

Din sökning på "*" gav 123428 sökträffar

Donation ger Lunds universitets geologiforskning vind i seglen

Publicerad 25 maj 2022 Vid Lunds universitet bedrivs en omfattande geologisk forskning. Tack vare den nyligen grundade Stig M. och Birgitta Bergströms stiftelse för geologisk forskning får den angelägna verksamheten ett välkommet finansiellt tillskott. Drygt åtta miljoner kronor har tillförts stiftelsen, varav merparten via Lund University Foundation i USA. Mer information: https://www.lu.se/artik

https://www.geologi.lu.se/artikel/donation-ger-lunds-universitets-geologiforskning-vind-i-seglen - 2025-01-13

Passa på att lyssna och lär om grundvatten ifrån Sveriges största podcast om fackböcker; Lära från Lärda, där Fredrik Hillerborg intervjuar LU's grundvattenexpert Charlotte Sparrenbom om "Grundvattenboken"

Publicerad 28 juni 2022 Passa på att lyssna och lär om grundvatten ifrån Sveriges största podcast om fackböcker; Lära från Lärda, där Fredrik Hillerborg intervjuar LU's grundvattenexpert Charlotte Sparrenbom om "Grundvattenboken". ttps://larafranlarda.com/grundvattenboken-studentlitteratur/

https://www.geologi.lu.se/artikel/passa-pa-att-lyssna-och-lar-om-grundvatten-ifran-sveriges-storsta-podcast-om-fackbocker-lara-fran - 2025-01-13

Björn Berglund och Anton Hansson är två av författarna till boken ”Östra skärgården i Blekinge - natur och kultur under 4 000 år” som utsetts till Årets hembygdsbok.

Publicerad 1 december 2022 Björn Berglund och Anton Hansson är två av författarna till boken ”Östra skärgården i Blekinge - natur och kultur under 4 000 år” som utsetts till Årets hembygdsbok. Läs mer här: Årets hembygdsbok kommer från Blekinge Ett exemplar finns att se i publikationsstället på fjärde våningen och är du intresserad av att köpa boken, kontakta Björn.

https://www.geologi.lu.se/artikel/bjorn-berglund-och-anton-hansson-ar-tva-av-forfattarna-till-boken-ostra-skargarden-i-blekinge-natur - 2025-01-13

Geologer verkar för bättre miljö för Östersjöns torskar

Publicerad 6 december 2022 Foto: André Julinder, Sölvesborgs kommun Det här är ett riktigt spännande projekt där vi ska sätta ut konstgjorda rev för att gynna torsken i Hanöbukten säger Helena Filipsson och Karl Ljung på geologiska institutionen. Vi bidrar med kunskap om bottenmiljön och de hydrografiska förutsättningarna. Arbetet sker i gott samarbete med Biologiska institutionen LU, Marint centr

https://www.geologi.lu.se/artikel/geologer-verkar-battre-miljo-ostersjons-torskar - 2025-01-13

Vi gratulerar Master studenten Elsa Muller

Publicerad 10 januari 2023 Vi gratulerar Master studenten Elsa Muller som fått ett resestipendium från Åforsk stiftelse för att presentera sitt examensarbete vid FORAMS 2023 i Italien samt stöd från Oscar & Lili Lamms stiftelse för att utföra sitt examensarbete. Tack Åforsk och Lamm stiftelse. Elsa bloggar om sitt Master arbete här https://stress3d.blogg.lu.se/

https://www.geologi.lu.se/artikel/vi-gratulerar-master-studenten-elsa-muller - 2025-01-13

Organic farming methods favors pollinators

By hanna [dot] holm [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Holm) - published 14 September 2018 Photo: Kennet Ruona Pollinating insects are endangered globally, with a particularly steep decline over the last 40 years. An extensive 3-year study from the CEC has found that organic farming methods can contribute to halting the pollinator decline. This beneficial effect is due to both the absence of insect

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/organic-farming-methods-favors-pollinators - 2025-01-13

Lund University invests in graduate research school about Agenda 2030

Published 4 October 2018 Lund University invests SEK 64 millions in a graduate research school focusing on societal challenges and Agenda 2030. The graduate research school, which will fully expanded include around 20 PhD students, is the first of its kind in Sweden. Sustainability Forum and Centre for Environmental and Climate Research have received the mission to administer the graduate research

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/lund-university-invests-graduate-research-school-about-agenda-2030 - 2025-01-13

Research review on sexual harassment in academia

By hanna [dot] holm [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Holm) - published 17 October 2018 The Swedish Research Council has commissioned a research review on sexual harassment in academia. The research review of sexual harassment shows that gender harassment is the most common form of exposure within academia, that sexual harassment occurs in all disciplines, that vulnerability is reported by all gro

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/research-review-sexual-harassment-academia - 2025-01-13

20 year jubilee for Environmental Science

Published 31 October 2018 Catarina Rolfsdotter and Henrik Smith It's been 20 years since the first students in Environmental Science started at Lund University. Great progress has been made in the environmental field since then, but there are still many challenges for future students to work with. Due to the anniversary, the Centre for Environmental and Climate Research invited to an afternoon wit

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/20-year-jubilee-environmental-science - 2025-01-13

Lina Herbertsson in the final of Researchers Grand Prix

Published 27 November 2018 Photo: Kennet Ruona Today, Lina Herbertsson from the CEC will take part in the final of Researchers Grand Prix, where researchers from Swedish universities challenge each other making the best oral presentation of their research. The final will take place in Stockholm beginning at 14:00, you can follow the final and vote at forskargrandprix.se/liveAbout Lina Herbertsson

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/lina-herbertsson-final-researchers-grand-prix - 2025-01-13

Climate science and climate politics

By hanna [dot] holm [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Holm) - published 29 November 2018 It is important to make science relevant for policy makers, CEC's Jasmine Livingston argues in her recent thesis. Jasmine Livingston from the Centre for Environmental and Climate Research has written a thesis discussing the connection between policy and climate science. She has studied what takes place both on

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/climate-science-and-climate-politics - 2025-01-13

CEC strengthens the organization with new research funding

By hanna [dot] holm [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Holm) - published 30 November 2018 The Center for Environmental and Climate Research, CEC, received positive responses on research applications from both the European Research Council and Formas, why the organization can continue to develop and recruit both researchers and administrative staff during 2019. "It is CEC's combination of deep knowl

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/cec-strengthens-organization-new-research-funding - 2025-01-13

Standardized greenhouse gas measurement helps to predict and mitigate climate change

By hanna [dot] holm [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Holm) - published 4 December 2018 Measuring equipment at Norunda. Photo Anders Båth. The Integrated Carbon Observation System, ICOS, announces that Norunda and additional 14 greenhouse gas measurement stations have been certified for standardized data production. ICOS data helps to reveal the carbon emissions and sinks on a European level, esse

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/standardized-greenhouse-gas-measurement-helps-predict-and-mitigate-climate-change - 2025-01-13

Environmental change in the Arctic

By hanna [dot] holm [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Holm) - published 5 December 2018 Abisko Scientific Research Station The region is warming faster than anywhere else on Earth and its polar bears and melting glaciers have become key symbols of climate change. But the Arctic, it seems, is not as well researched as we think it is. Since the Arctic covers some 14.5 million square kilometers, and

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/environmental-change-arctic - 2025-01-13

Soil security and economics

By hanna [dot] holm [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Holm) - published 5 December 2018 Mark Brady. Photo: Hanna Holm. Soil security provides a framework for appreciating the importance of soils for planetary health and in turn human wellbeing. Mark Brady from the CEC has given a plenary talk called What role might economics play with soil science for achieving soil security? at the Soil Security

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/soil-security-and-economics - 2025-01-13

Iron from boreal rivers

By hanna [dot] holm [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Holm) - published 10 January 2019 Simon Herzog has studied what factors determine the fate of iron from boreal rivers and is now defending his thesis "Fate of riverine iron over estuarine salinity gradients". Rivers have traditionally not been considered important sources of bioavailable iron (Fe) to the marine waters, since most iron is lost b

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/iron-boreal-rivers - 2025-01-13

Environmental challenges must be addressed simultaneously

By hanna [dot] holm [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Holm) - published 11 January 2019 Global environmental problems can be addressed by means of policy instruments such as carbon dioxide taxes, building and technology standards and support for new technology, but the issues are complex and several environmental challenges must be addressed simultaneously in order to achieve optimal effect. This

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/environmental-challenges-must-be-addressed-simultaneously - 2025-01-13

Well managed forests can limit climate change

By hanna [dot] holm [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Holm) - published 1 February 2019 Professor Natascha Kljun and Station Manager Anders Båth in the Norunda forest. Photo: Irene Lehner. Growing forests can limit climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store the carbon in their biomass as they grow. How much carbon a forest stores varies between tree species, the fores

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/well-managed-forests-can-limit-climate-change - 2025-01-13