

Din sökning på "*" gav 533146 sökträffar

Rates or revenues? On the relation between tax structures and growth

This paper uses panel data from 45 OECD and Latin American countries over 21 years to estimate the effect of different tax structures on GDP growth. A key aim is to compare the results from using two common measurement techniques, statutory tax rates and tax revenues as share of total tax income. The results from GMM estimations indicate that the choice of measure not only affects the statistical

Kvinnor med utländsk bakgrund i vårdyrken

Sociologen Wuokko Knockes forskning från 1986 påvisade hur kvinnor med utländsk bakgrund diskriminerades på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Det rådde arbetskraftsbrist inom industrin under denna period vilket bidrog till att invandrarkvinnor ofta blev hänvisade till denna sektor, och där blev tilldelade de mest lågvärderade, tyngsta och enformigaste arbetsuppgifterna, och inom den offentliga sektorn


In project RASTEP (RApid Source TErm Prediction) a computerized tool for real time prediction of source terms at a nuclear power plant is developed. The tool consists of two modules where one is a Bayesian belief network (BBN). A BBN consists of connected nodes and each node has a defined conditional probability table (CPT), which contains the probabilities that a node is in its different states g

Migration trends in the European Union following the 2004 Enlargement

Following World War Two emigration from Central and Eastern Europe, in particular, has grown in spite of increasingly strict border controls. Given this rise in migration pressure from the East during a strictly regulated period, the 2004 EU enlargement of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia threatened to transform the migration landsc

Tilläggsisolering i ett varmare och fuktigare klimat

The purpose of this thesis is to make a sensitivity analysis of buildings in Växjö municipality relative future climate change, where the climate is expected to become warmer and more humid. Building constructions are analyzed in terms of moisture performance and how climate change may affect the moisture related durability of buildings. This thesis is limited to buildings with wooden frames opera

Simulating current regional pattern and composition of Chilean native forests using a dynamic ecosystem model

Popular Summary Native forests are one of the most important natural resources in Chile and cover 13.6 million ha in Chile (18% of the country area). These forests provide a wide range of ecosystem services but have been negatively affected by drastic land-use changes. Taking into account that future climate and land-use changes will affect these ecosystems, it is important to have efficient tools

Vikten av roller för informationssystem i användning av små och medelstora företag

Informationssystem är idag i princip ett oumbärlig hjälpmedel för de allra flesta företag och det finns flera olika källor och teorier som behandlar frågan om hur företag bäst lyckas med implementeringen av ett informationssystem. Det finns dock betydligt mindre dokumentation vad det gäller system som redan är i drift och hur de bör hanteras, särskilt när det kommer till små och medelstora företag

Is there a resource curse in financial development?: Empirical study on Middle East and North Africa

This paper empirically investigates the impact of natural resource dependence and abundance on financial sector development in MENA for the period 1980-2009. The link established provides a new explanation for the different levels of financial development across the region, which may influence the pace of economic growth. Using fixed effect estimator, the model makes an explicit differentiation be

Traditional Versus Revisionist: The Case of the Industrial Revolution in Sweden, 1830-1980

This empirical paper uses modern methodology and techniques to analyze old and ongoing scholarly disagreements about the nature of Industrial Revolution. It analyzes the Industrial Revolution in Sweden and to find out whether it supports the traditional or revisionist view of the Industrial Revolution through quantitative time-series methodology and techniques such as cointegration analysis, Vecto

Komponentavskrivningar - Större kostnader för fastighetsbolagen än nytta för dess intressenter?

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att analysera hur komponentavskrivningar på förvaltningsfastigheter påverkar redovisningens ändamålsenlighet gällande intressenternas behov av ekonomisk översikt och beslutsunderlag. Vidare ska undersökningen analysera huruvida de ökade kostnader som komponentmetoden medför, motsvarar en ökad ändamålsenlighet i redovisningen för intressenterna. Metod: Kvalitativ metod

Sockerskatt – en möjlig väg att styra svenskarnas sockerintag mot en mer hälsosam nivå?

Taxing sugar-sweetened foods has become a relevant question in Sweden. Proofs of this are the population’s huge intake of added sugar, an increasing share of obesity and large related medical treatment costs. This thesis gives a hands-on suggestion of how a tax on sugar-sweetened foods in Sweden could be constructed. The goal of this study is to decrease the sugar intake by 70 percentages of five

A reconnassaince study of Rävliden VHMS-deposit, northern Sweden

I Skelleftefältet finns idag runt 85 kända VHMS-fyndigheter, i Kristinebergsområdet finns fem av dessa fyndigheter, en av dem är Rävliden. Berggrunden består mestadels av meta-vulkaniter med ryolitisk komposition samt en meta-sedimentär vulkanisk bergart. Skelleftefältet har genomgått åtminstone två metamorfa event. Detta har resulterat i storskalig veckning av området. Fyndigheten i Rävliden liggIn the Skellefte district today there are about 85 known VHMS-deposits, in the Kristinebergs area there are five known deposits, one of them being Rävliden. The supracrustal rock primarily consists of metavolcanic rock of rhyolitic composition and also metasedimentary volcanic rock. The district has gone through at least two metamorphic events. This resulted in the presence of large scale folding.

Betydelsen av raka borrhål för större geoenergisystem

Ett 200 meter djupt borrhål avviker ofta mer eller mindre från sin planerade bana. Hur mycket borrhålet avviker beror på de geologiska förutsättningarna, vilken borrteknik och vilken borrutrustning som används. Alternativet kan vara så kallad riktad borrning vilket innebär att styrning kopplas på borrhammaren för att få hålet så rakt som möjligt. Priset på riktad borrning ligger i storleksordningeA 200 meter deep borehole often deviates more or less from its planned path. How much the borehole deviates depends on the geological conditions, the drilling technique and drilling equipment used. The alternative is directional drilling which means that a device is coupled to the rotary hammer to make the hole as straight as possible. The cost of directional drilling is in the order of 50 % highe

Insights on Brand Identity Creation of Start-ups in Business Incubators: An Exploratory Research Conducted in Sweden and Macedonia

Title Insights on Brand Identity Creation of Start-ups in Business Incubators: An Exploratory Research Conducted in Sweden and Macedonia Course BUSN 39 Degree Project in Global Marketing, Spring 2013 Authors Aleksandar Joshevski and Lucas Noordhoorn Supervisor Magnus Lagnevik Keywords Brand identity creation, entrepreneurship, business incubators, start-up, Sweden, Macedonia Research Ques

Fönster av liv : en studie av den offentliga debatten kring "bebisluckor" i Polen

This essay examines the different views on the inauguration of ”baby boxes” in the Polish society. The public debate in Poland has long been infused by catholic rethorics. The setting-up of ”baby boxes” in the Polish society has been warmly welcomed by conservatives in the country. The catholic church has taken on the responsibilty for the ”baby boxes”, and today most of the operating boxes in the

Funktionshinderteorins dikotomi : en teoriutvecklande studie av funktionshinderteorins två modeller

The main objective with this thesis is to, within disability studies further shape and chal-lenge the current theoretical models. With a leap out of Tom Shakespeares nuanced per-spectives, his theories are put to test by looking into two different cases to investigate if there are any potential capabilities of theoretical development within these. One repre-senting the Sveriges Dövas Riksförbund w

SJ: "Vi har asylsökande på tåget som saknar biljetter och vi inväntar nu polis." Om möjligheterna att tänka ett situerat fördelningsperspektiv hos Alf Hornborg

This essay investigates how we can re-think central perspectives in Alf Hornborg´s writing. Hornborg (2011) argues that we culturally have “an unembodied image of technology”, which leaves our machines “exempt from moral critique”. Still, there are no ideas on embodiment to be found in Hornborg´s own writing on technology. This leaves the reader with the necessity to situate the very thoughts of H

Chinese Marriage Traditions: Exploring Contemporary Changes

This thesis presents the transitions of Chinese people’s marriage concepts from before 1949 up to 1978 and explores the new marriage concepts now. The analysis part includes the high rates of divorce, left-over women and the bride price in China. I will mainly discuss why nowadays Chinese people have difficulties getting married, especially Chinese men. This analysis is based on two main theories;