

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

The Popeye Paradox: Understanding Barriers to Plant-Based Consumption Maintained by Masculine Identities A Phenomenological Study on Dutch Vegan Bodybuilders

Purpose: A Contribution to the understanding of plant-based consumption by researching how bodybuilders navigate identity issues associated with a plant-based diet. Theoretical Perspective: We take on a consumer culture theory perspective by researching identity theory, stigma, lifestyle transitioning, and legitimization strategies of the subculture. Methodology/Empirical Data Collection: Induc

Digitalisering i fastighetsföretag - En kvalitativ fallstudie på fastighetsdigitalisering ur ett ägarperspektiv

Följande studie är en fallstudie på fastighetsdigitalisering ur ett ägarperspektiv. Studien är genomförd för att uppfylla två områden. Del ett är att klargöra den klimatkris som vi står inför och fastighetsbranschens andel i den krisen. Del två är att redovisa hur fastighetsdigitalisering utvecklas, används och hur den kan hjälpa till att optimera fastigheter och fastighetsföretag. Studiens syfteThe following study is a case study on real estate digitization from a real estate owners’ perspective. The motivation for the study is two-fold: first the ongoing climate crisis, and second, the ongoing digitalization development in real estate and real estate business. The purpose of the study is to explore the digitalization of Swedish real estate companies with a focus on the ownership persp

Describing Finite Codimensional Polynomial Subalgebras Using Partial Derivatives

In this text we continue the work of describing subalgebras of K[x] of finite codimension that was started in Describing subalgebras of K[x] using derivatives. In the referenced paper, the authors present how univariate subalgebras can be described by conditions based on evaluations in certain scalars, and proceed to develop a large theoretical framework to understand the nature of such conditions.

Organisational Learning: L&D Impact on Early Stage Employee Retention in Consulting Firms

The focus of this study is to explore the relationship between learning and development practices and early-stage employee retention within Capgemini’s Nordic department and, more in general, within the consulting business. Qualitative and partly quantitative research methods were employed, starting from a theoretical review of existing knowledge on the matter, to a survey and interviews. Data wer

Fast or Furious: A study of attributes important to the online customer experience in fast fashion shopping

The primary aim of this paper is to investigate which attributes are most important to the online customer experience (OCE) in the fast fashion industry. Qualitative data was gathered through a netnography of online customer reviews and comments, and a comprehensive framework of attributes important to OCE in the fast fashion industry was constructed. This framework includes nine primary attribute

Spatial Patterns for Potential Climate Voting

The need to curb global warming is evident, and efficient climate policies are essential. But within the democratic context, public support for climate politics is needed to implement mitigation efforts. Sweden has long been known as a forerunner for climate change mitigation, however, there are indications that the voters’ interest in climate politics is waning. This study aims to visualize the e

Test case selection based on code changes and risk of regression

Urval av testfall är en viktig del av processen för kvalitetssäkring i ett projekt. Eftersom tid och resurser är begränsade behöver testfallen prioriteras för att upprätthålla effektivitet och för att möta deadlines. Detta examensarbete utforskar möjligheten att förbättra utvecklingsprocessen på Axis Communications genom att delvis automatisera utväljandet av testfall. I detta examensarbete har enTest case selection is an important part of the quality assurance process in a software project. Since time and resources are limited, test cases have to be prioritized in order to maintain efficiency and meet deadlines. This thesis researches the possibility of improving the development process at Axis Communications by partly automating the test case selections. In this thesis, an algorithm call

Business Intelligence and Analytics for Sustainability: A Study on the Swedish Food Industry

The food industry is facing challenges in responding to the climate crisis, and research highlights the potential of using Business Intelligence & Analytics for organizations sustainability efforts. The aim of this study is to holistically map through the affordance lens, what capabilities organizations in the food industry may potentially gain by using BI&A for sustainability. The study i

Performance analysis of UK-based Fintech startups

Purpose. The emergence of the FinTech phenomenon disrupted the financial status quo and spurred the development of technologies that facilitate the delivery of financial services in a novel and groundbreaking manner. This study aims to trace the impact of founding teams' initial characteristics on future growth. Methodology. Using a dataset of 155 UK-based Fintech firms, this dissertation emp

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Purpose: This study aims to increase the understanding of how companies develop MaaS as a capability Theoretical Perspectives: This study is based on capability theory, with an emphasis on how to develop capabilities. This is combined with previous research on how to develop service capabilities, as well as research within the concept of MaaS. Methodology: Qualitative multiple-case study with an

En ny aktör på banan - Om hur influencers förändrar den värdesamskapande logiken

Studien visar resultat på att ett parasocialt förhållande till en influencer är avgörande för konsumentens värdesamskapande, vid interaktionen med influencer marketing på sociala medier. Detta innebär att influencern, till följd av tillit, inspiration och vänskap, påverkar konsumenter även i kundsfären. Därmed är det inte endast vad konsumenter anser som värdeadderande erbjudanden, likt inform

Supercykelvägar i Malmö

An increase of cycling is known to increase health, lower gas-emissions and lower traffic-congestion. In cities with a high modal-share of bicycling, a higher quality of life can be measured. “Supercykelvägar” in The Netherlands and Denmark are defined as forming the backbone of the regional cycling-network. Malmö is planning to implement six routes of “supercykelvägar” within the city and the firÖkad cykling leder till bättre folkhälsa, mindre utsläpp, mindre trafikköer och forskning visar att det, i städer, finns ett samband mellan höga färdmedelsandelar cykling och livskvalitet. Kapacitetsstarka pendlingsstråk för cykel, även kallade ”Supercykelvägar”, ska byggas i Malmö och de förväntas uppfylla kvalitetskrav gällande tillgänglighet, framkomlighet, säkerhet, trygghet, komfort och ident

Who is responsible if an AI system gives a wrong diagnosis? Analysis of the EU liability law framework of medical AI

AI systems are part of our daily lives and not only science fiction. In the healthcare sector are medical AI systems used to monitor patients, compare x-rays in order to detect diseases, or to even make a diagnosis. These AI systems help healthcare providers to make the work of doctors and nurses more efficient and to ensure the best service for their patients. However, next to these benefits come

Cykeln är nyckeln - Integrationen av cykelinfrastruktur i Malmös större kollektivtrafikknutpunkter

Kombinerade cykel- och kollektivtrafikresor är en resekombination som har möjligheten att kombinera cykelns flexibilitet med den regionala kollektivtrafikens höga hastighet, för att skapa ett konkurrenskraftigt, hållbart resealternativ gentemot bilen. Genom att underlätta för kombinerade cykel- och kollektivtrafikresor har svenska städer en möjlighet att nå sina mål om att reducera trängsel och miCombined bicycle and public transport journeys is a travel combination with the potential of combining the flexibility of the bicycle, with the high speed of public transport, to create a highly competitive, sustainable mode of transport against the car. By stimulating combined bicycle and public transport journeys, Swedish cities have an opportunity to fulfil their goals with regards to relieved

Trygghet som ett kriminalpolitiskt verktyg: En kvalitativ undersökning av hur trygghet har konstruerats i svenska valmanifest mellan år 1985-2018.

De senaste decennierna har kriminalpolitiken i västvärlden blivit allt mer strafforienterad. Den punitiva, strafforienterade förändringen har även synts i den svenska politiken, som gått från att fokusera på rehabiliterande kriminalpolitik till straffande, kontrollerande kriminalpolitik. I och med den förändringen har begreppet trygghet kommit att ändra betydelse. Med hjälp av tidigare studier om

Gamification på gymmet: Lärdomar från ett spelifierat gymmedlemskap

Gamification, användningen av spelelement i icke-spelrelaterade system, har blivit ett vanligt sätt att försöka påverka systemanvändares beteende och motivation, och så även inom gym- och träningsområdet. Många implementeringar av gamification inom dessa kategorier görs dock utan eftertanke eller anpassning till målgrupp och användningsområde. Genom en kvalitativ studie av ett befintligt spelifier

Digitaliseringens påverkan på redovisningsarbetet

Titel: Digitaliseringens påverkan på redovisningsarbetet: En kvalitativ studie av digitaliseringens påverkan på redovisningsekonomens arbetssätt och kompetensutveckling Seminariedatum: 2022-06-03 Ämne/Kurs: FEKH69, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i Redovisning på kandidatnivå Författare: Florentina Balaj, Vjosa Maloku & Albulena Shabanaj Handledare: Caroline Hellström Examinator: Elin FuncTitle: The impact of digitalisation on accounting work: A qualitative study of the impact of digitalisation on the accounting economist's working methods and competence development Seminar date: 2022-06-03 Course: FEKH69, Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Accounting Authors: Florentina Balaj, Vjosa Maloku & Albulena Shabanaj Supervisor: Caroline Hellström Examiner: E

High-Level Simulator of Federation Orchestration

The development of a new wireless access infrastructure can introduce some exciting new applications that are impossible to deploy with the current generation communication infrastructure. Therefore the REINDEER project presents a new distributed cell-free network infrastructure called RW, that creates favourable propagation and antenna array interaction. As part of the project's solution to a

The Effect of Climate Change on Child Marriage: The case of Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper analyzes the potential association between climate change and child marriage outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa. By combining climate data with socioeconomic data from female respondents, a total of 26 Sub-Saharan countries were included in the analysis. To study the proposed relationship, temperature and precipitation were used as proxies for climate change. The relationship of interest wa

The Relationships Between Childhood Maltreatment and Binge Eating: Examining the Mediating Role of Functional Gastrointestinal Symptoms

Objective: Current study aimed to examine the mediating role of functional gastrointestinal symptoms in the relationship between childhood maltreatment and binge eating. Method: Using an online survey, self-reports of childhood maltreatment, binge eating, and gastrointestinal symptoms were collected in 331 participants. Results: The simple regression analysis revealed childhood maltreatment to be