cold, wet nose tips, dogs can sense the heat from other animals or a human. “It has taken a rather long time to discover this, given that dog and man have lived side by side for 15,000 years, and we have remained unaware

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/dogs-can-detect-heat-noses-study-finds - 2025-03-07

The University makes a transition to distance education

Published 18 March 2020 Lund University is following the Government and Public Health Authority’s new recommendations regarding measures to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. The University has therefore decided that education and examinations should be conducted using online alternatives (distance education) from 18 March. University facilities will remain open. On 17 March, the Government rec

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/university-makes-transition-distance-education - 2025-03-07

Lund University and the coronavirus (Covid-19)

Published 19 March 2020 The University’s main priority in these difficult times is the safety and well-being of our students, our staff and the community around us. As a centre of education and research in Sweden for more than 350 years, the University has stood through many major events in world history and by working together in solidarity, we will endure through these challenging times as well.

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/lund-university-and-coronavirus-covid-19 - 2025-03-07

Lund University students and staff to support health care system

Published 20 March 2020 Photo: Kennet Ruona Medical and nursing students will now be able to join the fight against the coronavirus. The Faculty of Medicine and Region Skåne have reached an agreement that means students can be employed at hospitals and health care facilities in the region. This will also apply to clinically active staff at the faculty. Initially, the deal applies to medical and nu

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/lund-university-students-and-staff-support-health-care-system - 2025-03-07

New imaging method sheds light on Alzheimer's disease

Published 25 March 2020 Oxana Klementieva (Photo: Agata Garpenlind) To understand what happens in the brain when Alzheimer's disease develops, researchers need to be able to study the molecular structures in the neurons affected by Alzheimer's disease. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have tested a new imaging method for this purpose. The research is published in the journal Advanced Scien

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/new-imaging-method-sheds-light-alzheimers-disease - 2025-03-07

Nya leverantörer inom arbetsmiljöområdet

Publicerad 24 januari 2021 Avtalen gäller från den 1 februari. Lunds universitet har tecknat avtal med nya leverantörer inom arbetsmiljöområdet.  Organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljöutredningar och arbetsmiljöinsatser Avtalets giltighetstid: 2021-02-01 – 2022-01-31 Kan förlängas 1+1+1 år Leverantörer antas utifrån individens/verksamhetens behov, utan inbördes rangordning. Avrop sker av beställa

https://www.hr-webben.lu.se/artikel/nya-leverantorer-inom-arbetsmiljoomradet - 2025-03-07

Nytt år och ny anmälningsskyldighet för lärares bisysslor

Publicerad 11 februari 2021 Anmälan ska göras senast den 31 mars. Samtliga lärare oavsett anställningens omfattning ska årligen, under årets första kvartal dock senast den 31 mars, lämna in anmälan om bisyssla. Även lärare som inte har någon bisyssla ska anmäla detta. Nu är det dags igen! Anmälan görs här: https://primweb.adm.lu.se/  Här finns mer information om bisyssla: För HR-funktioner, c

https://www.hr-webben.lu.se/artikel/nytt-ar-och-ny-anmalningsskyldighet-larares-bisysslor - 2025-03-07

Rapportering vid exponering av coronavirus

Publicerad 11 februari 2021 Vi ska rapportera och dokumentera anställds/students exponering för coronavirus i samband med arbete. När en anställd/ student exponeras för coronavirus i samband med arbete behöver vi som arbetsgivare rapportera och dokumentera detta.  till Arbetsmiljöverket. För mer information och instruktion, gå till sidan Anmälan avseende coronavirus/Covid-19

https://www.hr-webben.lu.se/artikel/rapportering-vid-exponering-av-coronavirus - 2025-03-07

Lönerevisionen har inletts

Publicerad 11 februari 2021 Förhandlingarna är fortfarande i sitt inledande skede. När det gäller revisionen av årets löner så har de lokala förhandlingarna påbörjats. Uppföljningssamtal/lönesamtal bör vara på gång eller redan vara genomförda. Lönerevisionen samordnas av ett universitetsövergripande nätverk (LU RALS) med representanter från sektionen HR, fakulteterna och övriga verksamheter. Nätve

https://www.hr-webben.lu.se/artikel/lonerevisionen-har-inletts - 2025-03-07

Varbi-webinarium våren 2021

Av webbansvarig [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Hedin) - publicerad 16 februari 2021 Varbi erbjuder tre webinarium under våren. Om du inte kan delta, men vill se webinaret - anmäl dig ändå! Varbi kommer att skicka ut en länk för att se webinaret i efterhand till alla som varit anmälda. 29 april kl 11:30-12:00 – LinkedIn-annonsering Sofia Holmberg på LinkedIn håller webinar om hur LinkedIn Pre

https://www.hr-webben.lu.se/artikel/varbi-webinarium-varen-2021 - 2025-03-07

Digital välkomstdag för nya medarbetare 16 april

Publicerad 24 februari 2021 Under den digitala välkomstdagen får universitetets nya medarbetare en inblick i universitetets vision, organisation och forskning - allt för att få uppleva den bredd som Lunds universitet står för. Evenemanget genomförs i direktsändning, registrering sker via Kompetensportalen. Datum: Fredagen den 16 april 2021 Tid: kl 09:00-11:00 Information om välkomstdagen skickas ä

https://www.hr-webben.lu.se/artikel/digital-valkomstdag-nya-medarbetare-16-april - 2025-03-07

Anmälan senast 29/4! Chefsforum om distansarbete/arbete hemifrån

Av webbansvarig [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Hedin) - publicerad 26 mars 2021 Sista dag för att anmäla sig till chefsforumet är den 29 april. För spridning till chefer med personalansvar. In English Inbjudan till chefsforum om distansarbete/arbete hemifrån, den 7 maj Sektionerna HR och Företagshälsovården arrangerar den 7 maj två digitala chefsforum (ett på svenska och ett på engelska) på

https://www.hr-webben.lu.se/artikel/anmalan-senast-294-chefsforum-om-distansarbetearbete-hemifran - 2025-03-07

Förhandlingar pågår fortfarande i årets lönerevision

Av webbansvarig [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Hedin) - publicerad 26 mars 2021 När det gäller revisionen av årets löner så pågår fortfarande de lokala förhandlingarna mellan universitetet och arbetstagarorganisationerna. Förhandlingarna ska bland annat leda fram till tidpunkten för löneöversynen. Därmed kan universitetet i dagsläget inte ge mer information om när de nya lönerna kommer att b

https://www.hr-webben.lu.se/artikel/forhandlingar-pagar-fortfarande-i-arets-lonerevision - 2025-03-07