

Din sökning på "*" gav 533813 sökträffar

Anticoagulation control in Sweden: reports of time in therapeutic range, major bleeding, and thrombo-embolic complications from the national quality registry AuriculA.

Aims In anticoagulation treatment with warfarin, the risk of thrombo-embolic events must be weighed against the risk of bleeding. Time in therapeutic range (TTR) is an important tool to assess the quality of anticoagulation treatment, and has been shown to correlate with less bleeding and thrombo-embolic complications. AuriculA, the Swedish national quality registry for atrial fibrillation and ant

The myocardial infarction associated CDKN2A/CDKN2B locus on chromosome 9p21 is associated with stroke independently of coronary events in patients with hypertension.

OBJECTIVE: We tested whether two single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (rs2383207 and rs10757278), previously strongly associated with myocardial infarction, are independently associated with stroke and coronary events in patients with hypertension. METHODS: The Nordic Diltiazem study compared the effects of calcium antagonist and beta-blocker or diuretic-based antihypertensive treatment on cardi

Bakom fasaderna : byggnadsarkeologiska sätt att fånga tid, rum och bruk

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar om byggnadsarkeologiska sätt att närma sig historiska byggnader. Syftet är att visa hur byggnadsarkeologin kan förnyas och utvecklas. Motivet är min uppfattning att byggnadsarkeologin inte till fullo utnyttjar de stående byggnadernas potential som historiska källor, vilket framför allt beror på ett traditionsbundet synsätt, som innebär att man nThis dissertation is about the way buildings archaeology approaches historical buildings. The aim is to show how buildings archaeology can be renewed and developed. The motivation is my belief that buildings archaeology does not fully utilize the potential of standing buildings as historical sources, which is mainly due to the traditional outlook on buildings as two-dimensional objects. When three

Industrial Management Models for Construction Waste Management

Much attention is nowadays devoted to waste management. The objective of this work is to show how commonly known business economic models and methods, as well as the Polluter- Pays Principle, can be applied to waste management in general and to waste fractionation in particular, so as to facilitate environmental optimisation of industrial and construction waste fractionation. In discussing the fun

Den genetiska utvecklingens familjerättsliga implikationer

Denna artikel är översatt och publicerad på engelska, delvis som samma artikel, med titeln: Ethics, parenthood and human rights: an evaluation of the reactions to the genetic revolution, Hocking, B. & Ryrstedt, E. 2004 Family life and Human Rights: papers presented at the 11th World Conference of the International Society of Family Law. Lødrup, P. & Modvar, E. (eds.). Gyldendal Akademisk, This article is later translated and published in English, partly as the same article, with the title: Ethics, parenthood and human rights: an evaluation of the reactions to the genetic revolution, Hocking, B. & Ryrstedt, E. 2004 Family life and Human Rights: papers presented at the 11th World Conference of the International Society of Family Law. Lødrup, P. & Modvar, E. (eds.). Gyldendal

Evaluating the ISM code using port state control statistics

The history of modern maritime safety legislation at the international level is relatively young. Its beginnings are generally associated with the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, a tragedy that resulted in the adoption by an international conference of the first of what was to become a series of versions (1914, 1929, 1948, 1960, 1974) of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (

High speed CMOS circuit technique

It is shown that clock frequencies in excess of 200 MHz are feasible in a 3-μm CMOS process. This performance can be obtained by means of clocking strategy, device sizing, and logic style selection. A precharge technique with a true single-phase clock, which increases the clock frequency and reduces the skew problems, is used. Device sizing with the help of an optimizing program improves circuit s

Software Risk Management in the Safety-critical Medical Device Domain - Involving a User Perspective

There is a thin line between life and death. In the medical domain, risk management can be an instrument that helps the development organisations to develop safer medical devices. A medical device that fails can bring harm to both patients and medical staff. The medical device domain is a complex field where there are several characteristics contributing to the complexity. Many of the functions pe