

Din sökning på "*" gav 531139 sökträffar

Bland falukorvar, index och prisbasbelopp – en analys av förhållandet mellan konsumentprisindex och prisbasbeloppen i ljuset av ett antal normgivningsfrågor

Under de senaste åren har prisutvecklingen i ekonomin stått i centrum för såväl penning- som finanspolitiken, där ambitionen att motverka de spirande priserna resulterat i höjd styrränta och strama statsbudgetar. Samtidigt utgår de åtgärder som introducerats för att motverka prisstegringen i ekonomin på beslutsunderlag som många gånger vilar på skönsmässiga bedömningar, där inte minst expertmyndig

Developing ultrasound optical tomography for deep tissue imaging of the breast

Ultrasound Optical Tomography (UOT) combines the high-resolution imaging capability of ultrasound with measurements of light absorption and scattering properties of human tissue. This non-invasive technique could distinguish between cancerous and non-cancerous lesions inside the breast tissue, follow tumor shrinkage during preoperative treatment, or provide information on blood oxygenation levels.

Audiovisuella arkiv : En svensk mediehistoria 1930–1990

Arkivens mediala villkor reglerar alltid historikerns förståelse och tolkning av det förflutna; det gäller även audiovisuella arkiv – vilka dessutom har en specifik mediehistoria. Denna bok handlar om hur audiovisuella medier kom att bevaras i Sverige under en sextioårsperiod med fokus på en rad olika modaliteter: film, ljud, eter. Det rör sig om en institutionshistorik med mediala förtecken där f

Optical tuning of copolymer-in-oil tissue-mimicking materials for multispectral photoacoustic imaging

OBJECTIVE: The availability of tissue-mimicking materials (TMMs) for manufacturing high-quality phantoms is crucial for standardization, evaluating novel quantitative approaches, and clinically translating new imaging modalities, such as photoacoustic imaging (PAI). Recently, a gel comprising the copolymer styrene-ethylene/butylene-styrene (SEBS) in mineral oil has shown significant potential as T

Experimental exploration of potassium compounds in the vicinity of a burning biomass pellet : From near-surface to downstream

The concentrations of gas-phase potassium hydroxide (KOH), potassium chloride (KCl) and atomic potassium (K(g)) were quantitatively measured from the near-surface to downstream area of burning pinewood pellets by a newly developed photofragmentation tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (PF-TDLAS) technique to reveal the original form of the released potassium. The novel arrangement of the P

Skydd av kritisk undervattensinfrastruktur - utmaningen att hantera hybrida hot

Sweden is dependent on flows of electricity and data communication for society to function. A larger part of these flows go through systems of pipes and cables on the seabed. The flow is based on an efficient but vulnerable system. The Baltic Sea is an area where these critical pipelines are relatively easily accessible. This creates opportunities for an antagonist who wants to temper with the inf

Quantitative Credit Risk Analysis for BSE-listed Companies - Insights from the Merton and Altman Z-score models

Credit activity is essential for financial institutions, acting as the primary means banks deploy resources and generate revenue. As a key indicator of financial distress, corporate default has severe repercussions on investors, creditors, regulators, and policymakers. Credit risk embodies the uncertainty banks confront prior to lending, accounting for the partial or complete non-recovery of loan

Catastrophe Bonds - An Evaluation Under Revised Collateral Structures

CAT bonds allow institutions to transfer insurance exposure from their balance sheet onto the capital market to hedge against catastrophe-linked payment obligations. For investors in the capital markets, CAT bonds are, at least theoretically, a means of employing capital to earn a return that is uncorrelated with alternative investments. Grounded in this theoretical approach, we investigate the po

Climate stress-test of the financial system related to syndicated loan market

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the exposure to transition risk within the syndicated loan market under various scenarios. The target reductions, as presented in the Paris Agreement alongside notions of reducing negative impacts of climate change provide a rationale for investigating the topic. In the investigation, data consisting of 30858 (780) observations was utilized for the respe

Time-varying Commodity Portfolio Optimization

The commodity market is basically used for hedging against physical products. However, commodity portfolios alone can be an investment choice based on their return and risk characteristics. In order to analyze the interconnectedness among commodities, this study applies multivariate GARCH models of diagonal VECH, diagonal BEKK, and CCC to model the volatility among the selected commodity groups of

Pay Attention! A Country-Level Analysis of Investor Attention & Policy Uncertainty on Bitcoin

This paper investigates the relationship between measures of policy uncertainty, investor attention, and Bitcoin markets at a national level. To date, there are limited studies on the region-specific impact of policy uncertainty and investor attention on Bitcoin, despite evidence showing significant heterogeneities in the use, purpose, and acceptance of Bitcoin across different countries. These he

Passive Efficiency - Exploring Stocks' Return, Risk, & Efficiency Through Index Investing in Europe

This study investigates the consequences of stocks being included in an index, in terms of returns, risk, and pricing efficiency. We examine the European stock market, utilizing the broad STOXX Europe 600 index, which, to a large extent, has been overseen by previous research. Over the recent period 2013-2023, we document all additions to the index and collect fund ownership data, classified as in

Large‐scale elasto‐plastic topology optimization

This work presents large-scale elasto-plastic topology optimization for design of structures with maximized energy absorption and tailored mechanical response. The implementation uses parallel computations to address multi million element three-dimensional problems. Design updates are generated using the gradient-based method of moving asymptotes and the material is modeled using small strain, non

Exploring the Boundaries of Legal Rights for Improving LGBTQIA+ People’s Safety: towards a Transformative Justice Approach A case study of Belgium

Belgium is celebrated for its progressive LGBTI legislation, ranking second on the ILGA index. At the same time Belgian LGBTQIA+ people experience alarmingly high rates of violence and fear. This thesis examines two competing narratives about the relationship between LGBTI legislation and LGBTQIA+ experiences of safety: (1) ‘LGBTQIA+ safety requires state protection’; and (2) ‘LGBTQIA+ safety requ

Stock Market Participation Puzzle: Social Engagement on Social Media Platforms

This study attempts to unravel the stock market participation puzzle. It approaches the puzzle with the idea that access to information reduces entry costs and, hence, encourages stock market participation. The literature suggests that information dissemination occurs through social interaction. Therefore, higher social engagement increases the odds of stock market participation. This study questi

Conciseness of coprime commutators in finite groups

Let G be a finite group. We show that the order of the subgroup generated by coprime γk-commutators (respectively,δk- commutators) is bounded in terms of the size of the set of coprime γk-commutators (respectively, δk-commutators). This is in parallel with the classical theorem due to Turner-Smith that the words γk and δk are concise.

Diagnostic patterns among people with intellectual disabilities compared to the general population (IDcare)

Background: People with intellectual disabilities (ID) often have an extensive and complex disease panorama. However, more knowledge is needed about the disease panorama to gain a deeper understanding of co-morbidity and potential care needs.Methods: Among all people living in Skåne on January 1st, 2014, we established a cohort of 14 716 people with ID (either diagnosis of ID (F7) or Down Syndrome

Pregnancy outcomes in women with intellectual disability. A cohort study using linked Swedish population-based registers (IDcare)

Background: Women with intellectual disability (ID) may encounter barriers to exercising reproductive agency, self-care during pregnancy, and accessing healthcare to optimize pregnancy outcomes. However, there is to date little evidence to guide policy and practice. We aim to fill this identified knowledge gap by examining pregnancy outcomes among women with ID in comparison with women from the ge