

Din sökning på "*" gav 460868 sökträffar

Hybrid Governance in Practice : Public and Private Actors in the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism

Popular Abstract in Swedish För att vi ska kunna lösa globala problem som miljöförstöring och fattigdom är det många som menar att den privata sektorn måste involveras på ett aktivt sätt. I den här avhandlingen, som består av en introduktion och fem vetenskapliga artiklar som tidigare publicerats i internationella tidskrifter, studeras ett exempel på hur privata aktörer faktiskt redan involverats It is commonly argued that the private sector needs to become actively involved for society to stand a chance of solving the most pressing global problems. This thesis, consisting of five articles previously published in refereed journals and an introductory essay, studies one case of private actor participation in global environmental governance: the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism (

Transvaginal ultrasound examination of the endometrium in postmenopausal women without vaginal bleeding.

To estimate in gynecologically asymptomatic postmenopausal women with and without hormone replacement therapy (HRT) the prevalence at transvaginal ultrasound examination of 1) endometrial thickness ≥5.0mm, 2) intrauterine focal lesions if endometrial thickness ≥5.0mm, and 3) premalignant and malignant changes in the endometrium if endometrial thickness is ≥5.0mm and intrauterine focal lesions are

Fluid loss from the peritoneal cavity by back-filtration through the small pores of the three-pore model.

The partitioning of fluid flows among small and ultrasmall pores of the three-pore model in peritoneal dialysis has been traditionally assessed using 4-hour dwells with 3.86% glucose solutions. Under these conditions, however, back-filtration through small pores has been hard to demonstrate. As nicely shown by Asghar and Davies, however, the use of low-concentration (1.36%) glucose-based solutions

Polymeric micro-channel-based functionalisation system for micro-cantilevers

A micro-channel system intended for functionalising micro-cantilevers used for biochemical detection has been designed, realised and characterised. The chip is fabricated in the resist SU-8, which is a photosensitive polymer offering a fast, cost-efficient and easy processing. Cantilevers present a new platform for biochemical detection with a high sensitivity. This micro-channel system is used fo

Lärare + forskare = ?

Under sommaren 2012 har nationellt resurscentrum för fysik (nrCf) varit involverat i flera aktiviteter där lärare fått tillfälle att interagera med forskare. aktiviteterna har haft både olika innehållsfokus och olika format för växelverkan, som kan ge inspiration till framtida aktiviteter.

RNA Binding Proteins that Control Human Papillomavirus Gene Expression.

The human papillomavirus (HPV) life cycle is strictly linked to the differentiation program of the infected mucosal epithelial cell. In the basal and lower levels of the epithelium, early genes coding for pro-mitotic proteins and viral replication factors are expressed, while terminal cell differentiation is required for activation of late gene expression and production of viral particles at the v

Dynamic manufacturing costs — Describing the dynamic behavior of downtimes from a cost perspective

Downtimes in a manufacturing cell, a production line or an individual machine are characterized by a complex statistical behavior that their frequency and duration display. The work reported here concerns likenesses and differences between various statistical distributions that apply to functional times (TBF) and downtimes (DT) in connection with different discrete manufacturing processes. The TBF

What factors affect life satisfaction (LS) among the oldest-old?

Few studies have examined the association between LS in the oldest-old and not only health-related, but also psychological and socio-economical factors. The aim of this study was to examine LS in relation to functional capacity, locus of control (LoC) health status and other factors previously known to influence LS in the oldest-old. The study population consisted of 681 individuals aged 78-98 yea

Disturbance detection in wastewater treatment plants

The development in sensor technology has made many wastewater treatment systems data rich but not necessarily information rich. To extract the adequate information from several sensors is not trivial, and it is not sufficient to consider only the time series. Different tools for detecting unusual on-line measurement data and deviating process behaviour are discussed. In this paper various dimensio