

Din sökning på "*" gav 125837 sökträffar

Alumi - Laila Svensgaard

Publicerad 9 februari 2018 Writing Sound. One Hundred DrawingsA soloexhibition by Laila SvensgaardOpening: Friday the 16th of February 4-8 pm.Exhibition period: 17th of February – 24th of February, 2018Opening hours: Thursday, Friday and Saturday 3-6 pm.Writing Sound, One Hundred Drawings is a performative drawing project by the artist Laila Svensgaard. Svensgaard drew one drawing a day for one hu

https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/alumi-laila-svensgaard - 2025-03-07

Alumni - Hanna Sjöstrand

Publicerad 21 februari 2018 Hanna Sjöstrand - The FieldPreview Thursday 22/2 from 4-8 pmShowdates 22/2 - 24/3Hanna Sjöstrand is a painter! She explores the way the medium can depict our everyday lives and lived experiences. She does it out of an interest in various subject matters and motifs whether it be a dog’s anus, bruises inflicted on her own skin by fellow artists/painters. Or, as the new wo

https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/alumni-hanna-sjostrand - 2025-03-07

KHM x MMM Föreläsningsserie

Publicerad 7 mars 2018 Tori Wrånes, 2018 © The artist The lecture comittee of Malmö Art Academy and Moderna Museet Malmö invite you to a series of lectures and artist talks created in collaboration.We will present a broad programme of internationally based artists in a seletion based on our shared interests and separate points of departure.We hope to contribute to the art-scene in Öresund with new

https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/khm-x-mmm-forelasningsserie - 2025-03-07

Alumni Mads Juel - Showpiece pro temp.

Publicerad 14 mars 2018 Among others Mads Kristian Frøslev and alumni Mads Juel from Malmö Art Academy will participate in this exhibition at Gallery Nicolai Wallner at March 22nd. Showpiece is an exhibition in motion presenting the artworks within the structural framework of a somewhat performative presentation. pro temp. is interested in exploring how it becomes increasingly more difficult to di

https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/alumni-mads-juel-showpiece-pro-temp - 2025-03-07

Alumni - Marcus Matt och Nicklas Randau på Konstakademien

Publicerad 16 mars 2018 Vernissage för Marcus Matts utställning "Days Full of Days" och Nicklas Randaus utställning "Student of Gusts" i Salarna, Konstakademien i Stockholm. Lördagen den 24 mars kl. 12.00-16.00. Utställningarna invigs kl. 13.00 av Isabella Nilsson, ständig sekreterare vid Konstakademien. Utställningen pågår t.om. 29/4. Läs mer här.  

https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/alumni-marcus-matt-och-nicklas-randau-pa-konstakademien - 2025-03-07

Alumni - Thale Vangen

Publicerad 16 mars 2018 "Participation mystique" 24 mars – 22 april Vernissage: 24 mars kl. 13:00 – 17:00 Krognoshuset Lund Mårtenstorget 3, 223 51 Lund Krognoshuset är mycket glada över att ställa ut den Malmöbaserade konstnären Thale Vangen 24/3 - 22/4 som visar "Participation mystique" med helt nya verk!I Thale Vangens arbete med skulptur skänks noggrann uppmärksamhet till materialens särdrag o

https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/alumni-thale-vangen - 2025-03-07

Obstacles in Distance Learning and Applying Electronic Exams during COVID-19 - new CMES research

By maria [dot] lofstedt [at] cme [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Löfstedt) - published 13 January 2021 Photo: JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash This study identifies obstacles and barriers in distance learning and the use of electronic exams, comparing them to pursue success in the distance education system during the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). It also aimed to determine the similarity and differences betwe

https://www.cmes.lu.se/article/obstacles-distance-learning-and-applying-electronic-exams-during-covid-19-new-cmes-research - 2025-03-08

Application of advanced machine learning algorithms to assess groundwater potential using remote sensing-derived data

By maria [dot] lofstedt [at] cme [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Löfstedt) - published 18 January 2021 Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash The demand for water supply is continuously rising due to population growth and development across the world. In arid and semi-arid areas, particularly the Middle East, aquifers form the central freshwater reserves, hence are being uncontrollably exploited to meet wate

https://www.cmes.lu.se/article/application-advanced-machine-learning-algorithms-assess-groundwater-potential-using-remote-sensing - 2025-03-08