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Forskningens dag Nov 8-9, 2022 (in Swedish)

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 20 October 2022 From: Picture from www.medicin.lu.se/forskningensdag När världen blir viral – om virus och pandemier Hur kan något som inte ens syns vända upp och ner på en hel värld? Forskningens dag 2022 kommer handla om hur virus sprider sig och orsakar sjukdom. Vad kan vi göra för att behandla och stoppa

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/forskningens-dag-nov-8-9-2022-swedish - 2025-02-27

Invitation to Seminar MSF Malmö / Lund

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 21 October 2022 Memorial seminar for Christer Samuelsson: Radiation protection physicist at Lund University and successful researcher. Moderator: Professor Em Sören Mattsson, MSF, ITM. We honor the memory of our late research colleague Doc. Christer Samuelsson and his career as a researcher and radiation prot

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/invitation-seminar-msf-malmo-lund - 2025-02-27

New center on luminescence welcome meeting place for researchers

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 8 November 2022 Photo: Christian Bernhardsson, director of the radiation physicists' luminescence lab in Malmö, and Helena Alexanderson, director of the geologists' luminescence lab in Lund. LUM 2022;5:10.      CROSS SCIENCE. Natural sciences and the Faculty of Medicine has contributed money to an internation

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/new-center-luminescence-welcome-meeting-place-researchers - 2025-02-27

Nuclear power experts gathered for a large exercise at Ringhals

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 18 November 2022 Article about an exercise in Tvååker where Medical Radiation Physics, Lund University, participated Every two years, the nuclear counties practice a nuclear event. The exercise event base circulates between Forsmark, Oskarshamn and Ringhals. This year marks six years since the exercise was ca

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/nuclear-power-experts-gathered-large-exercise-ringhals - 2025-02-27

Seminarium MSF Malmö / Lund - Therése Geber Bergstrand, PhD, ESS

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 18 November 2022 Seminarium MSF Malmö / Lund   The European Spallation Source (ESS) Project in General,and Specifically its Emergency Preparedness Therése Geber Bergstrand, PhD, ESS   Therése Geber Bergstrand PhD / Radiation Protection Expert / Crisis management and Emergency preparedness Coordinator / Occupa

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/seminarium-msf-malmo-lund-therese-geber-bergstrand-phd-ess - 2025-02-27

New radiation technology adapts in real time to the tumor's movements during treatment

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 22 November 2022 Photo: Skåne University Hospital In Swedish below   From the intranet Skånes University Hospital New radiation technology adapts in real time to the tumor's movements during treatment Skåne University Hospital is the first in the Nordic region with a new technology in radiotherapy where the b

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/new-radiation-technology-adapts-real-time-tumors-movements-during-treatment - 2025-02-27

Invitation to Seminar MSF Malmö / Lund, November 25, 2022

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 24 November 2022 Municpality average uranium bedrock concentration in Sweden predicts lunc cancer incidence when adjusted for smoking prevalence: indication of a cumulative radon induced detriment? Christopher Rääf, professor, Medical Radiation Physics Malmö   Date: 25-Nov at 14.00 to around 15.00  Zoom link:

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/invitation-seminar-msf-malmo-lund-november-25-2022 - 2025-02-27

Webinarium: Brown seaweed as a bioindicator for radioactive and stable nuclides in the Swedish coastal marine environment

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 14 December 2022 Svensk förening för radioekologi bjuder till webinarium  Brown seaweed as a bioindicator for radioactive and stable nuclides in the Swedish coastal marine environment         Invited Speakers: Professor Emeritus Sören Mattsson (1) Professor Kristina Eriksson Stenström (2) Dr Guillaume Pedehon

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/webinarium-brown-seaweed-bioindicator-radioactive-and-stable-nuclides-swedish-coastal-marine - 2025-02-27

NSFS-conference: June 5-9, 2022

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 22 December 2022 Sharing knowledge and caring about the society and nature via radiation protection NSFS conference in June 2023  to be held in Malmö, Sweden  Date: 5-9 of June 2023 Venue: Clarion Hotel Malmö Live, Malmö, Sweden General information (pdf):  NSFS-2023 Find more information on the conference pag

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/nsfs-conference-june-5-9-2022 - 2025-02-27

Seminar: January 22, 2023: How to detect radioactive contamination in soil and aerosol after an accident at the ESS?

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics) - published 18 January 2023 How to detect radioactive contamination in soil and aerosol after an accident at the ESS?  Guillaume Pédehontaa-Hiaa, Associate Researcher at MSF Malmö Results from the last SSM financed project on the investigation on potential radioactive releases from the ESS in Lund. Studies were conducted

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/seminar-january-22-2023-how-detect-radioactive-contamination-soil-and-aerosol-after-accident-ess - 2025-02-27

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences organizes a seminar on March 21 in Stockholm

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics, Malmö) - published 27 February 2023 The war in Ukraine has resulted in a number of incidents at nuclear facilities with the risk of the spread of radioactive substances and exposure to ionizing radiation. The Russian state leadership has also threatened the use of nuclear weapons in various ways. At this afternoon semina

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/royal-swedish-academy-sciences-organizes-seminar-march-21-stockholm - 2025-02-27

Doktorspromotion den 26 maj 2023 - Sören Mattsson

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics, Malmö) - published 23 May 2023 Photo: Lars E Olsson   Professor emeritus Sören Mattsson blir jubeldoktor på fredag 23 maj 2023 Kommer att direktsändas inifrån kyrkan på LU-hemsida Professor emeritus Sören Mattsson becomes jubilant doctor on Friday 23 May 2023 Will be broadcast live from inside the church on the LU websit

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/doktorspromotion-den-26-maj-2023-soren-mattsson - 2025-02-27

Vacant positions at Medical Radiation Physics, Malmö, ITM, LU

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics, Malmö) - published 21 June 2023 Vacant positions Postdoctoral fellow in Medical Radiation Physics (in Swedish) Postdoktor i medicinsk strålningsfysik Last application date: 2023-07-31 Research engineer in Medical Radiation Physics (in Swedish) Forskningsingenjör inom medicinsk strålningsfysik  Last application date: 2023

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/vacant-positions-medical-radiation-physics-malmo-itm-lu - 2025-02-27

Examination Richard Deyhle Jr

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics, Malmö) - published 9 April 2024 NAILING AND EXAMINATIONVery welcome to Medical Radiation Physics, Malmö, for the ceremonial nailing of Richard Deyhle Jr lic-thesis! At 13.15. floor 4, April 12, 2024Welcome to the Degree in medical science in the subject of medicinescience - other other medicine and health sciencesApril 1

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/examination-richard-deyhle-jr - 2025-02-27

Not moving, but new street address

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics, Malmö) - published 17 May 2024 Not moving but NEW STREET ADDRESS May 13, 2024       CONTACTVisiting address: Skåne University HospitalInga Marie Nilssons gata 47Elevator Hall C or D, Floor 4Postal addressMedical Radiation Physics, MalmöLund universityDepartment of Translational MedicineSkåne University HospitalSE-205 02

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/not-moving-new-street-address - 2025-02-27

European researchers’ night in Sweden

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics, Malmö) - published 29 July 2024 European Researchers’ Night takes places annually during the last week of September. In Sweden, activities are organised across the country and online under the name ForskarFredag (Researchers’ Friday). This year the festival will take place from the 23rd to the 28th of September 2024. The

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/european-researchers-night-sweden - 2025-02-27

SWE-RAYS 2025 - The 13th annual workshop

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics, Malmö) - published 2 September 2024 The 13th annual workshop will be held in Lund on August or September, 2025More information will come at a later time, but you can already sign up for updates and reminders about the workshop! Stay in the loop about SWE-RAYS 2025 workshop. Sign up here!The Swedish Radiation Research Ass

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/swe-rays-2025-13th-annual-workshop - 2025-02-27

Cultural night at the Faculty of Medicine

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics, Malmö) - published 13 September 2024 Cultural night at the Faculty of MedicineKulturnatten på Medicinska fakultetenSaturday September 21, 202412.30-17.00Forum Medicum, Sölvegatan 19, 223 62 LundWith participation from the Medical Radiation Physics, MalmöWe would also like to invite you to invite friends, family and colle

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/cultural-night-faculty-medicine - 2025-02-27

Invitation to seminar MSF Malmö / Lund

By viveca [dot] floden [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Medical Radiation Physics, Malmö) - published 22 October 2024 Kallelse till seminarium MSF Malmö / Lund – Invitation to Seminar MSF Malmö / LundHow four decades of general radiation physics research was required for a job in radioactive waste handling at ESSPer Roos, PhD, Group leader for the ESS Radiation Protection TeamPer Roos is a doctoral stu

https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/article/invitation-seminar-msf-malmo-lund-0 - 2025-02-27