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Ett avtal, en inskränkning av yttrandefriheten? - En rättsanalys av influencers rätt till yttrandefriheten i avtalsförhållande.

I svensk rätt är yttrandefriheten grundlagsskyddad. Alla ska ha rätt till en fri och allsidig upplysning och ett fritt konstnärligt skapande. Att bruka sin yttrandefrihet i näringsverksamhet kan dock inskränkas enligt 2:23 RF. Marknadsföringslagen är tillämplig i de fall en näringsidkare marknadsför eller själva efterfrågar produkt i sin näringsverksamhet. Vidare stadgas det tre olika generalklauIn Swedish law, freedom of expression is constitutionally protected. Everyone shall have the right to free and comprehensive information and free artistic creation. However, exercising freedom of expression in business activities can be restricted according to Chapter 2, Section 23 of the Instrument of Government (Regeringsformen, RF). The Marketing Act (Marknadsföringslagen) applies when a trader

Go Back to Where You Came From (the Closet) - En studie av diskretionskrav i den svenska asylprocessen och dess förhållande till gällande rätt samt mänskliga rättigheter

Uppsatsen ämnar undersöka den svenska asylrättsprocessens förhållande till förbjudna diskretionskrav, förbud som återfinns i svensk och internat-ionell rätt. Detta görs genom ett fokus på rättsfall med förekomst av diskretionsfall samt gällande rätt, utifrån en rättsdogmatisk och rättsanalytisk metod. I Sverige har migration reglerats i egen separat lagstiftning sedan 1914. Som asylsökande har maThis essay aims to examine the relationship between the Swedish asylum process and the absolute prohibition of discretion requirements, prohibitions that are found in Swedish and international law. This is done by focusing on case law where discretion requirements are present and applicable law, using a legal dogmatic and legal analytical method. In Sweden, migration has been regulated by separate

Att ha rätt till vård eller inte? En undersökning om lagstiftarens möjlighet att begränsa rätten till vård och hur en anmälningsplikt förhåller sig till Sveriges internationella åtaganden och medicinsk etik

Uppsatsen syftar till att analysera hur Tidöavtalets förslag om anmälningsplikt förhåller sig till papperslösas rätt till vård. Vidare syftar uppsatsen till att undersöka lagstiftarens möjlighet att inskränka rätten till vård för papperslösa samt hur ett förslag om anmälningsplikt förhåller sig till Sveriges åtaganden enligt Internationella konventionen om ekonomiska, sociala och kulturella rättigThe purpose of this essay is to analyze how the Tidö Agreement’s proposal of a duty to report relates to undocumented migrants’ right to health care. Furthermore, the paper aims to examine the legislator’s ability to restrict the right to care for undocumented migrants and how a proposal for a duty to report relates to Sweden’s obligations under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and C

Bunden men fri - En kritisk analys av lokalhyresvärdens bundenhet till sina ändrade villkor i sin uppsägning

Hyresgästen i ett lokalhyresförhållande har ett indirekt besittningsskydd. Detta skydd innebär bland annat att hyresgästen i vissa fall kan ha rätt till ersättning när hyresvärden säger upp hyresavtalet för villkorsändring. Hyresvärdens uppsägning för villkorsändring innebär att hyresvärden vill att det sker en förlängning av hyresavtalet, förutsatt att hyresgästen går med på att ändra av-talets vA tenant who leases a premise in Sweden has an indirect intent protected tenancy, which can give the tenant a right to compensation of damages when a notice of removal is given. A lease termination letter given by the landlord can be combined with a suggestion of extending the lease agreement but on other terms. In that case, it is required that the proposed contract terms are precisely stated. If

Evaluation and Design Development of an Advanced Alarm Management System for Submarine Applications

This thesis aims to compare the user experience of an alarm system, which in- cludes a conventional alarm list, with newly developed graphical ways to display alarms. In addition to these visual enhancements, new features requested by users, such as the ability to park alarms to minimise the overwhelming feelings during an alarm flood were integrated. Three iterations with usability tests were con

Patch Connectivity for Passively Dispersed Species in a Fragmented Landscape – A model comparison

I södra Sverige har den tempererade regionen, som domineras av ädellövskog, en lång historia av mänskliga störningar och idag finns bara fragment av gammal skog kvar. Dessa återstående områden är av särskild betydelse som livsmiljöer för ett stort antal hotade eller på annat sätt sällsynta arter. Fragmenterade landskap påverkar förutsättningarna för en arts långsiktiga överlevnad. Små populationeBroadleaved deciduous forests have endured a far-reaching process of fragmentation. This has resulted in different configurations of remaining habitats with many times unknown consequences for species persistence. To reduce the potential negative effect, frameworks such as the concept of green infrastructure have been implemented with a focus on increasing connectivity in urban and rural planning.

Reflexive Views of Virtual Communities of Practice among Informal and Formal Caregivers of People with a Dementia Disease

Knowledge seems to mitigate the consequences of dementia and new educational strategies are required. This study aimed to qualitatively explore the reflexive views and experiences of virtual Communities of Practice (vCoP) among informal and formal caregivers of people with dementia and explore vCoP as a tool for learning and knowledge development. Data were collected in a sequence of virtual works

Phenotypic plasticity in tropical butterflies is linked to climatic seasonality on a macroevolutionary scale

Phenotypic plasticity can be adaptive in fluctuating environments by providing rapid environment-phenotype matching and this applies particularly in seasonal environments. African Bicyclus butterflies have repeatedly colonized seasonal savannahs from ancestral forests around the late Miocene, and many species now exhibit seasonal polyphenism. On a macroevolutionary scale, it can be expected that s

Synthesis and spectroscopic properties of carotenoid bis-phenylhydrazone astaxanthin : extending conjugation to a C=N group

We report on the synthesis and detailed spectroscopic characterization of bis-phenylhydrazone astaxanthin (BPH-Asx), a derivative of astaxanthin (Asx), in which the conjugated carbonyl group of Asx is replaced by a conjugated C N bond. BPH-Asx was successfully synthesized and characterized using various spectroscopic techniques, revealing subtle changes in absorption spectra and significant altera

Shaping the ‘good’ hunting experience in a contested space

Hunting tourism, broadly defined as travelling to other places other than one´s usual home or work environment for recreational hunting, takes many forms. It can be seen as a form of special interest tourism in the border area between recreation and tourism, and between market and non-market. In Sweden, there is an established form of reciprocal domestic hunting tourism, where hunting in other dom

“Have we lost a part of our soul … [to] the result on the bottom line”? Reconfiguring professional spaces and the development of lawyers’ pro bono work as a professional project in Denmark

Danish lawyers have long positioned themselves as fundamental pillars of the Rechtsstaat, portraying their independence and adherence to professional ideals as central to serving the public good. However, this traditional image has been increasingly challenged by the rise of large law firms taking advantage of deregulation and globalization. This has placed lawyers under a cross-pressure forcing t


High Tech security solutions refer to advanced and innovative technologies designed to protect assets, data and individuals from various threats. These systems offer benefits that traditional security measures cannot match. Examples of high Technology security solutions include Biometric Access Control that uses fingerprints, iris and facial recognition, Surveillance drones with cameras for monito

Exploring challenges and changes of German voluntary based relief organizations. The case of THW.

This master’s thesis examines the challenges and changes faced by voluntary local sections of the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW). The study aims to identify key factors influencing volunteer recruitment, training, and retention within these sections, particularly focusing on the impact of societal changes, workload, training limitations, and administrative burdens on the voluntee


Uganda’s natural resource base is one of the richest and most diverse in Africa. People’s livelihoods are inextricably linked to sound natural resource management and both water and land are basic resources for virtually all socio-economic activities. Because of the significance of agriculture to rural livelihoods, water and land are the most important assets for many households. Located in a tran

Changing patronage and informality configurations in Ukraine : From the shopfloor upwards

This article examines hegemonic norms of political and moral economy in Ukraine today acting at the level of the workplace. My research is based on fieldwork I conducted in a large industrial city in the east of Ukraine from January to June 2019. Using the general Gramsci-inspired theoretical framework and the insights of Hillel Ticktin, Simon Clarke and Michael Burawoy regarding Soviet and post-S