

Din sökning på "*" gav 534198 sökträffar

Imagery rescripting som behandling vid hälsoångest

Hälsoångest är ett tillstånd där personen har en stark oro för att bli sjuk eller är övertygad om att de redan lider av en allvarlig sjukdom. Ett av symptomen som ofta nämns, är påträngande inre mentala bilder om sjukdomar, ofta svåra och livshotande sådana som kan innebära egen eller nära släktingars bortgång. Imagery rescripting har visat sig vara en lovande behandlingskomponent när det gäller pHealth anxiety is a condition where the person has a strong concern for becoming ill or believing that they already suffer from a serious illness. One of the symptoms often mentioned, is intrusive imagery about life threatening diseases, the death of oneself or close relatives. Imagery Rescripting has shown to be a promising treatment on intrusive imagery in PTSD and Social phobia. Hence, the curr

Self-awareness in a small passerine - Great tits (Parus major) perform the mark test

Cognition is one of human kind’s most important features in our own opinion. The more we know about the cognitive abilities of different species the more we know about how cognition has evolved. Self-awareness is a mental trait associated with high levels of cognition and something previously considered to be exclusive to humans and possibly apes. The most common test of self-awareness is a test o


This thesis investigates the possibility of solving the problem of urban noise pollution by applying the principals of indoor acoustics on an outdoor environment. The city of Malmö, Sweden, was chosen due to its advanced world leading noise research and dynamic urban setting. All of the necessary information, data and measurements were acquired through research and practical experimentation in

Sweden's contradictory drug policy: a socio-legal study of the swedish zero tolerance approach

This master thesis is a socio-legal study which explores the Swedish drug policy and its discourses, more specifically how discourses within the political sphere affects the political discussion and the legal norms regarding drugs in Sweden. As methodological approach I have used a critical discourse analysis, created by Norman Fairclough, to analyze political documents, trying to find the most po

Mobilisering av den mekaniskt ventilerade intensivvårdspatienten

Mobilisering av mekaniskt ventilerade intensivvårdspatienter är genomförbart och kan utföras på ett säkert sätt samt leder till ett snabbare tillfrisknande för patienten. Syfte: Att undersöka nivå av mobilisering hos mekaniskt ventilerade patienter inom intensivvård samt komplikationer och barriärer i samband med mobilisering. En jämförelse i nivå av mobilisering mellan de patienter som är invasiv

Reliability of fire barriers

A fire barriers are widely used in the industry as a passive fire protection system. Fire barriers are built according to specifications from manufacturer after the construction was tested in full scale furnace in accordance to the appropriate codes. Those tests are made private and the test results are not published apart from the failure/success of the tested sample. In order to accurately prote


I takt med att det globala klimatet förändras ökar viljan att utveckla och effektivisera energi utvinningen av förnybara energier så som vindkraft. Utveckling inom vindkraftsindustrin har under de senaste åren varit att bladlängden blir längre. Detta eftersom längden på bladen ökar effekten vindkraftverket kan producera. Problemet med den ökade vindlängden har varit dels varit att vikten av bladetThe usage of wind turbines during the latest years has grown substantially and are becoming an increasingly important source of renewable energy, as many countries are trying to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. In order to increase the effect of the wind turbines the length of the blades has been increased, which has also led to an increase of the cross-section dimensions. This has led to ma

Statistik över bygglovsansökningar avseende energiberäkning och fuktsäkerhetsprojektering

Initiation of construction of apartments has increased by 26% from 2014 to 2015 in Sweden. This has meant more building permits to treat. Several tasks done by a building inspector has been identified through active observation of the building permit department in Helsingborg. Some of the tasks are review of cases, technical consultation, and visits at building places, final consultation, supervis

Graduation From the EU GSP Scheme: The Effects of China

The European Union has a number of policies intended to stimulate growth and development of the less developed countries. This paper investigates EUs largest of this kind, the Generalized System of Preferences, and the effects of graduating from the scheme. When the development of a beneficiary country’s product sector is considered being competitive enough, the EU will no longer include the secto

Emotion Regulation Group Therapy for Individuals with Non-Suicidal Self-Injury : A Six-Patient Pilot Study with Combined Quantitative and Qualitative Methods

Nya behandlingar har implementerats i Sverige för att minska antalet personer med självskadebeteende. En av dessa behandlingar är Emotion Regulation Group Therapy (ERGT). Syftet med denna studie var att utforska sex patienters upplevelser av att genomgå ERGT och vilka förändringar i såväl mående som psykiatriska symptom (mätt med Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale och New treatments for non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) have been implemented in Sweden to decrease the number of people with self-injurious behavior. One of these treatments is Emotion Regulation Group Therapy (ERGT). This study aimed to explore six patients’ experiences of undergoing ERGT and the changes in well-being as well as in psychiatric symptoms (measured with Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory, D

Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes: Turn and face the strange - Struggles of identity work in organisational change

In today’s fast moving business environment, organisational change is considered a key requisite to remain competitive, however, organisational change can be a double-edged sword as it can create difficulties for individuals in their identity work carried out in the organisation. Moreover, how individuals conduct their identity work in an organisation can amongst other factors be affected by disco

The smile of currency derivatives – PCA modelling of the FX effect

This paper investigates the non-flat volatility surface of foreign exchange options, a so-called volatility smile. Foreign exchange options are especially interesting due their liquidity and frequency in risk management. To propose a non-complex model of the determinants of variation in the smile, a principal component approach is suggested. As this approach allows for explanation of the developme

Unlocking successful sustainability : innovative communication strategies for science based policy

Environmental policy should be made up of scientific evidence. This thesis paper supports science based policy and its formulation through innovative communication strategies. It is important to be innovative in communicating science when dealing with the policy community as there could be confrontations owing to the nature of relation between science and policy. This is where the professional env

Dynamic Fault Tolerance and Task Scheduling in Distributed Systems

Med automatiskt feldetektering och periodisk övervakning av molnapplikationer kan en önskad nivå av tillförlitlighet uppnås genom automatiskt kloning av applikationen. Nackdelen är att fler resurser krävs och därför måste antalet kopior hållas till ett minimum genom att inte ha fler kopior än nödvändigt. Genom att skapa identiska kopior av funktioner eller beräkningar som en tjänst utför, så ökarEnsuring a predefined level of reliability for applications running in distributed environments is a complex task. Having multiple identical copies of a task increases redundancy and thereby the reliability. Due to varying properties of the often heterogeneous and vast number of components used in distributed environments, using static analysis of the environment to determine how many copies are n

The Very Thing That Makes You Rich Makes Me Poor – Fracking, natur och ontologiska schismer i New Brunswick, Kanada

In this thesis I examine how the aggressive fracking-debate in the Canadian Province New Brunswick from 2010 onwards, and how the three participating actors (the fracking-critical Native Canadian group Elsipogtog First Nation, the non-native fracking-critical group New Brunswick Anti-Shale Gas Alliance (NBASGA) and the fossil fuel company Southwestern Energy Resources Canada) view nature in differ

Prövningsramen i detaljplanemål i PBL

The procedure within the administrative field of law is ruled by norms and principles. The framework governing differs from the procedural law in civil court. The grounds for administrative claims and appeal are established in 29 and 30 §§ FPL. There are also a number of other procedural laws with their own rules for appeals, to which FPL is subsidiary. Amongst the other laws is the law that regul

XRF-studie av sedimentära borrkärnor : en metodikstudie av programvarorna Q-spec och Tray-sum

Alunskiffern i Sverige har länge varit av intresse för forskning. Historiskt sett har den varit av intresse för industriellt bruk, senare under utredning för dess eventuella olje– och gasinnehåll. På senare år har alunskiffern varit föremål för forskning på grund av dess innehåll av tungmetaller, exempelvis uran, samt hur detta kan påverka grundvattenkvaliteten. På södra Öland finns några av SveriThe Swedish Alum Shale has long been of interest within research. Historically it has been used for industrial purposes, later because of its potential content of oil or gas. Recently it has come to be of interest due to its content of heavy metals, such as Uranium, and how this can affect the groundwater supplies and its quality. In the southern parts of Öland some of the greatest Alum Shale form

Är ERT och Tidsdomän IP potentiella karteringsverktyg inom miljögeologi?

Tidigare studier har visat på att de geofysiska metoderna elektrisk resistivitet tomografi (ERT) och tidsdomän inducerad polarisation (IP) är användbara verktyg för att detektera non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPL). Rapsolja, som är en hydrofob organisk förening med lägre densitet än vatten, har använts i ett laboratorie-försök för att utvärdera användbarheten av ERT och IP för att detektera spridninPrevious studies have shown that the geophysical methods electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and time domain induced polarization (IP) are appropriate tools to detect non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPL). Rapeseed oil, hydrophobic organic compound with a lower density than water, was used in a laboratory experiment to evalu-ate the usefulness of ERT and IP to detect NAPL-contaminants in the enviro

Handel med förhinder -En studie avseende Sveriges handelsförbindelser med Kina respektive Japan under 1950-talet (1949-1961)

Den här uppsatsens bidrag till forskningen är att ingående beskriva hur handeln mellan Sverige och Kina respektive Japan utvecklades under 1950-talet (1949-1961) och framförallt beskriva hur de institutionella förutsättningarna, dvs. formella och informella spelregler och väsentliga händelser kom att påverka handeln. I Sveriges handelspolitik efter kriget var försörjningsintresset och att skapa ti

"Du är den kraftfullaste magneten i universum!" - En kritisk diskursanalys av den spirituella självhjälpsboken The Secret

Dagligen möts vi av budskap om hur man bör leva sitt liv. Hur man blir framgångsrik, finner en partner eller uppnår lycka och inre harmoni. Ett utbrett och relativt billigt sätt att inleda sitt personliga utvecklingsprojekt på är att köpa sig en självhjälpsbok. Föreliggande studie är en kritisk diskursanalys av The Secret som är en självhjälpsbok av spirituell karaktär skriven av Rhonda Byrne. I