

Din sökning på "*" gav 539101 sökträffar

Ungdomars attityder till nätdrogen Spice

Authors: Rebecka Norberg and Lovisa Stiverius Title: Young people's attitude towards Spice [Translated title] Supervisor:Torbjörn Hjort Assessor:Weddig Runquist The aim of this study was to examine what students in the final grade of high school in Helsingborg attitudes were towards the legal high, Spice. We also wanted to study the use of the drug and if there were any differences in both u

Modelling and CNG distribution study of a Natural Gas-Diesel Dual Fuel Engine

Nowadays, environmental concerns have created the need of evolution in combustion engines for trying to give a solution to the growing problem of pollution produced by the combustion of fossil fuels. This master thesis project has been motivated by the developing of dual fuel engines with natural gas as main energy source for being an alternative to traditional combustion engines. Dual fuel is sti

Evaluating Credit Default Swap spreads using the CreditGrades model - A study on European non-financial firms

In our paper, we analyse Credit Default Swaps (CDSs) for 67 European non-financial companies between December 2004 and December 2014, focusing on the five-year maturity corporate CDS spreads. The period of analysis is divided into three sub-periods; before the financial crisis, during the global financial crisis and the European sovereign debt crisis. The CreditGrades model is used to estimate CDS

Brandtekniskt Riskvärdering Bråhögshallen

This report is a fire safety assessment of Bråhögshallen, a multi-sport facility located in Staffanstorp in the south of Sweden. The building consists of one larger and one smaller sports hall, a bowling alley and other smaller facilities used for a variety of different sports. Bråhögshallen was built in 1969, and the regulations regarding fire safety has since changed. The assessments in this rep

”Du kan vara hur psykisk sjuk du vill, det handlar ändå om människor” : En diskursanalys av intervjuer om relationen mellan personer med psykisk ohälsa och socialtjänsten.

The aim of this study was to examine how people with mental illness, their families and social workers talk about the contact between client and social workers to gain a deeper understanding of how relationships are created. The study was conducted through semi-structured interviews with six people who represent the people mentioned above. The interviews were then processed and analyzed with criti

I kontakt med självhjälpsgrupper för anhöriga till missbrukare : En kvalitativ studie om vuxna barn

I denna studie har vi intervjuat tre kvinnor som levt under riskfyllda förhållanden i form av missbruk i större delar av sitt liv. Syftet med vår uppsats var att undersöka vilka erfarenheter anhöriga till missbrukare har av självhjälpsgrupper av typen ACA (vuxna barn till alkoholister och från andra dysfunktionella familjer) och dess stöd och hjälp. Vi formulerade tre frågeställningar där vi villeIn this study, we interviewed three women who have lived in hazardous conditions such as abuse in the greater part of their lives. The aim of this study was to examine what experiences relatives of abusers have of self-help groups such as ACOA (Adult Children Of Alcoholics and of other dysfunctional families) and its support and help. Due to our purpose we asked ourselves three questions: 1. how d

Fisken i frysdisken – Konsumentens medvetenhet kring de negativa konsekvenserna gällande fiskmjöl och odlad lax

Fisken i frysdisken Den ljuvliga doften av ört- och honungsmarinerade lax döljer en mycket mörkare sanning bakom fasaden som det hälsosamma och miljövänliga alternativet. I svenska hem äts det allt mer lax och importen från Norge ökar. Vi känner nog alla igen de fyra inplastade rektangulära rosa fiskbitarna som nu står färdiglagade på bordet. Laxens hälsosamma aspekt grundar sig i att den är eFarmed salmon is today commonly available in grocery stores where it is marketed as a healthy and environmentally friendly alternative to many other fish species. The fact that the diet of farmed salmon substantially consists of fishmeal is a fairly unknown fact. I performed a study which in its first part set out to identify the most negative environmental consequences of farming salmon. I show t

Oro och Rädslor hos barn- Kan Krona/Klave testet identifiera de barn som drivs av rädslor eller oro?

Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka testet Krona/Klaves användbarhet för att identifiera oro och rädsla hos barn. Testet syftar till att identifiera barn som drivs av rädsla och oro i konfliktsituationer genom att undersöka hur deras svarstid förändras när konflikten blir allt viktigare. Testet utgår ifrån teori om Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) som menar att en central funktion för en individ The purpose of the study was to examine the test KronaKlaves usefulness to identify worry and fear in children. The test aims at identifying children who are driven by fear in conflict situations by examining how the answer latency changes in the child when the conflict gets more important. The core concept of the test is the Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) which states that a central function

Influence of Parents’ Involvement on Children’s Education: A Study of Tertiary Education in European Countries

This Master Thesis analyzes how beneficial parental involvement is for third level education of an individual. Effects derived from parental behavior are measured based on new data on a larger scale compared to previous research, and by exploiting so far unused involvement variables. For the measurement a logit regression is applied to European Value Study data, for a selection of thirteen countri

Föreställningen om mjölk – en kritisk diskursanalys av kommunikationen på mjolk.se

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur en organisation kan upprätthålla en viss föreställning genom strategisk kommunikation. Detta uppnås genom det empiriska exemplet mjölk, ett livsmedel som under lång tid framställts som objektivt, naturligt och vetenskapligt, vilket lett till en etablerad föreställning om att mjölk är nödvändig i vår dagliga kost. Syftet uppfylls genom en foucauldiansk kriThis thesis aims to investigate how an organization can maintain a certain conception through strategic communication. This is achieved by the empirical example of milk, a food that is looked upon as something objective, natural and scientific, which has led to an established conception that milk is essential in our daily diet. The purpose of the thesis is met by a foucauldian critical discourse a

The Impact of Personal Experience on the Thematisation of Issues Related to Data Protection

This study explores the plausibility of the thesis that the thematisation of issues re-lated to data protection is affected by the degree to which an issue can be experi-enced personally. In drawing a line from issues management theory to agenda-setting and the theory of news value, this study demonstrates that knowledge about thematisation struc-tures is central to issues management and that pre

Sustainability and Data Collection in the Smart City - A Case Study of the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Tracking Project in Copenhagen

Denna studie granskar det urbana hållbarhetsarbetet i Köpenhamn, nämligen deras ”Smart city”- strategi, med fokus på ett specifikt spårningsprojekt som staden startat. Några aspekter som tas upp är integritet, medborgardeltagande och transparens. Som en konsekvens av en ökande urbanisering står städer världen över inför flera urbana utmaningar som kräver att de förändrar hur de planerar och arbeCities around the world are facing a multitude of urban challenges that demand that they change the way they plan and think about their city, with one of the ways of approaching sustainability being the Smart city. A core feature of the Smart city is the idea of collecting large quantities of data on the city, big data, which is then used in various city solutions. In the wake of this, several que

Hemvistbegreppet i svensk asylprövning

Sammanfattning I detta examensarbete är det centrala syftet att utreda huruvida begreppet hemvist bör användas i arbetet med att fastställa flyktingskap. Uppsatsens mål är att närmare undersöka hur begreppet används av svenska myndigheter och om användningen av detta begrepp har stöd i nationell svensk rätt och/eller i folkrätten. Uppgiften görs i tre steg. Det första steget är att författaren kSummary In this thesis the central question is to investigate weather or not the Swedish notion hemvist should be used in the process of determining refugee status. The aim is to look further into how the notion is used by Swedish authorities in the asylum process and then to investigate weather the use of the notion has support in national and/or international legislation. This task is done in

Credit Rating Changes and Post-M&A Firm Value: Assessing the importance of credit ratings changes as a motive for successful M&A

This research shows the impact of credit rating change (thereafter CRC) announcements on the combined entities following mergers and acquisitions. In looking at the effect of CRC announcements on share prices, we measure the level of influence that a credit upgrade or downgrade has on the equity value of firms. Existing literature disputes the applicability of share price as a measure of value cre

Incitament för energibesparing i studentbostäder - Energieffektiva åtgärder för studentbostäder i Lunds kommun

De ständigt ökande klimatförändringarna orsakade av människan har visat sig medföra enorma komplikationer för stora delar av världen. Insatser som syftar till att bekämpa de negativa klimatförändringarna som har uppstått till följd av växthusgasutsläpp utvecklas nu på allvar och de negativa effekterna kan bland annat dämpas genom en effektivare energianvändning. I det moderna samhället står byggnDue to the constantly increasing threat caused by climate change necessary measures against the current situation needs to be accomplished. This study shows that one potential approach to reach this goal is by a more effective way of energy consumption. In this study the energy use of students in the city of Lund in Sweden was assessed. The purpose of the study was to find out what sort of driving

Communicate to Cash-Out? A critical review of recommendations and realities in startup

The purpose of this study is to explore the field of strategic communication in startups by investigating communication in start-ups and, in doing so, critically questioning its function within startups. A qualitative research approach was cho-sen, carried out as a case study of the startup scene in Berlin based on 14 expert interviews and a content analysis of online magazine articles and blog en

"Målsägande verkar lite knepig". En diskursanalys av femininitet i polisens kvinnoregister.

In December 2014 Swedish radio leaked that Swedish police kept a record about women reporting that they have been exposed to domestic violence. The record contained subjective comments about 2500 women. The record has been kept at and used by Polisen Södertörns victim group, and holds subjective comments about both the women and their related. The record has been established and used during the ye

The effect of uncertainty in online information search for travel planning: A segmentation study

The present quantitative research focuses on studying the effect of uncertainty in online information search related mainly to travel planning. The main emphasis is in the individual and combined effect of these variables towards different demographic segments of international travelers. In order to do so it draws insights from Uncertainty avoidance (Hofstede, 2001) and information foraging theory

När ska jag gå i pension - En studie som undersöker om det finns en optimal pensionsålder

Medelpensioneringsåldern i Sverige har länge varit mer eller mindre konstant trots att medellivslängden har ökat. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka huruvida det finns en optimal pensionsålder när den förväntade återstående livslängden är en annan än den Pensionsmyndigheten förutsatt och om detta kan förklara den konstanta medelpensioneringsåldern. Studien tillämpar en kvantitativ metod och

Att leva med Amyotrofisk Lateralskleros - ALS ur ett patientperspektiv

Bakgrund: Amyotrofisk Lateralskleros (ALS) är en dödlig neurodegenerativ sjukdom. Destruktion av motorneuron leder till att ALS-patienterna blir helt förlamade, vilket medför en stor påverkan i patienternas liv. Syfte: Belysa patienters upplevelse av att leva med ALS, genom att beskriva hur patienters liv och livskvalitet påverkas av sjukdomen. Metod: Litteraturstudie med integrerad analys. Result