

Din sökning på "*" gav 528090 sökträffar

Aktiekapitalet - reellt borgenärsskydd eller ett koncept att släppa taget om?

En trend inom Sveriges, EU:s samt delar av övriga världens bolagsrätt är att förenkla reglerna för aktiebolag. I detta ligger att revidera kravet som ställs på att aktiebolagens stiftare ska tillskjuta en viss summa pengar som ekonomisk buffert till bolaget, ett så kallat aktiekapital. Den minsta nivå av aktiekapital som behöver tillskjutas bolaget vid bildningen utgörs av minimikapitalet. I SveriA trend in the company laws of Sweden, Europe and parts of the rest of the world is to simplify the rules for limited liability corporations. Within this simplification lies the revising of the requirement imposed on the companies' founders to inject a certain amount of money as an economic buffer to the company, a so-called legal capital. The minimum level of legal capital required to legally

Multi-Pitch Estimation of Inharmonic Signals

A signal with harmonic structure is often characterized by its fundamental frequency, or pitch. This single parameter contain vital information of a range of applications such as musical transcription, tuning of stringed instruments, speech processing and more. Some signal sources, for instance a sti vibrating string, exhibit waveforms with slightly deviating harmonic structure. This phenomenon is

Mot mitten för att vinna val? En studie om moderaternas framgång i svensk politik utifrån en teori om röstmaximerande

In the 2002 election, the Swedish conservative party, Moderaterna, did their worst election in over twenty years. After the 2002 election the party managed to become successful and in eight years the party has doubled their voter support, and has together with the parties from Alliansen managed to win two elections in a row. This study focuses on Moderaterna’s success in Swedish politics in the la

Production of Anthracene (C14H10) Clusters using Cold Aerodynamic Source (CAS) and Verification of the Products via Time of Flight Spectroscopy

Molecular cluster is a nanoparticle that is defined as an agglomerate of few up to 106-7 of molecules (corresponding to 1- 100 nm in size) that can be manipulated by the cluster beams. Molecular cluster properties typically lie between the individual molecule and bulk matter properties. This work describes the employment of the Cold Aerodynamic Source (CAS) to produce a narrow, collimated and iso

Development of a Continuous Blending System

The company QB Food Tech designs and installs powder in liquid mixing systems for the food and pharmaceutical industries. The aim of this master thesis is to develop a continuous blending system with concentration output feedback for inline blending of complex products starting from an existing batch process. A method for measuring a substance concentration in flow‐rates therefore needs to be esta

Deriving and Implementing a Model of the Fifth Generation Haldex AWD Actuator

The objective for this master thesis has been to develop a mathematical model of the actuator parts of the fifth generation Haldex AWD system. The parts to be modeled are the DC-Machine and the pump. Also a model of the elasticity of the clutch has to be derived as well as a model for the hydraulic fluid. These models were then to be implemented in Matlab Simulink. The model was derived by means o

Provning av reläskydd med intermittentfunktion

The Division of Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation, IEA, at LTH is participating in the research project DLAB, sponsored by E.ON. The goal of this project is to gain more understanding of the problems arising from increased cablification of Swedish medium voltage distribution grid and to develop an electric power laboratory. More and longer cables have increased the capacitive earth

Fast, vast and variable - spatio-temporal migration patterns of Great Reed Warblers revealed by using geolocators

Abstract: Avian long-distance migration as an adaptation to spatiotemporally changing resources is a complex evolutionary trait shaped by various endo- and exogenous factors. Descriptive studies of migratory journeys provide direct investigations of migratory parameters and these often set the basis for fun-damental follow-up studies on the eco-evolutionary principles. In this study, male Great

Identification and Functional Studies of Fusion Genes in Soft Tissue Tumors

ABSTRACT Soft tissue tumor-associated gene fusions are currently being used as diagnostic genetic markers and seem promising as potential prognostic markers. In the present study, a new fusion gene was discovered in one case of a specific subtype of soft tissue sarcoma displaying a t(6;16) translocation. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), the FUS gene in 16p11 was shown to be rearra

Microcensorship in China: Controlling the narrative or “letting a hundred flowers bloom”?

This thesis looks at government censorship of Chinese social media, with a focus on the especially vibrant medium of micro-blogs – weibo 微博 in Chinese. It looks in detail at what kind of content is more likely to be censored, and how effective that censorship is. The approach is to conceptualise the Chinese online environment and the state-user interaction. Using these findings a hypothesis is the

The pirate and the navy: Challenger brands and their utilization of counter-hegemonic ideology in identity communication

Challenger branding is a phenomenon that is gaining significant exposure in academia. However, most research on this branding approach relates to a practical or technical knowledge interest, ignoring the counter-hegemonic critique that exemplifies challenger branding. The critique that these brands base their identity on often shifts after they have been acquired into a hegemonic context, by joini

Mixing Methods in Mexico: Youth Gangs and Organized Crime in the “Structurally Maladjusted” areas of Monterrey

The purpose of this investigation was to explore the processes that are perpetuating the proliferation of youth gangs in the poverty polygons of Monterrey, Mexico as well as to establish which specific factors attributable to these marginalized areas explain why some youth males join gangs while why other youth males from the same areas refrain from joining the gang. Furthermore, the investigation

Promoting the dual earner family: is the German welfare state following the social investment strategy?

This master thesis examines if the German welfare state is following the social investment strategy in relation to one of its core components, the dual earner family model. The thesis considers four, interrelated policy areas that promote the dual earner family. Regarding the appropriate design of parental leave, formal childcare services, part-time employment regulation and the taxation of spouse

Breaking Gender Roles and Gaining Agency

The thesis will present and analyze different roles women actors in Northern Ireland took upon themselves during the period known as ”The Troubles” (1969- 1998). It will present a theoretical framework that consists of several relevant theories on agency, actorship and gender in conflict as well as created categories that helps organize the roles identified. The type of conflict, in this case eth

Understanding the Rise of Social Enterprises in Vietnam: Social Capital, Factors of Emergence and Policy Considerations

Social enterprises are important contributors to Vietnam's socio-economic development, namely by providing services in such areas as health and education. While the state-managed Central Institute of Economic Management (CIEM) has recently acknowledged their presence and put forth related public policy suggestions, there remains a lack of related government policies and sparse literature explo

Up-Rising Out of Poverty: The Role of Self-Determination, Political Attitudes and Legitimacy in the Mapuche Movement

Chile is often portrayed as the paradigmatic case of a smooth transition from dictatorship to democracy, sustained by high rates of economic growth. This picture conceals a more complex reality of social conflict provoked by political reform that favors capitalistic advancement at the expense of resource exploitation and the continual and irreversible reduction and destruction of Mapuche land. As

Recruited and exploited. The effect of deportability on third country labour migrants´human and labour rights in Sweden.

Sammanfattning En stor del av västvärlden står inför en demografisk förändring bestående av en allt åldrande befolkning i kombination med ett lägre barnafödande. För att möta detta behov förenklades 2008 det juridiska ramverket i Sverige gällande arbetskraftsinvandring från tredje land. Det nya regelverket innebär att den tidigare arbetsmarknadsprövningen togs bort, istället blev det den enskildeSummary Many Western countries are on the verge of a demograhpic change. This change consists of an aging population in combination with a decreasing birth rate. To meet the need following the labour shortage, the Swedish migration framework was modified in 2008. In the new framework the former labour market examination was abolished. Instead the individual employer became the decision maker of w