

Din sökning på "*" gav 533027 sökträffar

Hur presterar nordiska företagsförvärv? - En kvantitativ studie om inhemska förvärv på den nordiska marknaden.

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur inhemska företagsförvärv på den nordiska marknaden presterar och vilka variabler som har en påverkan på prestationen. Studien kommer att använda CAR som prestationsmått.Uppsatsen använder sig av en kvantitativ metod med en hypotetisk-deduktiv ansats. Vidare används en eventstudiemetodologi för att uppnå uppsatsens syfte. Studiens teori bygger i huvudsak på t

Bridging Lund around Norra Ringen & Getingevägen

The project has focused on a design site located in the city of Lund, Sweden. It so happens that the city has a thin urban tissue and low density yet the city continues to sprawl outwards and to build dreary sea of office blocks. Today the area is dominated by the outdoor sports pitches, a horse riding school and criss-crossed by busy roads. The area lying to the north and west of the site is esse

Marijuana use and labor productivity in the United States

This thesis investigates the role of marijuana use in labor productivity in the United States with the aim to contribute to the discussion and understanding of economic consequences of marijuana legalization. The data is sourced from various federal agencies to create a panel of 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia for the period of 2005-2017. A panel data model with fixed effects is estima

Reducing business opposition to car-free city centres: The case of Oslo

The role of private cars in urban areas is coming under increasing scrutiny. A growing number of municipalities are now implementing or exploring the potential of car-free city centres (CFCCs), defined zones in which car use is prohibited or severely restricted. Whilst CFCCs can deliver environmental, social and economic benefits for cities, businesses are routinely opposed to the introduction of

Barnmorskans erfarenhet kring LARC (long-acting reversible contraception) för unga kvinnor. En intervjustudie.

Bakgrund: LARC är den mest effektiva preventivmedelsmetoden för unga kvinnor, men fortfarande förskrivs i högre grad peroral antikonception. Tonårsaborter i Sverige har minskat, men fortfarande genomförs 11 aborter per 1000 kvinnor årligen bland unga kvinnor under 19 år. Barnmorskan har en stor roll i förskrivningen av preventivmedel. Syfte: Belysa barnmorskans erfarenhet kring LARC för unga kvinn

Vad förväntas av ledare? En studie av hur medarbetares och chefers uppfattning förhåller sig till varandra.

Syftet med uppsatsen var att identifiera förväntningar på ledarskap samt skapa en bild av hur chefer och medarbetares uppfattning förhåller sig till varandra. Metoden som användes var en kvantitativ forskningsmetod där en undersökningen utformades efter semantisk differentialskala. Deltagarna var 45 anställda från fyra olika team. En chef från varje team och cirka lika många deltagare från respektThe purpose of this thesis was to identify the manager’s and employees’ perception of leadership, and how they compare to each other. The thesis applied a quantitative research approach where a survey based on a semantic differential scale was used. Fortyfive people participated, employees from four different teams and their respective manager. The result showed that employees expected leadership

Fysisk aktivitet som behandlingsmetod vid depression -En litteraturstudie

Depression är en vanlig folksjukdom med stora följder för den som insjuknar och för samhället. De vanligaste behandlingsmetoderna vid depression är antidepressiva läkemedel och psykoterapi, medan fysisk aktivitet inte anses vara en tillräckligt evidensbaserad metod. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva vilka effekter fysisk aktivitet har som behandlingsmetod på depressiva symtom hos vuxna


CERN operates the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator. The LHC was built to advance the state of knowledge in particle physics by increasing the energy of colliding particles to the TeV range. With this increase in capability comes increased fire safety challenges, including the need for more accurate assessment of fire-induced release of radioac

Factor Premiums in Developing Stock Markets: Evidence from Nairobi Securities Exchange

This study tests the Fama-French 5-factor asset pricing model in a developing stock market. The purpose is to investigate whether the size, value, profitability, and investment factor premiums exist in the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE). The test results of the Fama-French 5-factor model are compared with those of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). Using monthly stock data for July 2009 to

Between a rock and a hard place. Assessing policy coherence of energy, climate, and biodiversity policies in relation to hydropower developments in Slovenia.

This research is exploring policy coherence of energy, climate, and biodiversity policies on the case study of new hydropower developments in the Republic of Slovenia. A qualitative case-study approach utilising policy document analysis and interviews was chosen to conduct this research. This analysis revealed that policy objectives were coherent within policy sectors but not across policy sectors

Ending the practice of child marriages in Nepal: viewpoints and suggestions from children’s rights activists

The thesis aimed to answer the research question: ‘What are the possible interventions measures to prevent child marriages in Nepal?’ by analyzing six in-depth semi structured interviews of people working for children’s rights. The earlier studies of child marriages and discussions of children and human rights has been used to analyse the data. Child marriage is a practice that occurs across regio

Hellre fria än fälla? - En uppsats om polisers brott som grund för avskedande

Denna uppsats behandlar polisers anställningsskydd och de avvägningar som gjorts i fall då poliser gjort sig skyldiga till brott, i förhållande till allmänhetens förtroende. Vid bedömningen har särskild vikt lagts vid att undersöka de aspekter som föranlett avsked och hur bedömningen gjorts för att fastslå avskedet. I uppsatsen har den rättsdogmatiska metoden använts för att utreda rättsläget. SoThis essay aims to discuss the Swedish legislation regarding dismissal of policemen on the grounds of a criminal offence. Furthermore, the considerations made by the Labour Court and personalansvarsnämnden vid polismyndigheten (PAN) in relation to public confidence will be discussed. In the assessment, particular emphasis has been placed on examining the aspects that prompted the dismissal. The tr

Vulkanisk inverkan på klimatet och atmosfärcirkulationen : en litteraturstudie som jämför vulkanism på låg respektive hög latitud

Vulkanisk aktivitet har sedan längre observerats ha en stor påverkan på klimatet. Svavelaerosoler från utbrott bildar molntäcken som kan sprida sig runt globen och hindrar en del solstrålar från att nå markytan. Till följd av detta sker en temperaturminskning av marknära luft under det område som molnet täcker. Den här kandidatuppsatsen reder ut skillnaden mellan inverkan på klimatet samt atmosfärVolcanic activity has long been observed to have a great impact on climate. Sulfate aerosols from an eruption form aerosol clouds that can spread around the globe and prevent some solar radiation from reaching the surface of the Earth. As a result, there will be a reduction of the surface air temperature below the aerosol cloud. This bachelor thesis discusses the difference between the impact on t

Welcoming Change? An Individual- and Prefecture- Level Analysis of Public Opinion towards Immigration in Japan

In April of 2019, Japan implemented a new visa system projected to bring in approximately 345,000 semi-skilled foreign workers into the country over several years. As the Japanese society also faces an ageing population and simultaneously a diminishing workforce, it has turned to immigrant workers to fill labor shortages. This influx of foreigners may result in cultural, societal, and economic iss

Probabilistic ecological risk assessment of secondary poisoning from DDT

Fallstudie av en skogsplantskola – rester av DDT i jorden utgör än idag en hög risk för rovfåglar och rovdjur. Trots att användningen av insektsgiftet diklordifenyltrikloretan (DDT) sedan länge varit förbjuden i Sverige finns rester kvar i jorden på platser där det använts. Anledningen till att det finns kvar är att DDT är mycket svårnedbrytbart. Eftersom detta ämne även har förmåga att bioackumuAlthough prohibited since decades, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its metabolites still remain in the soil and pose a threat to ecosystems, where especially birds are susceptible to toxic effects. In this thesis, a model developed in the 1990s was used and updated in order to estimate the risks of DDT to top predators at a forest-plant nursery site. Unusually high concentrations of DDT

Research on Credit Risk Measurement of China’s Listed Companies with KMV Model

This thesis takes 200 Chinese listed companies as examples within ten years from 2009 to 2018, of which 100 are ST companies and the other 100 are non-ST companies. ST company is a company that has financial problems and was then implemented with special treatment by the China Securities Regulatory Commission. The traditional credit risk measurement model, the Z-Score model, is chosen to be compar

I de skiftande identiteternas gränsland - Representationer av "den Andre" i El Cantar de Mio Cid. Text och kontext.

Denna uppsats analyserar ett urval av kulturmöten och representationer av “den Andre” i det episka diktverket El Cantar de Mio Cid. Analysen utgår från en tredelad teoretisk modell som innefattar koncepten orientalism, politisk kultur och boundary making. Metoden close reading används för att i detalj analysera de utvalda episoderna. Till uppsatsens viktigaste slutsatser hör att bilden av fienden

Nature Pictures for a Restorative School Environment – Effects of Nature Pictures on Pupils’ Cognitive and Psychological Functions

Pupils tend to experience ‘attentional fatigue’ after persistently demanding their attentional system during school hours, resulting in decreased psychological well-being and a lack of attention, along with losses of other cognitive functions. Previous research found natural elements in a school environment to restore pupils’ depleted attentional system. The present study aimed at investigating na

Belongings in segregated residential areas. A study on identity expression of immigrants living in Rosengård, Malmö from a sociological perspective

This study revolves around how the adult immigrants who live in Rosengård think and feel about living in this segregated area, the impact such place has on identity creation and how identity development is seen in the background of their integration into the Swedish society. In this study the qualitative method has been used – six interviews have been conducted with residents of Rosengård. On the

Through Output Effectiveness of Private Transnational Governance Regime, to Evaluating Environmental Corporate Sustainability Reporting According to the Global Reporting Initiative

The increasing adherence to self-regulatory behaviour of Multinational Enterprises under Private Transnational Governance Regimes has been viewed as a step in the right direction in the improvement of Corporate Sustainability Reporting. Hence, I investigate the output effectiveness of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), environmental corporate sustainability reporting practices in accordance with t