Din sökning på "*" gav 529681 sökträffar
Medication errors in primary health care records; a cross-sectional study in Southern Sweden
BACKGROUND: Drug-related problems due to medication errors are common and have the potential to cause harm. This study, which was conducted in Swedish primary health care, aimed to assess how well the medication lists in the medical records tally with the medications used by patients and to explore what type of medication errors are present. METHODS: We reviewed the electronic medical records (EMR
Surface Microdialysis Detects Ischemia After Esophageal Resection—An Experimental Animal Study
Background: After an esophageal resection, continuity is commonly restored by a gastric tube reconstruction and an intrathoracic anastomosis to the remaining proximal esophagus. Ischemia of the anastomotic region is considered to play a pivotal role in anastomotic leakage. Microdialysis (μD) is an excellent method to measure local biochemical substances and parameters in a specific organ or compar
Failure to detect genomic viral sequences in pancreatic tissues from two children with acute‐onset diabetes mellitus
Diabetes type 1 med debut i åldrarna 15 till 34 år. Lägesrapport från diabetesincidensstudien i Sverige.
Quantitative analysis of islet glutamic acid decarboxylase p64 autoantibodies in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Autoantibodies against the βcell Mr 64,000 protein (p64), recently identified as an isoform of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), are prevalent in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Dog islets were found to represent an abundant source of native p64 allowing the study of antigen-antibody interactions in IDDM. A quantitative, standardized assay for p64 antibodies based on dog
Human cell lines from families available for diabetes research
Islet Cell Cytoplasmic Antibodies (ICA) in Diabetes and Disorders of Glucose Tolerance
Islet cell cytoplasmic antibodies were determined in 85 individuals 60 to 74 years old with fasting hyperglycaemia, in 65 patients with cystic fibrosis, in 113 patients with pancreatitis, in 21 patients with Turner's phenotype, and in 135 first‐degree relatives of patients with Type 1 (insulin‐dependent) diabetes. Islet cell antibodies were absent in all 60 to 74‐year‐old subjects with fasting hyp
Portraits of Automated Facial Recognition : On Machinic Ways of Seeing the Face
This book offers a unique analysis of the use of the automated facial recognition algorithms that are increasingly intervening in our society from a critical visual culture studies perspective. The discussion focuses on the visuality of automated facial recognition and its designed algorithms as a case study in machinic vision and its concurrent modes of perception. It focuses on a general problem
How localisation can solve climate change
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency genotypes and allele frequencies in the Kavango and Zambezi regions of northern Namibia
Background: Namibia has made significant gains in the fight against malaria, with a target of elimination by 2023. We examined the genotype and allele frequencies of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency to inform decisions on primaquine use, as we recently detected clusters of Plasmodium ovale curtisi in Kavango. Methods: A multistaged cross-sectional sampling method was used to enr
Association of menopausal characteristics and risk of coronary heart disease : A pan-European case-cohort analysis
Background: Earlier age at menopause has been associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), but the shape of association and role of established cardiovascular risk factors remain unclear. Therefore, we examined the associations between menopausal characteristics and CHD risk; the shape of the association between age at menopause and CHD risk; and the extent to which these associ
Early probiotic supplementation and the risk of celiac disease in children at genetic risk
Probiotics are linked to positive regulatory effects on the immune system. The aim of the study was to examine the association between the exposure of probiotics via dietary supplements or via infant formula by the age of 1 year and the development of celiac disease autoimmunity (CDA) and celiac disease among a cohort of 6520 genetically susceptible children. Use of probiotics during the first yea
Mapping of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) genes
Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) catalyzes the synthesis of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is known as a major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system (CNS), but is also present outside the CNS. Recent studies showed that GAD is the major target of autoantibodies associated with the development of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and of the rare stiff man syndrome. Studies
Dumdristighet bakom flygkrasch
Artikel om en flygolycka 1994 då ett B 52 bombplan kraschade under en flyguppvisning på grund av pilotens riskfyllda flygning.
Recombinant glutamic acid decarboxylase (representing the single isoform expressed in human islets) detects IDDM-associated 64,000-Mr autoantibodies
GAD is an autoantigen in IDDM. Molecular cloning and specific antibodies allowed us to demonstrate that only the lower Mr GAD64 isoform is expressed in human islets, in contrast to human brain, rat islets, and rat brain, all of which express both GA064 and GAD67. Expression of the human islet GAD64 isoform in COS-7 and BHK cells resulted in an enzymatically active rGAD64, which is immunoreactive w
Cellular and subcellular localization of an M(r) 64,000 protein autoantigen in insulin-dependent diabetes
Antibodies to an M(r) 64,000 protein from human or rat islets have been detected at high frequency in newly diagnosed insulin-dependent diabetic patients. In this study, we show that the antigenic and amphiphilic properties of the rat islet M(r) 64,000 protein resemble that of the human protein. We have analyzed the expression of the M(r) 64,000 protein in populations of pancreatic β and non-β cel
Islet cell antibodies and fasting C-peptide predict insulin requirement at diagnosis of diabetes mellitus
The differential diagnosis between Type 1 (insulin-dependent) and Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes is complicated since no specific markers are available for either disease. In this study, 244 consecutive patients were diagnosed with diabetes mellitus during two years in Malmö (230000 inhabitants), corresponding to an incidence rate of 53·100000-1·year-1. Age, body mass index, HbA1c, C-pept
Instantaneous one-dimensional ammonia measurements with femtosecond two-photon laser-induced fluorescence (fs-TPLIF)
Ammonia (NH3) has been identified as a potential hydrogen-carrier fuel with no carbon emissions. Non-intrusive in-situ NH3 diagnostic technique is of great interest. In this work, femtosecond two-photon laser-induced fluorescence (fs-TPLIF) was demonstrated in NH3/N2 mixtures to achieve NH3 measurements. A femtosecond laser at 305 nm was used for two-photon excitation of NH3 to its excited state (