Din sökning på "*" gav 533593 sökträffar
Evacuation modelling in road tunnel fires
Evacuation model capabilities are rapidly improving, allowing the simulation of ever more complex scenarios in different types of environments. The definition of the best evacuation modelling approach for safety assessment is a key point for optimizing engineering work and ensuring the desired safety conditions. In the present thesis, a wide comparison between modelling approaches has been provide
Measuring change in a sector - CREDIT Case SE06
This case describes an ongoing initiative in Sweden with the aim of measuring the development of the Swedish infrastructure sector. The reason this case was chose is that it is one, of only a very few, national initiatives with a clear aim of taking an holistic approach to assess the development of one large share of the Swedish construction sector. The purpose of this case is to investigate: – Wh
Marketing and classical rhetoric
No title
Human Cognition in Space and Time: Prolegomena to a Cognitive History
Nätverk framåt! Att försöka integrera företagare med utländsk bakgrund i den lokala företagargemenskapen
Mesoporous Silica SBA-15 - Formation, Modification and Application
Popular Abstract in Swedish I början 1990-talet upptäcktes att det var möjligt att syntetisera så kallad mesoporös silika. Upptäckten fick stor uppmärksamhet då materialen har ett flertal intressanta egenskaper som inkluderar ett stort antal porer med väldefinierad diameter, jämn partikelstorlek och möjligheten att påverka dessa och andra egenskaper. I den här avhandlingen har det mesoporösa siliSeveral aspects related to the mesoporous silica material SBA-15 have been studied through the use of a wide range of experimental techniques, including low voltage high-resolution scanning electron microscopy, small angle X-ray scattering and nitrogen sorption. This work contains three parts, which are in many ways overlapping. The first part deals with the formation of SBA-15, it is found that a
Servicearbetet i tid och rum. Om mobilitetens vara och icke vara i livsstilsentreprenörers vardag
Indeterministic Behavior in Computing Systems and its Possible Impact on the Digital Society
Many people have experienced computers not doing what they were expected to do or, perhaps more often, met with computers that deliver faulty results. Frequently, if not always, such behavior is blamed the lack of a complete requirements specification. hi this assertion, it is tacitly understood that if a specification is correct and comprehensive enough then it is possible to avoid computing erro
Chemokine Receptor CCR9: Studies on the Generation and Localization of Gut Tropic Lymphocytes
Popular Abstract in Swedish Immunförsvaret är uppdelat i primära och sekundära lymfoida organ (inkl. lymfkörtlar). De primära och sekundära organen är sammanknutna av blod- och lymfcirkulationen som transporterar immunceller till olika organ och vävnader i kroppen. I de primära organen bildas immunförsvarsceller, bl a T celler. T celler försvarar kroppen vid en infektion, antingen indirekt genom Lymphocytes are important mediators of adaptive immune responses. Naive T lymphocytes circulate in the blood and lymph between different secondary lymphoid organs in search for their specific antigen. Upon activation, lymphocytes change their expression of adhesion molecules and chemokine receptors and become able to enter non-lymphoid tissues where they take part in fighting infections. Selective
Carl Snoilsky och Bellman
An elliptical analytic link loss model for wireless propagation around the human torso
A simple analytical model for the link loss between two very low profile wireless body area network transceivers located at the same level on the human torso is presented. The model is based on the attenuation of the creeping waves on an elliptical approximation of the human torso. A good agreement between the model and the FDTD simulations on realistic heterogeneous phantoms of different age and
Celestial Orientation in Dim Light
Popular Abstract in Swedish HIMMELSKOMPASSEN En orienterare förlitar sig på karta och kompass för att finna sin väg genom skogen. När solen börjar gå ner blir det allt svårare att urskilja den röda kompassnålens riktning och detaljerna på kartan. Orienteraren slår slutligen på sin pannlampa och fortsätter springa mot sitt mål. Han är inte ensam. Många andra varelser har också ett mål att nå under The polarization pattern of skylight offers many animals a reference for visual compass orientation. In those cases when this optical compass is identified, the receptors involved are often confined to a small part of an eye built predominantly for other visual tasks. This thesis reports the discovery of a unique compass organ in the spider Drassodes cupreus, where a pair of specialised secondary
An approach towards a simple risk based design method
Gender Comparisons: Northern and Western Europe in the 20th Century
ISO 14001 för små och medelstora företag. Third revised and extended edition.
Att vara ett mänskligt hjälpmedel: en studie om att arbeta som personlig assistent
Denna bok handlar om yrkesgruppen personliga assistenter. Den tillkom som ett resultat av 1994 års handikappreform. Flera studier har behandlat personlig assistans. Få har intresserat sig för assistenternas erfarenheter. Därför vill boken belysa hur det kan vara att arbeta som personlig assistent, vilka möjligheter och svårigheter yrkesrollen innebär. Boken bygger på en vetenskaplig studie baserat
F-ordet. Mot en ny feminsm.
Det nya Centralasien : fem forna sovjetrepubliker i omvandling
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