

Din sökning på "*" gav 535473 sökträffar

Decomposition of ETFs: Building a synthetic portfolio of ETFs major positions

This paper investigates the performance of benchmark indices and according ETFs against the synthetic portfolios that were built using the five major holdings of the selected benchmark index and its ETF. Not only do we test the synthetic portfolios, but from them, we make optimal (re-balanced) portfolios using mean-variance optimization (with short-selling constraints). We test and examine the ret

“Det är nog kuratorn som fixar det här” – En kvalitativ studie om kuratorers yrkesroll och jurisdiktionsarbete i psykiatrin

Professional counselors are often seen as responsible for highlighting the need of, and to operate the social work in healthcare. To have that expertise in an otherwise medical context can lead to it being a difficult task. It is also suggested that the social worker’s role and professional identity is vague, which also influences social worker’s jurisdictional work. The aim of this study was to i

Återhämtning i Fontänhusets musikverksamhet. En kvalitativ intervjustudie

The purpose of this study was to examine how participation in a Fountain House’s music-unit was experienced from a recovery-perspective. We contextualized our empirical material with the help of Self-Determination Theory and Neo-Institutional Theory. The research questions are: (1) How do participants experience the possibility for recovery with support of the music unit? and (2) How does the Foun

Invandringsfrågans förskjutning i riksdagen: En teoriprövande fallstudie om Sverigedemokraternas smittoeffekter och partikonkurrens mellan 2010 och 2018

Studien undersöker om de svenska riksdagspartiernas invandringspolitik har påverkats till följd av Sverigedemokraternas tilltagande väljarstöd under perioden 2010 till 2018. Detta för att pröva huruvida ett ökat väljarstöd för Sverigedemokraterna har “smittoeffekter” på partisystemet, och leder till att resterande riksdagspartier blir mer invandringsrestriktiva. Studien undersöker även hur mainstr

Co-existence and conflict in a changing forest landscape: A case study of Maskaure reindeer herding district

Land use for reindeer husbandry and forestry are overlapping in large areas of northern Sweden. This co-location is characterized by dynamics in which the forest industry owns the land and the power to transform it, and the reindeer industry possesses a user-right for reindeer grazing and herding. During the last couple of years, critique towards the forest industry has grown louder, and reindeer-

No longer red, but a rainbow-coloured plague: the influence of ontological insecurities on the anti-gender discourse in Poland

In recent years anti-genderism has increased in popularity, as the populist parties, illiberal governments and conservative groups have begun to implement the discourse into their politics. The discourse can function as a symbolic glue, political tool as well as part of the religious narrative. Anti-genderism can emerge in different parts of the world, however, in the post-Socialist states of Cent

Flow batteries - Impact on fire safety

The need for sustainable renewable energy has been increasing due to the negative impact of non-renewable energy sources. With the unstable and sporadic nature of sustainable renewable energy, flow batteries show immense potential in mitigating these issues. Traditional vanadium and zinc-based flow batteries, as well as new flow battery systems, are now being researched extensively. Vanadium and z

Driving the transition: Intermediary actors in the grassroots e-carsharing niche of rural Germany.

Rural Germany is massively dependent on fossil fuel driven cars. But in many villages, socio-technical innovations have emerged to tackle this dependency. Electric carsharing, often organised in grassroots-settings, is one of them. For such innovations to spread and grow, different projects from across the country need intermediariesto connect them in networks, or share ideas, and experiences. Thi

Thermostability of self-assembled protein aggregates

Nanoparticles used as drug delivery vehicles for small and large active drug molecules is a highly sought-after area of research. Nanoparticles made using recombinant proteins prove to be more beneficial as they are biocompatible and biodegradable, however only a few proteins can be considered as their availability and stability are not known. One such protein that has the potential to form nanopa

Det nya gränslösa arbetet - en risk för arbetsmiljön eller framtidens flexibla arbetssätt? - En arbetsrättslig analys av riskerna i arbetsmiljön kring arbete hemifrån

Under de senaste åren har möjligheten till att arbeta hemifrån och på distans i Sverige ökat i stor omfattning, speciellt med tanke på COVID-19 pandemin. Arbetssättet som det flexibla arbetslivet medför, har inneburit att fler arbeten kan utföras utan tidsmässiga, rumsliga eller organisatoriska gränser. Arbete hemifrån och på distans har öppnat en ny värld för flexibilitet i arbetslivet, men samtiDuring the last couple of years, teleworking in Sweden have increased to a large extent, especially considering the COVID-19 pandemic. The way of working that the flexible work life entails, means that more types of work can be carried out without temporal, spatial or organizational limits. Teleworking have opened a new world for flexibility in the work life, but at the same time it has entailed r

Property Prices and Disaster (In)Justice: Fifty Years of Demographic Change in Hawai’i County’s Lava Hazard Zones

While there is a degree of homogeneity in the physical impact that volcanic hazards can cause, the experience of volcanic risk and the politics of exposure are far from equal. The purpose of this thesis is to expand on research citing population growth and property price dynamics as factors encouraging settlement in the Mauna Loa and Kīlauea lava hazard zones. It seeks to determine if high-hazard

The sui generis database protection and automated and connected cars - Will machine-generated data from automated and connected cars fall within the sui generis right if the proposed EU Data Act is adopted?

The connected and automated car is performing more and more driving tasks autonomously. This produces a lot of data. The EU Database Directive gives non-original databases protection through the sui generis database right. Whether these databases with machine-generated data should be part of the scope of the right is unclear, depending on the interpretation of the right. The proposed EU Database A

Vilka är bidragsfuskarna? En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av fenomenet bidragsfusk i svenska tidningsmedier under perioden 2019-2021

Benefit fraud became a major topic in the Swedish news media during the 1990’s. The description of the benefit cheater in news reports has changed over time, often depending on the political landscape. The aim of this study was therefore to analyze how the phenomenon of benefit fraud is portrayed in news media in present time, between 2019-2021. The method chosen for this study was a qualitative c

En studie om kvalitén på den nya momslagstiftningen avseende omvänd skattskyldighet på mobiltelefoner

Uppsatsen handlar om kvalitén på den nya skattelagstiftningen om omvänd skattskyldighet på mobiltelefoner som tillkommit i syfte att stävja karusellhandel, vilket är en typ av mervärdesskattebedrägeri. Den nya skattelagstiftningen om omvänd skattskyldighet på mobiltelefoner trädde i kraft den 1 april 2021 och har stöd i mervärdesskattedirektivets artikel 199a. För att analysera kvalitén på den nysThe thesis is about the quality of the new tax legislation on reverse tax liability on mobile phones that has been added for the purpose of curbing carousel trading (Sw: karusellhandel), which is a type of VAT fraud. The new tax legislation on reverse charge on mobile phones entered into force on 1 April 2021 and is supported by Article 199a of the VAT Directive. To analyze the quality of the tax

Managers’ Perceptions of Home-Country and Host-Country Cultural Influences on Subsidiaries’ Organizational Culture

Globalization has both contributed to a large increase of Chinese MNCs and affected the way culture is transferred around the globe. Particularly, this gives rise to the phenomenon of different cultural influences in the subsidiaries of Chinese MNCs. This thesis therefore aims at contributing to the understanding of how managers at Scandinavian subsidiaries of the Chinese multinational company Len

Miljöpartiets förlustsaga: Vad kan förklara MP:s tillbakagång i opinionsstöd?

Denna uppsats syftar till att förklara Miljöpartiets stagnerande utveckling som skett sedan valåret 2010. För att undersöka det kommer studien att utgå från en kvalitativ fallstudie samt en kvantitativ del som behandlar åren 2014-2018 som är Miljöpartiets första fyra år i regeringsposition. Fallstudien är av teoriprövande karaktär, vilket innebär att två hypoteser kommer att presenteras som i stud

European Super League: kicking off the match against FIFA and UEFA. Exploring C-333/21 European Super League Company v FIFA and UEFA in the light of EU competition law, and its effect on the European Model of Sports.

The European Model of Sports includes features that form part of the European identity, such as inclusion, tolerance and respect. It has been developed since the 1990s, and has been a cornerstone in the sports policy documents put forward by EU institutions, and was further strengthened by the introduction of Article 165 TFEU. The European Model of Sports is now under threat after the initiation o

Brands taking a stand: The meaning of brand activism from a consumer perspective

Every year more and more brands are deciding to show their values by taking an active role and taking a stand for social and political causes. Among them, fashion brands stand out as it is an industry that is often in the spotlight due to social and environmental scandals. Recently, research has focused on studying what kind of messages work best for brands but little attention has been placed on

”Det är min kropp, mitt liv!” En diskursanalys av svenskt vaccintvivel på Flashback

I början av 2020 utropade World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19 som en global pandemi och vaccinationerna påbörjades i slutet samma år. Under framtagningen av vaccinet började skepticism florera bland världens befolkning samtidigt som forskarna påpekade att vaccinets effekt är beroende av attityderna gentemot det. Tidigare studier har visat att misstro till vetenskapen kring vaccin och dess eff