Din sökning på "*" gav 533373 sökträffar
Control System Structure of Multi-terminal VSC-HVDC Transmission System
Vem skall anmäla misstankar om barn som far illa?
Livet är inte bara arbete och möds: om lundajuristernas föreningar och sällskap
Extracorporeal immunoadsorption of 125I-labeled monoclonal antibody L6.
Hot and cool plate tests on alternative materials for pilot clothing
Under operations in hot regions and flights at low heights the temperature in the fighter cockpit may rise to high levels causing heat stress on pilot. Reducing cockpit glass light permeability or increasing cockpit ventilation reduce heat load. The measures should not affect pilots’ performance. This study investigated if clothing material with reflective properties has an effect on heat gain in
The Case for a Hybrid Passive/Active Network Monitoring Scheme in the Wireless Internet
This paper discusses monitoring within wired and wireless networks and the type of monitoring information needed to support different applications. We suggest a hybrid active/passive monitoring approach with a dynamic time window mechanism and interchangeable filters to extract requested information. The paper also shows our initial experimental results and presents our conclusions.
Rat Paw Tracking for Detailed Motion Analysis
This work is part of a research project studying the learning of fine motor skills in rats. A system for tracking a rat paw using a system of high-speed cameras is presented along with preliminary analysis of the correlation between paw movement and neural data. The tracking method is generative, modeling the rat paw as a set of linked ellipsoids. To find the most probable paw pose a number of hyp
Tranbär, ett alternativ till antibiotika? En litteraturstudie om tranbär som prevention mot urinvägsinfektion
Nightmares to Live By: Thomas Ligotti's Philosophical Horror
Combination of Lyapunov Functions and Density Functions for Stability of Rotational Motion
Lyapunov methods and density functions provide dual characterizations of the solutions of a nonlinear dynamic system. This work exploits the idea of combining both techniques, to yield stability results that are valid for almost all the solutions of the system. Based on the combination of Lyapunov and density functions, analysis methods are proposed for the derivation of almost input-to-state sta
Observation and calculation of the solar radiation on the Tibetan Plateau
Antennas and propagation for binaural hearing aids
Tests of material properties in mixed mode I and II
Fracture in plain concrete starts normally as tensile fracture, whereby a damage zone forms perpendicular to the principal tensile stress direction. If this stress direction is maintained when the deformation within the damage zone increases, the material behaviour in the damage zone can be described by a simple stress-deformation curve. The design of a test equipment for the measurement of the ma
In Vitro verification of antithrombotic effect of recombinant soluble nucleotide triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 1
Bergman och Tystnaden
Nätbaserade frågeformulär som tempohållare och återkopplingsinstrument
A complex multiplier with low logic depth
Competing Institutional Logics in Diaconal Work
Competing Institutional Logics in Diaconal Work “Institutional logics” is a concept within the context of institutional theory. Institutions can be defined as patterns of activity rooted in material practices and symbolic systems. These institutional orders are all shaped by the history and each of them has a central logic that guides its organizing principles. The institutional logic provides