

Din sökning på "*" gav 527960 sökträffar

The cornerstone of EU climate policy: does it impact innovation? Long-term evidence from the Swedish Pulp and Paper Industry

The EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) is a cornerstone of the union’s strategy to mitigate climate change and innovation is integral to emissions reduction, as well as an aim of the policy. To study if the EU ETS is associated with increased innovation, the Swedish Pulp and Paper Industry (PPI) poses an interesting case. Not only is Sweden itself a leading innovator, but its PPI have rapidly reduc

New work behaviour on the rise? - A mixed-method study concerning stress levels and work related characteristics of HR-professionals within Staffing- and recruitment when working from home

The purpose of this study was to develop an understanding of how the perception of stress for HR-professionals within staffing- and recruitment, might differentiate when working more or less from home. An additional ambition was to develop an understanding of how the work characteristics, job-demand, control and support, could have an impact on the above association. To examine this, an explorator

En gemensam angelägenhet : universitetsbibliotekariers tankar och uppfattningar om informationsdiskens betydelse

The existence and staffing of reference desks in academic libraries has been a topic of debate for at least 30 years. As digital library services have grown in significance, some argue that the physical desk no longer serves the needs and wishes of patrons. The use of the academic librarian behind the desk has also been questioned – studies have shown a gain in efficiency when letting student work

Validering av en handledsburen aktivitetsmätare och en självskattningskala för beräkning av VO2max

Titel: Validering av en handledsburen aktivitetsmätare och en självskattningskala för beräkning av VO2max. Bakgrund: Fysisk aktivitet och god aerob kapacitet är kopplat till god hälsa och lägre risk för livsstilsrelaterade sjukdomar. I dagsläget anses maximalt arbetsprov med ergospirometri och gasanalys för bestämning av VO2max (VO2max-test) vara det mest exakta sättet att mäta aerob kapacitet. Su

Coupling With the Digital Society: the Conceptualization of GDPR and PIPL of the Digital Society as Autopoiesis Systems

As information technology develops in the past decade, the digital society has affected every aspect of the social structure. The legal system faces the challenge in implementing the legal norms, yet the evolved architecture of technology in the digital society makes it difficult for the law to perform its function. One of the fields of challenge is legal protection of personal data. Legislat

A generic system for adhering cells to supported lipid bilayers

One of the main contributors in the immune system are T cells. The exact molecular mechanisms behind T cell activation are not yet fully understood but it starts through the contact between the T cell and an infected cell. In order to study such interaction, supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) are used to mimic cell membranes and to reduce its complexity but still retaining the fundamental property of

Configurable, scalable single-ended sense amplifier with additional auxiliary blocks for low-power two-port memories in advanced FinFET technologies

System on Chip (SoC) designs contain a variety of Intellectual Property (IP) cores, including digital signal processing blocks, media and graphics processing units, as well as processing core units that employ multiple-port memories to enhance performance and bandwidth. These memories allow parallel read/write operations from the same memory blocks from different ports. Due to the enormous number

Wartime sanctions on individuals in the European Union

Sanctions have been in place for many, many years and are, so to speak, an internal tool for influencing foreign policy. Sanctions are intended, as part of other foreign policy activities, to influence the policies or activities of another state or group of people that are considered to be a threat to international peace and security. This thesis examines how wartime sanctions on individuals work,

"Jag hade älskat att veta vem jag är tidigare, men jag älskar att veta vem jag är nu" En studie om att leva utan ord för sin könsidentitet i en cisnormativ värld

The field of trans studies is a growing, yet still small field within the Nordic context. There is a big gap in research regarding non-binary* lives, and research aimed at the intersection between age and gender identities beyond or between the gender binary is close to non-existent in Sweden. The aim of this study is to investigate experiences of not having a language to describe and communicate

Kan jag hjälpa dig med något? - En fallstudie om H&M-anställdas upplevda förutsättningar för motivation

Detaljhandelslandskapet har under de senaste åren förändras på grund av digitaliseringens utveckling och då fysiska butiker står inför stora utmaningar kan motiverad personal ses som en allt viktigare resurs. H&M är en viktig aktör för den svenska detaljhandelsbranschen och denna studie syftar därför till att undersöka hur butiksanställda på H&Ms butiker upplever sina förutsättningar för a

Climate change and Banking regulation: How Swedish professionals think about regulating climate-related risk drivers

Syfte: Denna masteruppsats ämnar att deskriptivt beskriva hur bankanställda och experter på bankregleringsområdet ser på de regleringen av de finansiella risker som härrör från klimatförändringarna. Material och metod: Semistrukturerade expertintervjuer genomfördes med fem bankanställda från svenska banker av olika storlek samt med fyra experter på bankreglering och en expert på översvämningar ocPurpose: This master thesis aims to describe how bank employees and experts in the field of banking regulation view the regulation of financial risks incorporating climate-related risk drivers. Material and method: Semi-structured expert interviews were conducted with five bank employees from Swedish banks of various sizes, as well as with four experts on banking regulation and one expert on floo

Relationship Between Neighborhood Food Environment and Diet Variety in Japanese Rural Community-dwelling Elderly : A Cross-sectional Study

Background: Food access is an important aspect of health promotion for the elderly. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between distance to the nearest food store and diet variety in rural community-dwelling elderly Japanese. Methods: This cross-sectional study analyzed data from 1,103 elderly participants surveyed by mail in rural areas of Japan. Diversity of food intake was

Ibrutinib plus Bendamustine and Rituximab in Untreated Mantle-Cell Lymphoma

BACKGROUND Ibrutinib, a Bruton's tyrosine kinase inhibitor, may have clinical benefit when administered in combination with bendamustine and rituximab and followed by rituximab maintenance therapy in older patients with untreated mantle-cell lymphoma. METHODS We randomly assigned patients 65 years of age or older to receive ibrutinib (560 mg, administered orally once daily until disease progressio

Verksamhet, människa och omvärld : Den kulturhistoriska verksamhetsteorin som förståelseram och verktyg i arbetet med människor i utsatthet

Verksamhet, människa och omvärld är den första boken på svenska om den kulturhistoriska verksamhetsteorin för de som arbetar med människor i social utsatthet. Centralt i teorin är att koppla ihop människan och hennes omvärld med begreppet verksamhet. Därigenom framkommer nya teoretiska perspektiv samt en helhetssyn på sociala problem som våld, gäng, sexuella övergrepp, missbruk, kriminalitet, mobb