

Din sökning på "*" gav 527170 sökträffar

"Evolution of the Living Standards and Quality of Life for the Ten Former Communist Countries after they have joined the European Union- happy ever after?"

The research project’s aim is to analyse and compare the evolution of the living standards and of the quality of life in the ten former communist countries that have joined the European Union back in 2004 and 2007. The project will include as well a survey, developed by the author in Romania, in order to test on real grounds the effects and impacts of joining the European Union on the everyday lif

Lojalitetsskapande i sällanköpshandeln - är relationer och lojalitet av betydelse?

Titel: Lojalitetsskapande i sällanköpshandeln – Är relationer och lojalitet av betydelse? Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för Service Management Författare: Jessica Borgqvist & Karolin Persson Handledare: Mikael Bergmasth Nyckelord: Kundrelationer, kundlojalitet, kundlojalitetsprogram, sällanköpshandel Syfte: Syftet är att belysa hur företag inom sällanköpshan

Transferability of Online Store Image- A Comparative Study of Zalando's Online Store Image In Germany, Sweden and The Netherlands.pdf

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the role of online store image in the internationalization process of online retailers. Based on the assumption that a favorable image is a competitive advantage for retailers, this master thesis examines whether or not a favorable domestic online store image, can be replicated in the in- ternationalization process of online retailers. Using a comp

En märklig informationsbrist om ekologiska livsmedel

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilken kunskap konsumenter har om ekologiska märkningar i dagsläget samt hur de uppfattar olika ekologiska märkningar för att förstå hur marknadskommunikationen kan optimeras för att öka försäljningen av ekologiska varor. För att genomföra uppsatsens syfte har vi använt oss av en kvantitativ studie och en kvalitativ förstudie. Den kvantitativa studien baseras

Variability of Sea Ice Extent Along The East Coast of Greenland

There has been a decrease in sea ice extent and volume in the polar regions during the past decades; this study focuses on the Northern Hemisphere. The variability of the sea ice extent along the east coast of Greenland is examined and the area is divided into three regional zones to be able to study variations in the correlation strength along the coast. The ice extent along the east coast is ach

Fabriacation of a porous anodic alumina membrane

With the aim of developing a process for surface enlargement on an electrode for measuring brain activity attempts have been made to fabricate a porous anodic alumina membrane directly on the electrode. The porous membrane was intended to be used as scaffold for deposition of an electrically conducting polymer on the electrode surface. A silicon wafer with gold electrodes was the base onto which


Användarmedverkan har de senaste åren fått ett allt större fokus i systemutvecklingsprojekt, detta för att organisationer har insett att de behöver involvera användarna för att skapa acceptans. Den här studien har undersökt användarmedverkan ur både kund- och konsultperspektiv, det vill säga att vi har genom kvantitativa och kvalitativa undersökningar tagit reda på hur kunder och konsulter vill bl

The Future of Equity Crowdfunding - Is "The Crowd" Capable of Good Investment?

Applying traditional Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance theories, the purpose of this paper is to examine “the crowd’s” capability of being a good investor. Our main finding is that “the crowd” is highly sophisticated and consist of individuals capable of being good investors. We are also able to show that “the crowd” will act significantly more sophisticated in the situation of equity com

Att översätta tysk filosofi - fackterminologi och nominaliseringar

Denna uppsats är den andra delen av ett magisterarbete. Den första delen bestod av en översättning av det andra kapitlet av Otto Friedrich Bollnows monografi Das Wesen der Stimmungen. I föreliggande uppsats analyseras källtexten och ett par översättningsproblem. Analysen av källtexten består av en textanalys som utgår från Lennart Hellspongs och Per Ledins bok Vägar genom texten. Med hjälp av den

Resources, Challenges and Change

Many of the Programs, Funds and Specialized Agencies of the United Nations were founded in the aftermath of the Second World War. The purpose of the creation of these organizations has long since been replaced by new ones. This thesis addresses the challenges experienced today by three of the most prominent UN Specialized Agencies, Funds and Programs, FAO, UNICEF and WFP. The thesis' research

Stress och arbetsorganisationen: En explorativ undersökning av visstidsanställdas och fastanställdas upplevelser

Studiens syfte var att undersöka huruvida det föreligger skillnader mellan visstidsanställdas och fastanställdas upplevelse av stress och andra aspekter inom organisationen. Då den tidigare forskningen inom området saknar samstämmighet valde vi att utgå från en explorativ ansats. För att undersöka dessa eventuella skillnader utformades ett internetbaserat formulär som mätte upplevelsen av stress oThe purpose of the study was to investigate whether temporary employees and permanent employees differ in their experience of stress and other aspects within the organization. Since the earlier research lacks coherence we chose to examine the potential differences between the groups of employees through an exploratory approach. In order to investigate if any differences existed between the two gro

Fishing from space : mackerel fishing in Icelandic waters and correlation with satellite variables

As concentrations of measured CO2 in the atmosphere reach a record high it is important to attempt all possible efforts to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) in all aspects of industry. The fishing sector contributes 15% of total GHG emission in Iceland, with the majority originating from fishing vessels using fossil fuel. The relationship between catching locations of Atlantic Mackere

Konfirmandverksamhet i svensk nutid - En religionspedagogisk fallstudie av deltagarcentrerad och upplevelseorienterad kyrklig undervisning

This study concerns religious education in the Church of Sweden, focusing on current religious teaching of young catechists. The study exemplifies, gives a historical context to and problematizes a specific teaching practice based on students’ own contextual situation, as well as centered on their personal experience of Christianity, as an alternative and complement to more formal studying of Chri

Android-applikation för övervakning av ett industriellt automationssystem

The technology in the industry has grown substantially over the years, particularly in the wireless area. Today's smartphones and other devices that connect to a wireless network, has the opportunity to communicate with other devices via the TCP / IP protocol. This places significant demands from the companies in the industry, which believes that there is opportunity to improve productivity in

Are K2 guidelines sufficient and credible for credit assessments?

Title: Are K2 guidelines sufficient and credible for credit assessments? Course: BUSN69 Degree Project – Master of Accounting and Auditing Authors: Ali Mansour Firouz & Sina Attaran Advisor: Dr. Amanda Tan-Sonnerfeldt Five key words: Credit assessment, Financial statements, K2 guidelines, Banks, Auditing Purpose: To what degree do K2 guidelines affect the usefulness of the financial report

Användningen av kommunikationskanaler i innovations-beslutsprocessen

Dagens tekniska utveckling präglas av ett flöde av förmodade förbättringar och därför behöver företag hålla sig uppdaterade om nya versioner av deras system. Innovationsspridning används för att visa hur beslutsfattare i en organisation använder kommunikationskanaler i innovations-beslutsprocessen för att samla in information om nya tekniker. För att visa en modell har jag gjort studie av hur beslThe technical developing of today is being characterized by assumed improvements and because of that companies need to be related to new version of their systems. Diffusion of innovation is used to show how decision makers in organization use communication channels to gather information about new techniques. I have done a study of how companies gather information about new techniques for mobile pa

Hydrodynamic Analysis and Simulation of a Tidal Energy Converter

A new motion simulator has been developed to simulate Minesto AB’s tidal energy converter flying in water. The motion simulator is as a part of a new computer based development environment, aiming to shorten the company’s development process. The environment consists of a hydrodynamic analysis together with the new simulator to evaluate the performance of the company’s tidal energy converter. The