

Din sökning på "*" gav 526240 sökträffar

Study on future storm surge around Suo-nada Sea

Japan lies on an area frequently hit by typhoons while city functions are clustered along the flat coastal areas, hence Japan has experienced lots of storm surge disasters up to the present. Coastal areas along the Suo-nada Sea also have the vulnerability against storm surge and in the past Typhoon 18 in 1999, Typhoon 16 and 18 in 2004 made remarkable damages in the areas. Furthermore, due to glob

Följder av ett belastningsregister

The purpose of the study is to examine the attitudes towards criminal records, presented in Flashback in order to gain greater knowledge and understanding of how the criminal record can affect (re)integration. The material consists of posts from the forum Flashback with content about how the criminal record can affect an individual's opportunities in the society and to integrate. The method pe

Benefits of Diversifying in Emerging Markets - A Swedish Investor’s Perspective

This paper evaluates the diversification possibilities in emerging markets for a Swedish investor. Two investors with different objectives, one seeks to minimize her risk and one seeks to maximize her risk-adjusted return, are examined. We investigate how non-normal distribution of returns affects the investments and if the benefits of diversification are decreasing over the time period 2006-2018.

Arbetsengagemang samt balans mellan ansträngning och belöning hos personliga assistenter -En kvantitativ studie om psykosocial arbetsmiljö

Tidigare forskning beskriver såväl dåliga arbetsvillkor som en otydlighet kring vad arbetet som personlig assistent innebär. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka hur personliga assistenter själva upplever sin psykosociala arbetsmiljö. Studien byggde på en enkät som undersökte hur personliga assistenters skattade sin upplevelse av obalans mellan ansträngning och belöning, samt deras arbetsengagePrevious research has described poor working conditions as well as ambiguity regarding job tasks for personal assistants. The purpose of the study was to investigate how personal assistants experienced their psychosocial work environment. The survey examined the respondents’ experience of ERI and their levels of UWES, if ERI and UWES correlates, and if the respondents age had an impact on the resu

Starch based formulation for colon delivery of probiotics

Intresset för probiotika har vuxit de senaste åren. Förutom att vara ha en förebyggande effekt och vara en effektiv behandling mot akut diarré, finns det forskning som indikerar att probiotika kanske kan användas för att förebygga andra sjukdomar, t.ex. tjocktarmscancer. Utmaningen med probiotika är att för att den ska ha någon effekt, krävs det att tillräckligt många levande bakterier når tjocktaThe interest in probiotics has grown in the last few years. In addition to being effective in treating and preventing acute diarrhea, there are indications that it might be possible to use probiotics to prevent other diseases such as colon cancer. The challenge with probiotics is that for it to have any effect, enough viable bacteria must reach the colon. To deliver live probiotics to the colon, i

Ovidius et amor

In this thesis I will interpret the ​Ars amatoria ​ and ​Tristia ​ written by the Roman poet Ovid. He is mostly known for his poems about love and metamorphoses, and his life is closely linked with that of the emperor Augustus. That is why I have chosen to focus on how Ovid expressed himself on subjects such as love, marriage and the imperial power. The aim of this thesis is therefore to investiga

Frände, Främling eller Fiende: En kvalitativ berättelseanalys av nationella identiteter och värderingar i svenska tidningar under det dansk-tyska kriget 1864

I denna studie av det dansk-tyska kriget 1864 tillämpas en berättelseanalytisk metod tillsammans med ett teoretiskt perspektiv där fokus ligger på nationella stereotyper och identiteter. Källmaterialet som studeras är svenska tidningsartiklar från krigsåret 1864. Med särskilt fokus på artiklarnas berättelsestruktur och värderingar belyser uppsatsen hur den svenska pressen sympatiserade med det danIn this study of the German-Danish war of 1864, grounded in a Scandinavistic context, a narrative analysis, combined with a theoretical perspective focusing on national identities and values, is applied to Swedish newspaper articles from the same year. With a particular focus on the articles narrative structure and presentation of values, this paper sheds light on the positive Swedish sympathies t

Genussystemet i LVU-domar. En kvalitativ studie om genusskillnader i 2§ LVU

Authors: Marielle Johansson & Viktoria Kronborg Title: Gendersystem in LVU judgements. A qualitative study of gender differences in LVU judgements. [Translated title]. Supervisor: Mikael Sandgren When in trial everyone is supposed to be equal to the law. The aim of this study was from a gender perspective to explore how the childs legal guardian was described in judgments of 1 and 2§§ LVU.

Snowman - From b to p

This project began with the current health problems of Chinese primary school students. The research shows a number of children have varying degrees of back problems which may cause serious health problems in the future. However, this problem has not caught enough attention of the public. It is also found that the main reasons for pupils' back problems were sedentary and frequent weight-beari

References to Darkness : A study of darkness in a selection of poems by Wendell Berry

The writer, farmer, Christian pacifist, and “eco-poet” Wendell Berry has written and published novels, essays, and poetry since early 1960s. Examples of recurring themes in Berry’s literary work are the close relationship between farmer and the earth, the importance of belonging to a place/community, and having trust in the Creation. Examples of imagery in his poetry are song/singing, birds, trees


This project investigates what human interaction is and how we col- laborate within the confines of finite resources. The project examines what could be done to minimise the need of ownership and instead reconnect the human to the collective by encouraging sharing. The method used to achieve this will be an in-depth design process. The investigation is conducted from the stand point of a Swedi

Läkande miljöer, arkitekturens påverkan på psykisk hälsa

Arbetet syftar till att utreda på vilket sätt arkitekturen runt omkring oss påverkar vårt välmående. I arbetet undersöks detta med syftet att se hur arkitekturen kan användas inom psykiatrin för att påskynda och förbättra vården. Den första delen av arbetet är en teoretisk del, där de grundläggande förutsättningarna i samhället läggs fram. Psykiatrins arkitektur tas upp ur ett historiskt perspektThe project looks into the question how architecture and the environment around us affects out wellbeing. In the project I examine this with the purpose to understand how knowledge about this may be used to improve health care. The main part of the project looks into the theoretical part of the question, looking at the fundamental prerequisites in our society. The psychiatric healthcare is examin

Styrmedel, ekonomi och insamling – hur påverkas avfallsmängderna?

När avfall kommer på tal, inte bara inom avfallsbranschen, finns idag ett stort fokus på att minska de totala avfallsmängderna och att öka utsorteringen av återvinningsbart material. Trots det ökar de nationella avfallsmängderna. För att göra arbetet med både avfallsminimering och en ökad utsorteringsgrad så verkningsfullt som möjligt, är det viktigt att veta vad som påverkar avfallsmängderna. SyfWhen waste is on the agenda, not only in the waste industry but in general, there is a high focus on reducing the amount of waste and to increase the amount of sorted recyclable material. Despite this, the total waste amount in Sweden is increasing. To be able to minimize the amount of waste and maximize the waste sorting degree it is important to know the factors that affect the waste stream. The

Surface Classification with Millimeter-Wave Radar for Constant Velocity Devices using Temporal Features and Machine Learning

Classification of surfaces in the near field using millimeter-wave radar commonly considers the use of polarization based methods for road condition monitoring. When a surface consists of larger structures one instead wishes to monitor the surface topography. Analysis of scattering from rough surfaces is highly complex and relies on prior knowledge of surface structure. In this work a device movin

Future Frame Prediction with Generative Adversarial Networks

This report is about using generative adversarial networks with predictive coding networks for future frame prediction. Model selection choices for the components of the network are explored by training different models and testing their performance on next frame prediction in digital video from driving scenarios. Benefits and issues of using adversarial loss for future frame prediction as well as

Vatten i vägkonstruktioner

Vatten, både i flytande- och fast form, anses vara en av de stora riskerna till uppkomst av skador på vägar. Det kan nå vägkonstruktionen redan under byggskedet eller i ett senare skede, vilket ställer stora krav på att hålla det borta från vägkroppen för att eliminera risken för uppkomst av följdproblem. En väg genomgår tre viktiga faser, Projektering, Produktion samt Drift- och underhåll. BristfWater, both as a liquid and solid, is considered to be one of the major hazards that can give rise to damages on the road. It can affect the road during the construction stage but also at a later stage, which places a great demand on keeping water away from roads in order to eliminate the risks of secondary problems. A road goes through three important stages, Design, Production, Running operation

Är vi ihop nu? : en analys av ungdomars representation av kärleksförhållanden på Facebook

I denna uppsats undersöker vi på vilket sätt unga i vårt västerländska samhälle väljer att representera sina kärleksförhållanden på Facebook. Vi har ämnat ta reda på vilka attityder som finns att urskilja mellan de olika respondenterna. Studien har utförts genom tre stycken fokusgruppsintervjuer, med ett antal av totalt elva respondenter. Somliga var i ett förhållande, medan andra var singlar. I s