

Din sökning på "*" gav 532100 sökträffar

Great apes can defer exchange: a replication with different results suggesting future oriented behavior.

The topic of cognitive foresight in non-human animals has received considerable attention in the last decade. The main questions concern whether the animals can prepare for upcoming situations which are, to various degrees, contextually or sensorially detached from the situation in which the preparations are made. Studies on great apes have focused on tool-related tasks, e.g., the ability to selec

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This contribution questions the influential interpretation that strong unions and centralized wage bargaining facilitate wage restraint and that during the postwar period wage restraint was an important cause of strong economic growth performance. This view is contrasted with a power-oriented perspective that sees strong unions as conducive to redistribution from capital to labour, rather than wag

Biological Functions of Iduronic Acid in Chondroitin/Dermatan Sulfate in Tumor and Brain Development

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under sin livstid kommer var tredje svensk i personlig kontakt med någon tumörform. För att effektivare kunna behandla cancer behöver vi bättre förstå de bakomliggande mekanismerna. Varför växer en cancer och hur sker spridningen till andra organ? En cancervävnad består av ett stort antal olika celler som ständigt kommunicerar med varandra. I en frisk vävnad finns regleCell behavior such as migration and proliferation, especially during cancer development, are balanced by the surrounding environment. Complex polysaccharides called glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are part of this environment and they are known to modulate tumor development. One of these GAGs, dermatan/chondroitin sulfate (CS/DS), is attached to proteins either bound to the cell surface or secreted in t

Laboratory Parametric Study of Moisture Condition in Covered Underfloor heated concrete slabs

This study was performed on 42 floor slabs where the moisture was measured at several occasions and the effect of cast in under floor heating was evaluated. A simulation model of moisture redistribution is present. Major finding was that the drying time decreases when the floor heating is started early under the drying process and moisture measurement should be made right between the heating pipes

Caloplaca phlogina, a lichen with two facies; an example of infraspecific variability resulting in the description of a redundant species

Caloplaca phlogina is shown here to have two kinds of soralia, yellow soralia with anthraquinones versus whitish or white-green soralia lacking pigments. Both kinds are present, growing side by side, in some localities in Scandinavia, but yellow soralia appear to be more common. In contrast, the populations from halophilous shrubs on the Black Sea coast have predominantly white soralia, and they w

450K-array analysis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells reveals global DNA methylation to be relatively stable over time and similar in resting and proliferative compartments

In chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), the microenvironment influences gene expression patterns; however, knowledge is limited regarding the extent to which methylation changes with time and exposure to specific microenvironments. Using high-resolution 450K arrays, we provide the most comprehensive DNA methylation study of CLL to date, analyzing paired diagnostic/follow-up samples from IGHV-mutate

Molecular and functional studies of ABL1 and FGFR1 fusion oncogenes in myeloproliferative neoplasms

The tyrosine kinase encoding genes ABL1 and FGFR1 are involved in fusion genes underlying the myeloproliferative neoplasms chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and the 8p11-myeloproliferative syndrome (EMS). CML and EMS are both myeloproliferative disorders with an initiating, relatively indolent, chronic phase that after some time progresses into acute myeloid or lymphoid leukemia. The mechanisms under

Between Majority Power and Minority Resistance : Kurdish Linguistic Rights in Turkey

As the most figurative asset of membership in a majority or minority and the most symbolic aspect of national authority, language is a major site of struggle for majority power and minority resistance. For the purposes of this study, which focuses on the question of Kurdish linguistic rights in Turkey, the sites of struggle for majority power and minority resistance are as follows: the documents o

Skewed Laplace distributions I: the origins and inter-relation.

There are numerous asymmetric extensions of the classical Laplace distribution scattered in the literature. In this survey we discuss their origins and inter-relations. In particular, we point out which types of skew Laplace distributions are essentially the same, described in different, albeit equivalent, parametrizations. In a companion paper cite{KP06} we review the properties of classical and

Determinants of feeling hindered by health problems in daily living at 60 years and above.

Although the ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL) is frequently used to identify the impact on daily living caused by health problems such as diseases, impaired eyesight or hearing, it is still not well known what makes people feel hindered in daily living with more or less inability to perform ADL. The aim of this study was to investigate feeling hindered by health problems in dail

Design inom olycks- och krishanteringsområdet med fokus på ledning

Emergency and crisis management research is tightly coupled to practical problems. Yet, within that research tradition, surprisingly little has been done in terms of developing a practice of design research. The present report presents literature surveys aimed at investigating how, and to what extent, such research has been conducted. Although the focus is on command and control problems the mater

Strongly Deformed Nuclear Shapes at Ultra-High Spin and Shape Coexistence in N\sim 90 Nuclei

The N similar to 90 region of the nuclear chart has featured prominently as the spectroscopy of nuclei at extreme spin has progressed. This talk will present recent discoveries from investigations of high spin behavior in the N similar to 90 Er, Tm and Yb nuclei utilizing the Gammasphere gamma-ray spectrometer. In particular it will include discussion of the beautiful shape evolution and coexisten

Så formades den svenska yrkesutbildningen

Den svenska yrkesutbildningen gick igenom ett dramatiskt systemskifte under mellan 1940 och 1975. från att i huvudsak ha varit praktisk och arbetsplatsförlagd till att bli skolförlagd med begränsad kontakt med arbetslivet. Det var en så stor förändring att den måste betecknas som ett systemskifte inom yrkesutbildningen. I ett internationellt perspektiv är ett sådant skifte ovanligt och skutresulta