

Din sökning på "*" gav 532101 sökträffar

Missbrukarnas boendesituation i Höganäs kommun

The purpose of our paper was to look at a group of drug addicts living arrangements in a small community in the south of Sweden, Höganäs. The addicts all had a contact with the social services and they all had a permanent living arrangement during the time we were doing our paper. The paper was done accordingly to the quality method and we interviewed six clients and three social workers. Our conc

Ringar på vattnet - en kvalitativ undersökning av åtta anhörigas erfarenheter och upplevelser av vården på psykiatriska avdelningar på Landspitalinn - Universitetssjukhus på Island

“Ripples in the water” is a qualitative research of eight family members´ experiences of the service they received from the psychiatric departments in the University Hospital in Iceland when one of the family became mentally ill. The eight participants in the research came from families, who had the total of six mentally ill patients. I conducted a total of six interviews with these participants,

Barnbilderböcker, förskolan och differentiering - en Focus-gruppstudie om bildens betydelse inom förskoleverksamheten

This thesis is written within the Master Program of the School of social work at the University of Lund. It comprehends a study of the pre-school personal appreciation about the pedagogical material -Children picture book- for pre-school education in the municipality of Gävle. The methodology of the study is the focus-group approach with slither tone of attitude study. This method help in order to

Tidiga störningar i mor- och barnrelation: orsaker, behandlingsmöjligheter och de professionellas kunskap

The purpose of this project was to investigate what is causing early disturbances in the mother- and infant relationship and what sorts of treatments are available. Our main questions where: -What does the development within infant research say about when it comes to the importance of early relationships? -What is causing the disturbances in the mother- and infant relationship seen from an attachm

Sjuksköterskors uppfattning om patienters behov av kuratorskontakt : intervjuundersökning bland sjuksköterskor på ett länssjukhus

The aim was to find out how nurses at a county hospital, came to the conclusion to bring about contact with the hospital social worker. A qualitative method was used. Unstructured interviews focused on different themes connected to the aim of the study. The questions at issue intended to shed light on what it means that the occupational field of the nurses is nursing when it comes to understanding

Att leda utan klara gränser : om enhetschefers arbetssituation i kommunal äldreomsorg

This study is about supervisors in municipal old-age care. The aim was to describe and attempt to understand what some supervisors in their words and actions are trying to express concerning their work and their work situation. This study was an empirically based investigation using a qualitative approach; the data collection methods comprised of interviews and observations as well as discussion a

Röd mot vit identitet: en diskursanalys av den svenska medierapporteringen av det finska inbördeskriget

Det finska inbördeskriget bröt ut i januari 1918, varade i drygt fyra månader och kostade över 30 000 människoliv. Konflikten stod mellan de borgerliga vita och de socialistiska röda. Med hjälp av diskursanalys och teorier om fiendebilder analyserar vi hur identiteterna för de båda i konflikten inblandade sidorna aktiveras och reproduceras, och hur dessa identiteter används vid skildrandet av hand

USA som medlare En fallstudie i konflikten mellan Israel och Palestina från och med 1991

Konflikten mellan Israel och Palestina är en konflikt som har visat sig vara extremt svårlöst och komplex. Ett antal olika utomstående parter har sedan konfliktens början verkat för fred i området. USA har sedan början av 1990-talet agerat som den huvudsakliga medlaren i konflikten. Den amerikanska medlingsstrategin har förändrats med årens gång och har mött såväl bra som dålig kritik. Problem som

The living museum: theory converted in praxis

A visit to an archaeological museum often has more in common with a visit to an art collection than with a visit to a learning faculty. The objects on display in the archaeological museum are chosen for their beauty and the aspects of their time period which they can enlighten are often neglected. Hence many museums present their material as mere objects of art instead of as time pieces. When the