

Din sökning på "*" gav 129505 sökträffar

Bäck om polarisering och regeringskriser

Publicerad 25 mars 2021 Leder polarisering i partisystemet till fler regeringskriser? Finns det institutionella regler som kan motverka sådana destabiliserande effekter? Hanna Bäck har tillsammans med Henning Bergmann och Thomas Saalfeld försökt besvara den frågan i en jämförande analys av 28 Europeiska demokratier. I artikeln ”Party-system polarisation, legislative institutions and cabinet surviv

https://www.svet.lu.se/artikel/back-om-polarisering-och-regeringskriser - 2025-03-17

Titta in i en framtidsvärld bortom fossilsamhället

Publicerad 29 mars 2021 Nytt skolmaterial av Roger Hildingsson, Ludwig Bengtsson Sonesson och Johannes Stripple. Våra kollegor Roger Hildingsson, Ludwig Bengtsson Sonesson och Johannes Stripple har i vinter utvecklat ett nytt skolmaterial – Bortom Fossilsamhället – för högstadier och gymnasier. Med utgångspunkt i utställningen Carbon Ruins har de i samverkan med Naturskyddsföreningens skolverksamh

https://www.svet.lu.se/artikel/titta-i-en-framtidsvarld-bortom-fossilsamhallet - 2025-03-17

AI provides agricultural intelligence

Published 20 April 2022 Kalle Åström. Photo: Jessika Sellergren Mathematics Professor Kalle Åström studies the future of agriculture with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). He develops mathematical models to optimise harvests and contribute to climate-friendly agriculture. Artificial intelligence and agriculture may seem like two different worlds, but not for Kalle Åström. On the contrary,

https://www.ai.lu.se/article/ai-provides-agricultural-intelligence - 2025-03-17

Dagens Medicin: Brist på data ett hinder för vårdens AI-utveckling

Published 5 July 2022 ALMEDALEN. Bristen på tillgänglig vårddata är ett hinder för att ta AI vidare in i hälso- och sjukvården. – Jag skulle vilja ha data från alla regioner. Det bästa vore om man på ett nationellt sätt kunde samla in data i ett register, säger Mattias Ohlsson, professor i beräkningsbiologi vid Lunds universitet. Läs mer på dagensmedicin.se.

https://www.ai.lu.se/article/dagens-medicin-brist-pa-data-ett-hinder-vardens-ai-utveckling - 2025-03-17

Degree Project as first contact with AI

By emma [dot] boberg [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (Emma Boberg) - published 25 October 2022 Master's student Hannes Olsson is currently studying his last semester at the civil engineering programme of Industrial Management and Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering. He is studying a Master's in Supply Chain Management and did his degree project within Artificial Intelligence – without earlier know

https://www.ai.lu.se/article/hannes-olsson - 2025-03-17

The internships inspired to a career within AI

By emma [dot] boberg [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (Emma Boberg) - published 25 October 2022 For Marcus Ascard, the interest in artificial intelligence (AI) started in his early studies – he was fascinated by how a computer could play a computer game by itself. Today, the engineering student has gained working experience in artificial intelligence from two different companies, and pictures a future ca

https://www.ai.lu.se/article/marcus-ascard - 2025-03-17

Season greetings AI Lund

Published 20 December 2022 As the holiday season approaches, we would like to extend our warmest wishes to you all.    After last year’s restrictive situation we are so happy to have been able to meet in person during 2022. Even so there are lessons to be learned and we are therefore staying partly with digital formats that work well. Here are some highlights from the past year: AI related Degree

https://www.ai.lu.se/article/season-greetings-ai-lund - 2025-03-17

Project for text mining for environmental science gets funding from University’s Sustainability Fund

Published 18 January 2023 The first call for applications, Sustainable Idea Exploration, within the University’s Sustainability Fund opened during the autumn. The aim is to explore the innovative potential of sustainability-related research projects at an early stage. Four projects have now been granted funding. One of the projekts addresses text mining for environmental science and was applied fo

https://www.ai.lu.se/article/project-text-mining-environmental-science-gets-funding-universitys-sustainability-fund - 2025-03-17

lu.se: AI could improve mental health care

Published 20 February 2023 Patients are often asked to rate their feelings using a rating scale, when talking to psychologists or doctors about their mental health. This is currently how depression and anxiety are diagnosed. However, a new study from Lund University in Sweden shows that allowing patients to describe their experience using their own words - is potentially viewed as more precise and

https://www.ai.lu.se/article/luse-ai-could-improve-mental-health-care - 2025-03-17

The Bee Effect - a movie about pollinators and human influence

Published 11 June 2014 The movie "The Bee Effect" is a movie about pollinators, the changes in the agricultural landscape and human impact. Researcher Maj Rundlöf is one of the interviewed researchers in the movie, which can be seen on SVT Play. About the movie:"In recent years there has been a dramatic reduction of pollinators, mainly due to pesticides, diseases and changes in the agricultural la

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/bee-effect-movie-about-pollinators-and-human-influence - 2025-03-17

Assignment to the Swedish Forestry Agency to start re-wetting drained peatlands

Published 24 May 2021 The Swedish government has on 20 May 2021 decided on an assignment to the Swedish Forestry Agency to start re-wetting drained peatlands to reduce the amount of climate gases. This decision is based on the government inquiry “Vägen till en klimatpositiv framtid” (SOU2020:4). Findings from BECC-researchers, among others Åsa Kasimir, Katarina Hedlund, Jessica Coria, Mark Brady,

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/assignment-swedish-forestry-agency-start-re-wetting-drained-peatlands - 2025-03-17

Climate benefits of the forest – a balancing act in prioritisation

By anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - published 2 June 2021 The forest has many benefits. What climate benefit you get by leaving the forest for storing carbon, or by extracting biomass that can replace fossil raw materials, largely depends on the time horizon. Photo: kn1/IStockphoto. The forest is currently at the centre of an intense debate. It concerns, in

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/climate-benefits-forest-balancing-act-prioritisation - 2025-03-17

Urban private gardens promote biodiversity

By izabella [dot] rosengren [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Izabella Rosengren) - published 11 August 2021 Helena Hanson, researcher. Photo: Anna Maria Erling. They become smaller as urbanisation increases. Troublesome, according to researcher Helena Hanson, because urban private gardens affect both cities’ biodiversity and human wellbeing by functioning as social green spaces. Now she strikes a blow

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/urban-private-gardens-promote-biodiversity - 2025-03-17

What comes next: after the IPCC climate change report

By lotte [dot] billing [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (Lotte Billing) - published 12 August 2021 Climate researchers Markku Rummukainen and Kimberly Nicholas are interviewed about the latest UN climate panel report. Photo by NOAA on Unsplash. Two Lund University climate scientists, Kimberly Nicholas, who has acted as an observer at two global climate summits, and Markku Rummukainen, Sweden’s IPCC repre

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/what-comes-next-after-ipcc-climate-change-report - 2025-03-17

New report: Measures that support both the climate and biodiversity

Published 10 July 2021 Climate change and biodiversity losses have long been addressed in parallel organisations. Now the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are launching the first global report that integrates the two issues. This is a welcome and much needed move, according to three

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/new-report-measures-support-both-climate-and-biodiversity - 2025-03-17

Call for presentations and posters: BECC Annual meeting 2021

By lina [dot] nikoleris [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Lina Nikoleris) - published 2 September 2021 Photo: Charlotte Carlberg This year's Annual meeting: Ecosystem-based climate mitigation and adaptation ​Submit your title and abstract (250 words) by 15th of October. ​ Call for presentations 4 talks will be selected Length: 10 minutes incl. questions ​Submit your title and abstract (250 words) by 15t

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/call-presentations-and-posters-becc-annual-meeting-2021 - 2025-03-17

Summary of ClimBEco summer meeting 2021 - Food and.....everything else

By cheryl [dot] sjostrom [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Cheryl Sjöström and Helena Gonzales Lindberg) - published 24 September 2021 At this ClimBEco summer meeting, mostly held online but with parallel in-person workshops in Gothenburg, Lund and Malmö, was themed around one of humanities ultimate equalizers; that of food. The way we produce, move and use food globally has important implications on ju

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/summary-climbeco-summer-meeting-2021-food-andeverything-else - 2025-03-17

BECC guest researchers: Professor Nina Buchmann and Associated professor Oliver Sonnentag

Published 27 September 2021 Welcome to Professor Nina Buchmann from the Department of Environmental Systems Science at ETH Zürich. The main research topics of Nina Buchmann include (1) plant and ecosystem physiology, (2) biogeochemistry of terrestrial ecosystems, i.e., forest, grassland and cropland, particularly the response of soil and ecosystem carbon, nitrogen and water dynamics to climatic co

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/becc-guest-researchers-professor-nina-buchmann-and-associated-professor-oliver-sonnentag - 2025-03-17

BECC guest researcher: Professor Adam Hitchcock

Published 5 October 2021 Lawrence, Hitchcock et al 2003 Professor Adam Hitchcock is one of the most renown and experienced researchers in x-ray adsorption microscopy and especially soft X-ray transmission microscopy (STXM). He has been a full professor at the department of Chemistry at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario since 1989.  A major part of his work is the development of new experime

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/becc-guest-researcher-professor-adam-hitchcock - 2025-03-17