

Din sökning på "*" gav 532839 sökträffar

Contesting the Status Quo- A comparative study of democratic electoral outcomes in electoral authoritarian regimes

There has recently been an increased interest among academic scholars on the importance of elections per se as promoters for democratic change in semi-democratic contexts. This study positions itself somewhat on the side of this debate asking; when do elections in electoral authoritarian regimes result in democratic consequences? Recognising that elections can be as well a tool for democratic empo

The way optimists cope with stress at work

Previous studies on dispositional optimism and pessimism have showed that high level of optimism predicted less perceived stress and less health problems. Some studies also show that optimists tend to use active coping strategies more than pessimists do. The aim of the current study was to investigate the role of optimism in relation to coping with stress at work. An Internet based questionnaire w

Food-Related Gram-Positive Bacteria: Enterotoxin A Expression in Staphylococcus aureus and a New Regulation Mechanism in Lactococcus lactis

Popular Abstract in English Foods, microorganisms, and humans have been tightly associated from the start of human history. Foods are not only the source of nutrients for humans, but also good media for microorganisms. Although we humans discovered the existence of microorganisms relatively recently, we have been dealing with them for hundreds and thousands of years. We have used some microorganisStaphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) is the most common enterotoxin found in outbreaks of staphylococcal food poisoning (SFP). Based on the amount of SEA produced, S. aureus strains were divided into two main groups, high- and low-SEA-producing strains. The differences in the amounts of SEA formed were found to be associated with the levels of expression of the sea gene and the bacteriophage version

Modeling Diesel Engine Combustion with Detailed Chemistry Using a Progress Variable Approach

In this work, we present an unsteady flamelet progress variable approach for diesel engine CFD combustion modelling. The progress variable is based on sensible enthalpy integrated over the flamelet and describes the transient flamelet ignition process. By using an unsteady flamelet library for the progress variable, the impact of local effects, for example variations in the turbulence field, effec

Exploring the Notion of Experience in Feminist Thought

Why is the notion of experience so relevant for feminist theory? How has the concept been used and by whom? What are the theoretical and political implications of postmodern theory for a re-thinking of the concept? In these pages we will explore the uses and abuses of the concept of experience in contemporary feminist thought through the works of influential feminist intellectuals. This article ha

Engendered promises, gendered challenges : Changing patterns of labor, control and benefits among smallholder households growing NERICA in Uganda

NERICA is a new group of high-yielding and stress-tolerant upland rice varieties, developed by the Africa Rice Center to address the continent-wide rice challenge, poverty and food insecurity. Recognizing that African women farmers do not always benefit from the introduction of productivity-enhancing technology and higher-value crops, the aim of my thesis is to understand processes leading to NERI

Fältarbete och nya frågeställningar – exemplet Bosnien

I detta utkast analyseras forskningsprocessens olika steg, från problemformulering till analys av data, och de kritiska val man ställs inför. Den empiriska delen bygger på observationer i Ljubija, en stad i nordvästra Bosnien, tidningsartiklar från området samt fjorton intervjuer. Känslorna under fältarbetet diskuteras.

Occurence of hypothermia in a prehospital setting, southern Sweden

Abstract Severe accidental hypothermia mainly affects victims of outdoor accidents. However, hypothermia can also occur in non-traumatized indoor patients. The aim of this study was to examine the occurrence of hypothermia obtained at the scene of the rescue in patients classified as priority 1 cases during two three-month periods in southern Sweden. This prospective, clinical cohort study was per

Dokumentärfilmen som tidsresa - Modstrilogin

Popular Abstract in Swedish Stefan Jarl (1941-) är kanske mest känd för sin trilogi om modsen i den svenska välfärdsstaten. Modstrilogin som består av Dom kallar oss mods (1968), Ett anständigt liv (1979) samt Det sociala arvet (1993) spänner över tre decennier. I denna avhandling studeras Modstrilogin utifrån filmhistoriska och filmteoretiska perspektiv. Filmerna och dess olika produktionskontextStefan Jarl (1941-) is perhaps most well known for his trilogy of films about a group of outcast mods in the Swedish welfare state. The trilogy covers three decades: the first film, They Call Us Misfits, was made in 1968; the second, A Respectable Life, in 1979, and the third, Misfits to Yuppies, in 1993. In this dissertation, the mods trilogy is studied against a background of film history and fi