

Din sökning på "*" gav 533373 sökträffar

Online Evolution for Multi-Action Adversarial Games

We present Online Evolution, a novel method for playing turn-based multi-action adversarial games. Such games, which include most strategy games, have extremely high branching factors due to each turn having multiple actions. In Online Evolution, an evolutionary algorithm is used to evolve the combination of atomic actions that make up a single move, with a state evaluation function used for fitne

Ultrawideband MIMO Channel Measurements and Modeling in a Warehouse Environment

This paper presents a detailed description of a propagation channel measurement campaign performed in a warehouse environment and provide a comprehensive channel model for this environment. Using a vector network analyzer (VNA), we explored both Line-of-sight(LOS) and Non-Line-of-sight (NLOS) scenarios over a 2-8 GHz frequency range. We extracted both small-scale and large-scale channel parameters

Muscle Sizes and Moment Arms of Rotator Cuff Muscles Determined by Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Biomechanical models which require information on, e.g., joint torque and muscle force are useful in the estimation of when and how mechanical overload of the musculoskeletal system may lead to disorders. The aim was to study the reliability and validity of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to quantify muscle sizes and moment arms by MRI and to test selected anthropometric measures as predictors of

Differences in trabecular bone texture between knees with and without radiographic osteoarthritis detected by fractal methods

Objective To develop an accurate method for quantifying differences in the trabecular structure in the tibial bone between subjects with and without knee osteoarthritis (OA). Methods Standard knee radiographs were taken from 26 subjects (seven women) with meniscectomy and radiographic OA Kellgren & Lawrence grade 2 or worse in the medial compartment. Each case knee was individually matched b

Hermannus Samsonius to Axel Oxenstierna : Latin Correspondence from 1621 to 1630 with Linguistic and Historical Commentaries

The core of the present work is a first edition of the first part of the Latin correspondence of Hermann Samson, Sweden's Superintendent of Churches in Livonia (1622-1643), with Axel Oxenstierna, the Chancellor of Sweden (1612-1654). The epistles date from 1621 to 1630, covering a period of tremendous change for Samson, Livonia, Sweden and Poland. Each epistle has been equipped with historical and

Some aspects of science with a 50-m AO telescope

Among the science challenges of the Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs),four object types are studied for performance with a 50 m ELT withadaptive optics (AO), Euro50. Emphasis is on planetary systems and verydistant objects. For planetary systems and their evolution, we examinehigh resolution imaging of the nuclei of comets and high-resolutionimaging, photometry and low and intermediate resolution

Interplay between interference and Coulomb interaction in the ferromagnetic Anderson model with applied magnetic field

We study the competition between interference due to multiple single-particle paths and Coulomb interaction in a simple model of an Anderson-type impurity with local-magnetic-field-induced level splitting coupled to ferromagnetic leads. The model along with its potential experimental relevance in the field of spintronics serves as a nontrivial benchmark system where various quantum-transport appro

Time-updating IAA-based spectral estimates with missing samples using data interpolation

In this work, we propose a computationally efficient time-updating algorithm for estimating the spectral content of a signal with missing samples. The algorithm extends earlier work on the topic by formulating a data-interpolation scheme reducing the required complexity to a fraction of the earlier efficient implementation, without resulting in any noticeable loss of performance for even a quite l

Kyrkan som sakrament. Henri de Lubacs fundamentalecklesiologi.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen diskuterar den sakramentala kyrkosynen hos den franske, romersk-katolske, teologen Henri de Lubac (1896-1991). Utgångpunkt är hans formulering (i ?Catholicisme? 1938): ?Om Kristus är Guds Sakrament, så är Kyrkan för oss Kristi sakrament. Hon (kyrkan) re-presenterar honom (Kristus), med detta ords hela urgamla kraft: hon gör honom i sanning närvarande.? ForThe thesis provides a discussion of the ecclesiology of the French Roman-Catholic theologian Henri de Lubac SJ (1896-1991) by showing how this is determined by his method of fundamental theology. I establish the term ?fundamental ecclesiology? for this inter-dependance of form and content, subject and object in theology; this is why his ecclesiology is sacramental in structure. I primarily use tex

The Effect of Feedback Quantization on the Throughput of a Multiuser Diversity Scheme

The impact of the quantization of SNR measurements on the throughput of a multiuser diversity scheme for constant-rate transmission is investigated under a block-Rayleigh fading assumption. In the downlink, each user measures its SNR, quantizes it, and feeds it back to the transmitter, which transmits a packet to the user with the highest quantized SNR. In the case of several users having the same

HIV-2 infection in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa, with special reference to clinical, immunological and epidemiological aspects

Popular Abstract in Swedish HIV-2 isolerades första gången 1986, fem år efter att de första fallen av AIDS (orsakade av HIV-1) hade upptäckts i USA. Undersökningar har visat att HIV-2-infekterade individer också kan utveckla AIDS på samma sätt som HIV-1-infekterade personer, men smittsamheten är lägre och inkubationstiden från smitta till symtom förefaller vara längre för HIV-2 jämfört med HIV-1. We have followed a cohort of police officers in Guinea-Bissau between 1990 and 1997 for the study of clinical, immunological and epidemiological aspects of HIV-2 infection. Initially the prevalence of HIV-2 was high (11.6 %) and HIV-1 infection was rare (0.4 %), but over the study period the prevalence of HIV-1 increased significantly whereas the incidence of HIV-1 was relatively stable. For HIV-2