

Din sökning på "*" gav 531027 sökträffar

Euglossine bees mediate only limited long-distance gene flow in a tropical vine

Euglossine bees (Apidae: Euglossini) have long been hypothesized to act as long-distance pollinators of many low-density tropical plants. We tested this hypothesis by the analysis of gene flow and genetic structure within and among populations of the euglossine bee-pollinated vine Dalechampia scandens. Using microsatellite markers, we assessed historical gene flow by the quantification of regional

Fitness costs of delayed pollination in a mixed-mating plant

Background and Aims To predict the evolutionary consequences of pollinator declines, we need to understand the evolution of delayed autonomous self-pollination, which is expected to evolve as a mechanism of reproductive assurance when cross-pollination becomes unreliable. This involves estimating the costs of increased levels of selfing as well as those associated with floral senescence. Methods W

Instrumentet bortom klaviaturen - En studie om instrumentkännedom i akustiskt och digitalt piano

Det finns ingen tydlighet i vad instrumentkännedom i piano innefattar. Vi ser att pianots konstruktion, egenskaper och instrumentkännedom skiljer sig märkbart på akustiska och digitala pianoinstrument. Studiens bakgrund är kopplad till våra egna erfarenheter som pianolärarstudenter och framtida pianolärare. Vårt syfte med studien är att ta reda på vad instrumentkännedom innebär för olika pianoläraThere is no clarity on what instrument knowledge in piano should contain. We can see that the construction, functions and instrument knowledge vary significantly depending on if it is an acoustic or digital piano instruments. The background of the study is based on our own backgrounds and experiences as students and future piano teachers. Our purpose with the study is to learn what instrument know

Musikterapi som möjlig arbetsmetod i den anpassade grundskolan - Vilka utvecklingsmöjligheter finns inom detta område?

Syftet med vår studie har varit att fördjupa oss i hur musikterapi används av verksamma musikterapeuter och inom olika områden, för att undersöka vilka arbetsmetoder inom området som kan vara användbara för musiklärare främst inom anpassad grundskola. Våra forskningsfrågor har varit att undersöka vilka positiva effekter som musikterapeutiska har, hur verksamma musikterapeuter ser på användandet avThe purpose of this study has been to examine what methods within the subject that can be useful for music teachers working mainly in compulsory school for pupils with intellectual disabilities, as well as to deepen our knowledge of how music therapy is used by music therapists at work in different areas. Our question at issue has been to examine what positive effects music therapy has, what view

Parallel vector memories in the brain of a bee as foundation for flexible navigation

Insects rely on path integration (vector-based navigation) and landmark guidance to perform sophisticated navigational feats, rivaling those seen in mammals. Bees in particular exhibit complex navigation behaviors including creating optimal routes and novel shortcuts between locations, an ability historically indicative of the presence of a cognitive map. A mammalian cognitive map has been widely

Disinfection by-product formation potential in response to variability in dissolved organic matter and nutrient inputs : Insights from a mesocosm study

Changes in rainfall patterns driven by climate change affect the transport of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and nutrients through runoff to freshwater systems. This presents challenges for drinking water providers. DOM, which is a heterogeneous mix of organic molecules, serves as a critical precursor for disinfection by-products (DBPs) which are associated with adverse health effects. Predicting

Insights on macro- and microscopic interactions between Confidor and cyclodextrin-based nanosponges

Imidacloprid is one of the most widely used soluble neonicotinoid insecticide, which is non–volatile and persists in the soil, with hazardous effects on birds, honeybees, and mammals. It is used in both agricultural and veterinary applications, and is found in at least 7% of European topsoils. One of the commercially available formulations is Confidor O–TEQ® that exhibits higher retention, spreadi

Unpacking (Ir)regular Labour Migration

This chapter unpacks the complex and contested nature of ‘irregular labour migration’ and explores the meaning and analytical rigour of this conceptualisation. We discuss four social positions: 1) authorised migrant regular worker, 2) authorised migrant irregular worker, 3) unauthorised migrant irregular worker and 4) unauthorised migrant regular worker. Using the distinctions between informalisat

The Legal Position of Local Government in Sweden

SUMMARY: 1. Introduction. – 2. Local Self-government in the Swedish Constitution. – 3. The Legal Role and Activities of Local Government. – 4. Legal Supervision ofLocal Government. – 5. Swedish Local Government and the EU.

Diversity of introduced terrestrial flatworms in the Iberian Peninsula : A cautionary tale

Many tropical terrestrial planarians (Platyhelminthes, Geoplanidae) have been introduced around the globe. One of these species is known to cause significant decline in earthworm populations, resulting in a reduction of ecological functions that earthworms provide. Flatworms, additionally, are a potential risk to other species that have the same dietary needs. Hence, the planarian invasion might c

Galectin-8N-Selective 4-Halophenylphthalazinone-Galactals Double π-Stack in a Unique Pocket

Galectin-8 contains two different carbohydrate recognition domains (CRDs). Selective inhibitors for at least one CRD are desirable for galectin-8 biology studies and potentially for pharmacological purposes. Structure-guided design led to the discovery of potent and selective glycomimetic-heterocycle hybrid ligands, with a 4-(p-bromophenyl)phthalazinone derivative displaying a 34 μM Kd for galecti

An efficient method to establish electrostatic screening lengths of restricted primitive model electrolytes

We present a novel, and computationally cheap, way to estimate electrostatic screening lengths from simulations of restricted primitive model (RPM) electrolytes. We demonstrate that the method is accurate by comparisons with simulated long-ranged parts of the charge density, at various Bjerrum lengths, salt concentrations and ion diameters. We find substantial underscreening in low dielectric solv

Social trygghet om regleringskonkurrens inom EU : Olika metoder för att åstadkomma en socialt hållbar inre marknad

I artikel diskuteras hur regleringskonkurrens, dvs. företags utnyttjande av skillnader i nationella regler, fått allt större betydelse inom EU på det socialpolitiska området. Företag kan idag t.ex. ägna sig åt socialförsäkringsshopping på EU:s inre marknad för att minska sina sociala kostnader. Detta underlättas av den snabba digitaliseringen inom den s.k. gig-ekonomin med digitala plattformar som

Achieving efficient clonal beta cells transfection using nanostraw/nanopore-assisted electroporation

The prospect of being able to efficiently inject large plasmids in insulin-producing beta cells is very attractive for diabetes research. However, conventional transfection methods suffer from high cytotoxicity or low transfection efficiency, which negatively affect their outcome. In contrast, nanostraw electroporation is a gentle method that can provide a high transfection efficiency while mainta

Introduction to Cyclodextrin-Based Nanosponges

Although cyclodextrins have been discovered over 130 years ago, they have been in the spotlight of researchers in academia and industry in the last 5–6 decades. That arises as a consequence of their unique physicochemical properties. This chapter starts with a historical overview of cyclodextrins, landmarks, and their properties and applications. The latter rest on the ability of cyclodextrins to